Collaborative writing is often about going with the flow of opportunity and consequence as things come up in a story.
When characters do something that goes against the nature of the world, they can receive a desynchronization event as a consequence for the action. Desync events can cause injury or even death.
These are the only scenarios that create desyncs:
When these events happen, staff members or the character's player can flag the character for desynchronization. The player will receive a message warning them of an impending desynchronization. Players are free to respond by rejecting the desynchronization with an explanation, or they can just roll with it! Players have two weeks to get their character out of the situation to avoid the event. When the two weeks are up, or if the player chooses to roll with it, a desync event will be rolled for.
Of course, there are also the baddies among our characters. For such baddies who decide to abuse their free will and harass or behave violently toward others, there will be consequences.
Characters can injure or kill another character without player permission if and only if a scenario fits one of these:
Example: Tim wanders into the heart of Gary’s pack, ignoring all scent markers on purpose. Gary can hurt or seriously injure Tim, especially if other members of Gary’s pack arrive on scene. Tim can avoid this by running.
Example: Bob tells Mary that he’s going to murder her children. Then he tells her again he’s going to eat her children. Mary can hurt, but not seriously injure, Bob without permission. Bob can avoid this by running or apologizing profusely, etc.
Example: Mrs. BadPants seriously injures multiple random loners. They band together with others to seek out Mrs. BadPants. The loner band may seriously injure Mrs. BadPants without permission. Mrs. BadPants cannot avoid threads forever.
When invoking ICA=ICC, you must use Warning post. Warning post. Action post. When writing ICA=ICC warning posts, tag your post with "ICC warning". This gives the other player time to either exit the thread or collaborate and decide on the action with the other person. Leaving a thread before Final Action occurs is not considered power playing. However, characters cannot duck out of threads more than twice this way.
Once you get to the action post, the consequence you are invoking must match the offender's action. Check in with staff if you are unsure.
It is up to the player of the character on the receiving end to recognize the ICC warning tag and either remove their character from the scenario, change the scenario, or accept the consequences. If you're confused as to why the post is an ICC warning, consult the player first!
If there is a question about whether or not a warning post or an act of violence is legitimate after it is performed, players can ask the staff for a ruling.