On Canis, players can bring back characters that have passed on-site for any reason. To avoid abuse of this feature, we have outlined some terms that must be followed when reviving a deceased character.
Revived characters must use a new account. Characters cannot be literally resurrected and will have a new body. This means you will lose any achievements and skills you had from before and must earn them back. Mark that the character is a resurrection in your joining application and provide a link to the thread they died in.
Revived characters that are similar or the same as their previous incarnation, or who have reason to seek justice/revenge must meet one of the criteria below.
Even if your character meets one of the criteria, if your intent is to write a revenge plot against another character, you should check-in with that player and see if they are interested.
Characters who have new personalities or completely scrapped memories do not need to follow any of the clauses.