4 days since Clay left Blackwood Reach.
The days blurred past in a symphony of bird song. Clay traveled through the shifting terrains until his paws ached and his skin had begun to leak his ichor, scathed and broken. With the help of @Nike, the fresh wounds that mangled his frame had begun to heal -- slowly but surely, scabbing and ebbing away as his fur began to sprout new growth.
None had been severe enough to scar him, he was thankful for that. Clay did not wish to carry around another of the Bogeyman's marks, and at the thought of it, he briefly glanced back at the black skin that stretched across his hind legs. He swallowed bitterly.
The winds had led Clay to a bountiful summit, stretching upwards into the sky, alone in its supreme reach to the stars. There was familiarity draped over its reach, smells that warmed Clay in the softest ways. A shadow of familiarity. With each step, Clay fought the urge to wince, teeth gritting as pain ached up his slender legs. He wanted nothing more than to collapse into the ground for just a brief nap, but he'd keep pushing forward to nowhere, his emerald gaze pinned against the ground before him. Lost in his own thoughts and misery, he wouldn't notice the slightest shift in his surroundings.
None had been severe enough to scar him, he was thankful for that. Clay did not wish to carry around another of the Bogeyman's marks, and at the thought of it, he briefly glanced back at the black skin that stretched across his hind legs. He swallowed bitterly.
The winds had led Clay to a bountiful summit, stretching upwards into the sky, alone in its supreme reach to the stars. There was familiarity draped over its reach, smells that warmed Clay in the softest ways. A shadow of familiarity. With each step, Clay fought the urge to wince, teeth gritting as pain ached up his slender legs. He wanted nothing more than to collapse into the ground for just a brief nap, but he'd keep pushing forward to nowhere, his emerald gaze pinned against the ground before him. Lost in his own thoughts and misery, he wouldn't notice the slightest shift in his surroundings.
the staff team luvs u