

Deep murky wetlands that cover the expanse of the land. Filtered through tall, overgrown mangrove trees, all sorts of life can thrive here if it has the guts to do so. Patches of dry land are scattered in the midst of dense marshes. This area typically gauges humid temperatures year round and most definitely doesn't witness snow. With vicious predators lurking beneath the depths at every step, travelers must be on guard. The prey that calls the wetlands their home is a plethora of fish, herons, and sometimes even manatees.


Deep murky wetlands that cover the expanse of the land. Filtered through tall, overgrown mangrove trees, all sorts of life can thrive here if it has the guts to do so. Especially watch out during the summer months with all the gathering gnats and mosquitos. Patches of dry land are scattered in the midst of dense marshes that house rodents and crocodile nests. This area typically gauges humid temperatures year round and most definitely doesn't witness snow. With vicious predators lurking beneath the depths at every step, travelers must be on guard or face the powerful jaws of fresh water crocs. The prey that calls the wetlands their home is a plethora of fish, herons, and sometimes even manatees. But don't mess with the big sea cows, they're meaner than you think.
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