05-04-2022, 12:00 PM
Located south of Frozen Ground. For @Harper and @Farren
The brute moved through the land, still trying to learn his new surroundings. Everything was new and different to him and, though he welcomed the change of pace, it certainly wasn't something he was prepared for. Some warning was needed before the universe yeeted someone into a new world. It seemed like the creatures here were rather against tigers for some reason, though maybe it was just that one wolf he met. He wasn't entirely sure about that yet.
Nonetheless, the man was a wanderer and moved through the lands, nose sniffing the ground and air as if he could paint a mental picture of everything around him with just scent. He damn near could, closing his eyes to take everything in. He felt the snow on his paws and the chill in the air. He normally wasn't one for wide open spaces, but he didn't mind this, though he couldn't see it being his normal home.
Nonetheless, the man was a wanderer and moved through the lands, nose sniffing the ground and air as if he could paint a mental picture of everything around him with just scent. He damn near could, closing his eyes to take everything in. He felt the snow on his paws and the chill in the air. He normally wasn't one for wide open spaces, but he didn't mind this, though he couldn't see it being his normal home.
the staff team luvs u