03-10-2021, 07:34 PM
It was like a scene straight out of a Disney movie: A beautiful young maiden, o’ fair and youthful, is curled in a ball where she sleeps for what seems like an eternal slumber. Gentle winds flourish through the high grasses and brush against her nose, causing it to twitch ever so slightly in annoyance. A friendly little monarch flutters its amber-colored wings and decides to land on the small girl's head -- and it was with that gentle touch from mother nature's finger that our young protagonist flutters open her pale eyelashes and awakens to a field surrounded by blossoms of all gentle hues........the same exact blossoms she woke up to last time.
“UGHHHHHHHHH. WHY ISN’T IT W O R K I N G!?” The young otter barked angrily – loud enough to scare nearby birds into flight – flinging the front of her body on the grown with the ugliest frown one could imagine. Yes; Aimi has unfortunately been at this for a while now;
attempting to close her eyes,
drift back to sleep,
and wake back up -- all in hopes that after a while, the girl would magically re-appear on the sands of sequoia coast again. Yet it would take one more attempt of this painful cycle for the sea-faring girl to realize…..this wasn’t some strange lucid dream – and she wasn’t even home anymore….
Her brother Yunxu had been gone for some time, so there was no use in attempting to seek him out right now, but where was Hua? Aiolos? Orochi? Where the hell was Yuelong!? There was some missing part to this puzzle that the otter couldn't wrap her head around, and while she had no clue in hell where she was or how she'd been transported here in the first place -- you can bet your ass she'll find a way out one way or another. First things first, Aimi wanted to find a way out of this field and toward somewhere a little less....green (because Aimi hated grass. It stinks.).
attempting to close her eyes,
drift back to sleep,
and wake back up -- all in hopes that after a while, the girl would magically re-appear on the sands of sequoia coast again. Yet it would take one more attempt of this painful cycle for the sea-faring girl to realize…..this wasn’t some strange lucid dream – and she wasn’t even home anymore….
Her brother Yunxu had been gone for some time, so there was no use in attempting to seek him out right now, but where was Hua? Aiolos? Orochi? Where the hell was Yuelong!? There was some missing part to this puzzle that the otter couldn't wrap her head around, and while she had no clue in hell where she was or how she'd been transported here in the first place -- you can bet your ass she'll find a way out one way or another. First things first, Aimi wanted to find a way out of this field and toward somewhere a little less....green (because Aimi hated grass. It stinks.).
the staff team luvs u