Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

This is the start of family

09-16-2021, 02:47 PM
@Ana, @Aerith , @Genevieve basically all Windmere folk welcome! But maybe a girls thread? :D

Since they left the temperate forests for the mountains they had gathered quite some wolves for Windmere. And all of them so far from the bond of the Sentinels. It was curious though, if they had no way to return, the Sentinels would probably be worried about all the vanishing wolves. If only we could bring them a message! Though perhaps in the case of Aerith she didn’t want to send them a message. Elowyn was starting to feel the pressure of ‘leading’. She was not just with Anteon anymore. They had more wolves depending on them now.

It was nice to have wolves around her again though. With Heartmouth she was never alone, always wolves around her. This was made her a little more like she had done before being mated to Anteon, after that everything had been different. Her way of life, her social status and the security. They decided to try their luck on the mountains, this was the start of the mountain range it seemed. Elowyn looked around. Anteon was scouting ahead. She somewhat felt bad for him, he was now responsible of so many ladies. Elowyn still didn’t know what she thought of Genvieve and the bond she had with Anteon, or Tetsujin as she called him. It bugged her, so she decided to focus on the girls she did feel a connection with right away; Ana and Aerith.

”Maybe we should help Anteon with finding some food, or just make a good place to rest.” After all he did work so hard to make sure they felt safe. They really were starting to become a traveling unit together. Elowyn didn’t want to be useless, or perhaps make him think she was useless.
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09-17-2021, 01:01 PM
Aerith found herself usually with drifted a bit aways if she wasn't near Elowyn, though all seemed to share a bond from the Sentinels, the frosted-girl knew not of any of them. It felt a bit awkward and often found herself tight-lipped, behind a bit and getting intimidated by them all. There was the slight relief however it truly seemed by a female group, with a single male - Elowyn's mate, guiding them so. Relief and yet anxiety, for ladies were pampered and to be awarded like trophies ; to bear kids and care no more, so some would tell her.

She nodded in an agreement, feeling guilty on being.. Useless, in that matter. A slight interest in plants was growing but in truth she was dull in the knowledge, her gaze sometimes went to the sky to catch on thoughts if it would rain or shine, but she always seemed to be off. Likewise hunting and fighting, was an obvious forego. Perhaps scavenging, would be her best bet to do. 

But Aerith had no suggestions that felt of use.

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09-17-2021, 01:44 PM
Leta had of course told Osiris of the events the day or so prior; he left her at once, to tell his parents she was certain. Even though there were no inhabitants upon the coast, the activity upon it had risen much since the day their matriarch had given birth. She had been assured there was no pack coming to settle there, though. Still, the morning she had awoken she made her way to the coast. By afternoon, she had made it there in decent time. 

And from above, she had seen more than one. Closer to the gash of the coastline, at least... but Leta would not let them any nearer, if she could help it. She arrived to the base of Empyrean, where the rocks and stones had not yet turned to pebbles; water had not reached this place to begin any process of erosion, and the waters were far enough away where Leta felt the distance between herself and the other women present was sufficient to warrant inaction, beyond the clear patrol she made. 

The young girl hoped that her nerves did not show. She hated to feel unkind, but she did not want to exude a welcoming presence lest they come closer. For her own part, she wanted to be sure that the man she had come across had spoken in earnest... but then, she also had no way of knowing from this distance whether they were of the same ilk, she realized.

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09-19-2021, 02:30 PM
Elowyn was about to move and get herself into gear to help her mate when she noticed someone standing in the distance. The female looked at her friend, Aerith. Because well, she felt a kinship with the female. She thrived on having other wolves around her. At Heartmouth she was never alone, and she felt far more comfortable with Ana and Aerith around her more than when she was alone with her husband. It was kind of sad though, but she figured that would be something that would have to grow over time.

When Elowyn looked at the female again in the distance she noticed that her stance wasn’t entirely welcoming. In fact, her stature was something that she rather liked to avoid. She had no way to defend herself, nor Aerith probably. She looked at her friend. ”She doesn’t look friendly,” she spoke softly. She looked at the others. ”Lets just go before we get in trouble,” she muttered and started to lead then away from the other. Unsure where to go since Anteon was somewhere else. This stress her out, but she tried not the show it. ”Follow me,” she just spoke, not wanting to wander too far away. This was the first time she was actually taking charge of a group. It was different.
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09-19-2021, 05:46 PM

There were very little times that Genevieve came across conflict. Or perhaps not conflict; but something akin to it. Ordinarily, she had a calculative eye that was rather observant and picked up on little details. One needed to have an eye for these things, if they were to not be in the situation she had been where she had required saving. Yet with all of her skill, Genevieve was completely oblivious to her best-friends bride unease of her, or perhaps it was dislike. To Genevieve, Elowyn was simply shy with wolves she didn't know too well or perhaps it was just a bit strange, having someone from Tet's past with them. So she thought little of it, wanting Elowyn to come to her on her own terms, opening up as not something one could rush and Genevieve was not in the business of forcing one out of their comfort zone unless she thought it a healthy need.

She felt at ease back with Tet though certainly she found herself missing portions of her old life and wondering quite curiously where her husband had gotten himself to given the fact that they had ventured to find Tet and his bride together. Despite all of the attempts that she had made to become strong and independent, Genevieve still sometimes could not shake the need for the safety that her best-friend provided for her. The attack... it had been one that had shaken her to her core and ultimately, the thing that brought the dark knight and the rose together. It had bonded them, a trauma bond that had manifested into something healthier yet sometimes... Genevieve could not help but feel unsafe without him in her eyeline.

Something that she had noticed didn't always match the pattern; for sometimes it was her worry over his safety and not the other way around. Terribly capable, of that she had no doubt for his abilities and skills yet it was a paranoid fear that had Genevieve pushing herself to do better. Perhaps that was why she had not bounced at Tet's side and instead gravitated towards Elowyn and the girl she found to be called Aerith. A little later than she had anticipated, for she was trotting over when she saw the event, small as it was, unfold. A woman in the distance who did not scream welcome strangers! and Gen caught the mumbled towards from Elowyn to Aerith and Genevieve lifted her chin with a vibrant smile as she cast it towards the dark woman in the distance.

Unlikely for her to see the gesture from there, Genevieve made certain her body language was easy and relaxed as she sniffed, wanting to ensure that if the dark woman was observing the group that she saw nothing of aggression in Genevieve. They had not crossed any borders, that much was obvious so she wondered what the staredown was for. "Elowyn, lovely, are you quite all right?" she cooed softly, dandelion yellow eyes curious and genuine as she enquired after the cream-pelted woman. "Have you met the wolf before?" She posed the question quietly, still smiling though now it was smaller, softer as she wondered. Had she missed something?

Had there been an interaction with a pack that had gone sour? Genevieve didn't quite like the idea of that and she took note of the scents as they graced the air, lingering on the distance though the only one for certain was the dark woman. Her gaze cast towards the pale-pelted woman at Elowyn's side and she grinned, "forgive me, fair-love, I've just come in and not even introduced myself! My name is Genevieve," she dipped her head with a wag of her tail, intent on not allowing the looming presence of the strange woman to affect her in the slightest. She had met worse, after all.^^

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Sylas is welcome in Genevieve's threads at any time unless specified otherwise.
09-20-2021, 08:30 AM
Leta could not help but feel a little guilty for the way she felt. While there was no real animosity, there was only suspicion. These wolves were not entirely to blame for it, nor were the ways of Empyrean. While Leta had forgotten plenty, bells of alarm pealed off as she thought of unsavory sorts that had come close to home so very long ago, dealing plenty of damage. Well, not this time. Leta would not even risk it. 

They fortunately did not come nearer. Leta did not want things to escalate, she wanted them to pass through... and she could not hear them from afar, only wager what might be said. By her lonesome, she knew better than to approach. Three becoming women, even from a distance, were as capable as any man Leta had come to learn. And against one who was only still learning the ways of guardianship... well, she would not disappoint her Queen and King with stupidity, at least. 

Leta did not see the smile, only teeth from a distance; she paused in her step and considered if that was meant to be a threat, ears erect, when one blessedly began to move further away. Perhaps she had been mistaken... Leta shook out her furs in a show of good faith, that she could see that they were on their way... but her guard did not yet drop. Even still, Leta let out a sigh of relief with the whipping wind, but did not abandon her post still, in case any decided not to follow that woman's lead.
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09-20-2021, 03:26 PM
She wasn't used to such.. Hostility. Though even the wolf didn't do anything in particular, it felt that they were staring directly at them, watching and waiting, a tension in the air that could be cut with a mer' claw. The thought to help for the lone man was pushed afar as she nodded at Elowyn, preferring to leave the general area, before anything else were to rise.

Yet such a turn was then introduced to the other Windmere lady - she was like the fire and snow, just as beauty as the winter but bright as the sun of the morning. She held an excitement in her voice, a regality that felt intimidated by.. Though to not be rude she gently nodded, "Hello.. I'm Aerith."

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09-21-2021, 10:12 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2021, 04:41 AM by Elowyn. Edit Reason: Edited an ending )
Elowyn had an internal groan when Genevieve caught up with them and asked if she was alright. She could manage to hold in a shudder. What she felt for the other two females, Ana and Aerith, was the complete opposite how she felt about this Genevieve. She has seen the little kisses she had given her husband and how she had made him laugh. She also knew about their special nickname for Anteon. She just… Perhaps she was a little jealous of the female. She wanted to do right by Anteon, and a good wife to him, but she had a hard time opening up. Perhaps it was because he seemed so close to the russet female. ”I’m fine,” she returned quietly and glanced away from the other female.

Elowyn glanced at the dark female on the hill. ”I have not, but I also don’t feel like starting a fight or offending anyone,” she commented coolly as he continued to walk on, expecting the others to follow. Luckily the russet woman seemed to focus her attention on Aerith. Elowyn’s first internal reaction was that of possessiveness. ‘Don’t you dare to take my new friends too.’ But she kept that to herself, just gritting her jaw. Everything seemed to come so easily for Genevieve. Elowyn walked on, trying to have not a scowl on her face. She couldn’t help but wonder if Anteon would be back soon. It did feel a little strange without him.

So with the threat of the female looking down on them, Elowyn led the females away from any possible danger. Hopefully Anteon would be quick to join them again.
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