08-24-2021, 06:34 PM
For @Crow.
Life was quiet. Calm. While Ragnar could easily say he enjoyed sitting and listening to the wind through the pine trees, to the waves of salt over rock, he also felt restless. And so he decided to seek out the shoreline at the base of his mountain in hopes to seek some thrill, be it by exploration or the hunt- or both.
He followed a creek at first. A creek which flowed into a larger river, one which he knew snaked through the mountains and down the foothills out of the territory. What he didn't know was that such river forked at one point, snaking through golden grasses before spilling out into the sea.
Golden paws met white flat beaches clustered with black rock. Ragnar had seen more beautiful scenery at the ocean before. Little tropical coves of pink sand. Some leading into glorious caverns. Here however, this was home and it was filled with many prizes to be had, he knew. So he began to dig.
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