Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Never a second opportunity to make a first impression.

02-25-2021, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2021, 01:52 AM by Quicksilver.)
Maybe @Ira?    :)

The closer he roamed, the more intimidated he felt. While there were no obvious scents of a claim that he could detect on his approach, the young druid was anxious in not knowing what to expect. His mind ran wild with growing concerns: the mountains could be as barren as the tundra; he didn't know who - or what - would cross his path; he wasn't sure how else to carry on should this search for his own kind prove fruitless.

Exhausted, weak and hungry, the lost silverwhite picked his way carefully along the rugged lowlands that afternoon in search of something to soothe his unrelenting hunger. The snow started once again in soft flurries as he moved, and he hoped fiercely that it did not mean the beginning of another storm to come.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]
02-25-2021, 03:55 PM
It was unfortunate how the blizzard was, for she too had attempted to find something for dinner, yet with such weather the creatures burrowed low into the ground, and high into the trees. She had taken shelter by a stone ledge, and sat underneath, thankfully shield from the dropping of snow, but not from the raging wind. She tucked closely to her legs to warm herself, as silverlight eyes watched endlessly into the storm itself. There though, could she see a fellow moving in this weather.. However, he was so light, she wasn't sure if it was a wolf, or just an illusion. 

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02-25-2021, 05:12 PM
When the winds began to tug at his furs again, the young wanderer was swift to abandon his search for food. Loathe as he was to give up, he was even more so reluctant to lose himself in yet another blizzard. Veering to his left, the silverwhite picked his way carefully across virgin snow to seek a safe place along the mountain edge.

Pale, narrowed eyes looked for a hollow he might claim for a time, just enough to wait out the worst of what this storm might bring. The ache in his belly even roused the consideration for what sort of prey he might find within mountain halls: bats, perhaps, though he doubted his energy could support such a chase.

Thoughts of his ravenous hunger were swiftly cast aside, however, as the young wolf's searching eyes found the huddled figure of a stranger. The silverwhite froze in place just beyond the ledge, ears pricked forward curious excitement to finally, finally look upon another of his own kind. After a moment, each of his lobes splayed backward in silent communication to accompany the downward sweep of his tail should she choose to see him as a threat: I mean no harm.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]
02-25-2021, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2021, 12:04 AM by Aso.)
One she had found already, their meeting stirring some memories though the rest still laid just out of reach. They had been traveling, not alone though...there were others. She and Orlaith had made a plan to reunite where they met later while they took their separate ways. If their previous companions were near then they needed to be found to make sense of this situation they've been placed in, and if not then they must make a plan to survive. Already these mountains seemed daunting despite her experience traversing mountainous grounds. Ira had made her way down through a narrow path, the wind biting and with every gust the threat of being shoved off the edge.

It wasn't until she reached the lower planes that she caught sight of another...two actually. One seemed to cower from the cold, a dark spot that almost meshed with the rocky walls if not for the snow. The other was a male, soft in his approach, and while he stood tall he did not carry a threatening bulk. The roan woman chuffed, announcing her own presence as she kept her distance. Unlike Orlaith, these two did not stir her memories. Perhaps they were not the ones she sought, but they may still have vital information for her to make use of.

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02-25-2021, 08:25 PM
When he was not a shadow within a storm, she was a bit wary upon meeting a strange wolf. Though her experience on strangers hasn't been the worst, at most some treat her coldly and with a harsh tone, but never has Miriam been attacked or treated too cruelty. At most, she simply was too naïve at times, and in the end, it had resulted into becoming a mother out of wed-lock.

"Are you lost..?" Gently did she move over so the other has space to enter the minor sanctuary that was from the storm. It wasn't the best barrier, but at least they would not constantly showered within the snowflakes. Then she turned curiously, as yet another had approached. Though darker, and more easily seen through the snow, as her size conquered many that Miriam had ever seen before. A woman with a bold demeanor, though not of hostility. Was she also lost?

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02-26-2021, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 10:06 AM by Quicksilver.)
The she-wolf regarded him silently for a time, and relief eased the tension in his gut that she did not curl her lip in offence at his presence. His tail-tip twitched a little in silent gratitude of her quiet acceptance as she scooted aside, seemingly to make room for him.

Her shelter was a poor one, but there was benefit in the proximity of another. Tentative, the silverwhite shifted his weight to close the distance that remained between them, roughly shook the snow from his furs, then turned to settle himself against the stone and alongside his newest companion.

His answer came as a simply nod of his head, tongue sweeping from between his lips to remove a stray snowflake from a whisker. He lifted his head to better regard the gentle wolfess, but another figure beyond their hollow demanded attention. Pastel eyes lingered curiously on her, and he could not believe his good fortune to find not one but two of his own species after wandering on his own for so long. He waited, voiceless once more, for the newest stranger to make her intentions known.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]
02-27-2021, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2021, 06:43 PM by Ira.)
She remained, unmoving like a stoney sentinel born from the mountain itself with eyes of gold that easily pierced through the white flurry. While the two exchanged brief words, neither dared answer her call. Instead, both sets of eyes fell back to her as the male moved to the small makeshift shelter. Perhaps they were travelers, unfamiliar with the land just as she was. If they lived here then they cared little for her presence so close to unseen borders. However, if she were to guess, Ira would bet the former.

What brings you here? her voice called out, lacking the warmth of a newfound friend, though it carried no malice either. Careful pawsteps brought her closer, though she did not try to invade their shelter. Even if she was offered, she would likely deny. These were still strangers after all, and even if they had no will to fight, they had yet to earn her trust.

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03-01-2021, 02:33 PM
Miriam would like to offer a shelter for the roan woman, however there was limited space within their shelter, and she could not move further without the area being a tight squeeze. Nontheless, she offered, "would you like to join our shelter..? It's quite breezy." It felt like there was tension in the air that was not caused by anything in particular, but all their silent natures clashing together. Little to no words spoken, she in particular being rather nervous on meeting strangers, and one beside her saying none.

"I'm just passing by, sheltering from the weather," a small smile was offered, despite a rather shaky attitude, "are you from here, miss?"

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03-06-2021, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2021, 03:57 AM by Quicksilver.)
Damn, I'm an idiot and didn't realise it was my turn here. Oops!

Crammed into the mountain crevice alongside a stranger, with another looking in from beyond, the silverwhite felt incredibly uncomfortable. He didn't want to relinquish his tiny sliver of shelter, having been so exposed as he wandered aimlessly through an unknown Winter wasteland, but it was not in his nature to be so selfish. That much he could recall!

“M-me too,” he answered after the pale-eyed fae did, teeth clacking together as he reluctantly withdrew from the warm body he'd only fleetingly been pressed against and stepped once more into the snow, keen to offer the roan-pelted wolfess his spot if she so desired. He blinked toward her tufted cheek, exhausted and done with the biting weather, hopeful that he hadn't intruded on her turf because he didn't have the energy to flee.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]
03-18-2021, 05:20 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2021, 12:04 AM by Aso.)
It was the woman who spoke first, though it was obvious by her words that they had not come together. One moved, clearing the spot he had just taken as she was offered to join, but even with the howling winds she had no intentions of lingering long enough to make the gesture worthwhile. It mattered little to her anyways, the cold was familiar and comforting, like the blanket of a child. Noble of you, though you would make more of it than I.

There was a pause as a white cloud rolled from her nostrils, the result of her heavy sigh to which the sound was lost on the wind. We are all travelers then...I know naught of this chain let alone the land below. Her gaze rolled from the willowy woman to the man of silver. So far he had little to air though under the current conditions this area was ill-suited to greetings. You are cold and unacquainted with living under such conditions. Resting here may be fatal. Come. I know of somewhere better.

She would not look back as she gestured to the path she came from. Should they choose to follow or not was little of her concern, though if they did perhaps Orlaith would recognize one. She had fully intended to continue her search for lost comrades, though now she had weary travelers at her door. They might not be who she sought, but perhaps their paths had crossed with one she did.

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03-23-2021, 12:29 PM
Miriam wasn't perfect with the cold weather, but she was doing far better then her companion, at most she was waiting for the harsh weather to pass in moments time. She was thankful it was not someone's territory, as the other offered a more suitable place to perhaps rest. However, the maiden rejected it, "thank you miss, but it should pass in moments time."

She was never adept to reading the 'magic' like the Priestess had, however the wind felt rapid and strong, but a calm breeze every so often seemed to pass through. She saw it as a sign, for soon it would die down and she could continue. She would not forget the others generous offer, and watched her go with but a smile. A glance at the companion however, expecting him to perhaps follow to a more suitable place. Not everyone simply trusts the whim of assumptions, but for her it was a whim of the magic.

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03-24-2021, 03:12 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2021, 03:56 AM by Quicksilver.)
His body trembled, not because he was unaccustomed to the cold but due to the great length of time he'd spent wandering alone in the storms. He was a wolf: built to survive alongside comrades through the worst of Winters, not on his own in a frozen wasteland. The young druid squinted through the poor weather at this unfamiliar wolfess, made hopeful by her promise of refuge that he felt some level of trust at once.

He did not look upon his initial companion whose voice was lost to the winds, so certain he was that this generous offer was too good for anyone to refuse, and he pressed on after the roan mountaineer toward whatever shelter she deemed suitable. Only on their arrival there would he realise the lilac fae had been left behind, which was concerning, but his body yearned only for rest.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]
03-25-2021, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2021, 12:05 AM by Aso.)
The other womans' words were lost in the wind, a simple gust of wind was all it took to carry her voice away. Ira never did look back, so it wouldn't be until later that she found only the man followed. As promised though, she would lead him to the cavern that she had recently taken residence in. It was plenty spacious for the two of them with several branching cave systems to find comfort in for the night or until the storm passed.

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