Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

She listens like spring and she talks like June

Evening Partly Cloudy
06-03-2021, 10:35 PM
 Her decision had been made.

 This was her new home. The ties that bound her to the Valley were withered, likely never to be approached. She had found her afterlife, here in the Respite. Yet... hunger still dug at her, thirst still dried her tongue. For an afterlife, her bodily functions all still had to be met.

 Which was, frankly, not what she had been expecting from an afterlife.

 This, among other things, made her consider that this new world she had been thrust into wasn't a true afterlife and was instead simply another life. Had she awoken here a child, she might have considered this a sort of rebirth... but no, she had awoken as an adult with almost all of her memories intact. It led her to many different theories, from a middle-ground between lives to some sort of in-between below Valhalla.

 While the lake seemed a perfect oasis, as Valhalla was claimed to be, it still didn't feel quite like what her family had been told.

 In all her thinking, she realized belatedly that she had wandered. She found herself on a mountainside overlooking the Lake, where the scents of those she had made her new family were fresh. Here, the mountain breeze brought different scents. She had heard that there was another pack nearly on top of the Respite, but she hadn't realized just how close it was... or just how far she'd wandered.

 Still... it was a pretty view. Surely nobody would mind if she stood watching the lake from above for a bit longer before heading back down into it?

@Ira if you'd like to join?

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06-15-2021, 02:02 PM
Her tail lashed, and woodland eyes narrowing as nose lifted upwards, taking a sniff in the air. There has been far too many trespassers - perhaps it was due to their low numbers, but regardless as well, they were all warriors. Though small they are, might is something they do pass up, and Orlaith took proud lead on being a guard, and attempt to drive away many. There was already a few she threatened to attack upon if not leaving, as well as many.. Children, that continued to wander these summits.

Though Orlaith, did not know the scent of the allies. She was aware of them as Ira had told of a neutrality between the other group that took up the other mountainside.. But upon never meeting them, she was threatened by this scent that carried others. Her mind did not connect the possibility, but instead held an aggression, "You are in Vanderfell territory."

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06-25-2021, 09:44 AM
 Her quiet meditation was interrupted by a stranger, coming from the land she had yet to explore. Nevada turned her head to inspect the stranger, standing as she did so. The other was of creams and blacks, tinted with oranges. She was faintly reminded of a wolf she had met long ago - yet it did not match up so she set them aside as a stranger.

 Nevada's ears pricked at the words and then swung back to pin against her head apologetically, her reality coming back to her. This land was indeed not just an extension of Elysium, but grounds of another pack entirely.

 Fyrirgefðu, she said on impulse, lowering her head in apology. “I have just joined the ranks of Elysium - your neighbors below? I was not made aware that there was another pack living this close.” Her apology was genuine - truly, she hadn't learned a whole lot about this area yet and hadn't realized just how freakishly close this other pack was to her new home. That wasn't normal, surely? One pack's prey could easily escape into the other territory mid-hunt and cause all sorts of tensions.

 To Nevada, it wasn't logical... but she had no say over it. “I am Nevada, forgive me for the intrusion.” She would glance back the way she had come but would not leave without the pack wolf's order. After all, she didn't want to show tail if it meant it would be bitten.

the staff team luvs u
06-30-2021, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:53 PM by Aso.)
Another day where the High Queen found herself along her own borders. Their numbers remained low, but their spirits could not be lowered...even with those who sought to step on their peace. Orlaith had filled her in on previous trespassings, some of which she had been present to confront their visitors herself. It seemed today would lead the same path as she noticed the fire born swerve from their set path. She had found a scent.

Along the cliff face sat a pale woman with a blue-grey coat resting atop her back trailing throughout her tail. A stranger, though not entirely. Orlaith was first to speak garnering the attention of the other, her response almost missed as another tongue graced her lips. The words felt clunky, but Ira recognized the meaning all the same.

lappir þínir þekkja engin mörk. A wolf from the pack below? New or not, she should have been informed of her own pack's limits. She had made herself clear upon their meeting that they were to not be disturbed, nor the woods below where they hunt, but mistakes...happen. You should tell Valska to be more careful. I can forgive one mishap, but I will not tolerate those who disrespect my land.

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07-01-2021, 11:24 AM
So this was one if the famous Elysium wolves she heard in passing. Not much was known about them besides the alliance, thought it was made clear they were not to pass into the Vanderfell hunting ground, much less into their own grounds. In insult that Orlaith felt, she saw the woman someone as beautiful within her blues and whites ; but a fool much less. Though an apology was made, her impression of the group altogether.. Was not in the positive.

A neighbor so close yet did not tell, the woman snorted and backed off though, only when the High Queen entered. But it wasn't like she would attack or anything, definitely not, but simply spew flames of insults and fires, mockery and foolery.. But she knew when to back down.

the staff team luvs u
07-06-2021, 09:52 PM
 Another arrived, one who held the air of a queen and Nevada instantly dipped her head in respect. She was no subservient wench, of course, but she knew far better than to disrespect a noble in her own land than to not give proper reverence. Her native tongue caught her ear and she looked at her in surprise, her ears perking, then embarrassment caused them to shift back again. Hugur minn líka, það virðist. she said, apologetically.

 The first had backed off, so she continued to focus her attention on the purple-tinted lady before her.

 “I apologize for the disrespect, it is entirely my fault,” she said, dipping her head again. “I have just recently awoken in this land and... my mind has not fully cleared, yet. I was lost in thought and forgot myself.” She prayed that her accident would not cause harm to the relations between Elysium and this pack - Vanderfell? She was still so very new and had had little chance to learn about the pack or their relations with their neighbors.

 It was all very new and very scary, really. She had awoken with no memory of how she had arrived in her location and had been, thankfully, checked out by a wandering medicine wolf who had seen no physical injury. Other wolves spoke of similar circumstance so she figured that somehow, this was universal or at least common. Still, she remained respectful, ear twitching once as if to say: I will go at your dismissal.

 Despite that, she did want to know more, especially about this wolf, clearly powerful within her right, who spoke her mother tongue.

the staff team luvs u
07-08-2021, 12:58 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:53 PM by Aso.)
Despite her mistake, the stranger was quick to admit her faults and apologize, even going as far as bowing to her. These Elysium wolves…sure were something. They were passive and quick to roll over. Such displays made her wonder how the inner workings of their pack went. Was it all for their relations with others or were they simply just passive? 

In the end, she supposed it mattered little if they were truly passive or just keeping the peace, either way they were willing to listen to her. It was the main reason she even allowed Valeska to settle so close. Better to have someone passive claim nearby than someone not while their numbers were still low.

You are new? Ah, well that explained some. This mishap will be forgiven, but I will inform you of what your alpha has not. These mountains are mine, as are the woods below. Passing through the woods is tolerated so long as we do not catch you hunting. The queen glanced over the woman once more. She was one of few to speak a northern dialect so far of the wolves she has met.

Nevada, was it? You come from the north. Not north here of course, but from beyond, where they both once roamed. There had been many packs in her birth lands, perhaps she knew of her home, though it was likely she did not.

the staff team luvs u
07-09-2021, 10:42 PM
 It was not that Nevada was passive, but more so that she was diplomatic. When facing your own error, it is wisest to own up to it and apologize, especially when you find yourself on land that is not yours, facing wolves who have clear ownership of it. She had no such desires to fight as her ancestors and the people of her home, for they would surely have something snarky to say. Those of the yellow and white orders, those who believed in gods of abject violence instead of following the mediator, the tactician.

 Nevada knew when to kneel and this was one of those times.

 She nodded, listening to the explanation. If this mountain and the forests were part of Vanderfell, then where was her pack meant to hunt? There were so many things strange about the set up and the ghost wondered if it had been an intentional decision, to settle in the shadow of the mountain pack, or if it had been the lack of focus that it seemed was rampant within her new pack mates. It seemed harmless, but Nevada wondered how long it would remain that way.

 There was only so long a little sister could remain in her elder's shadow before tensions grew. If they were left to fester, nothing would remain.

 “Understood,” she said, regarding the orders of no hunting in the woods. If and when she hunted, she would be more careful. “Yes, though I'm not so sure where it is in relation to here.” She would frown momentarily, “It was among the languages spoken by the people of my birth - we were known as Oukoku-Kai, but our land was called Death Valley.” As in previous conversations and indeed her entire life, the irony was completely lost on the woman.

 For her name was that which consumed part of Death Valley.

 “You as well?” She did not recognize this woman, nor the other, but she could not be certain they were not from her world, that they did not recognize the name and feel hatred for it as the wolves who must have destroyed it must have had. It was true that it was the home of her birth, but honestly... there was no love lost.

the staff team luvs u
07-10-2021, 05:23 PM
Though she knew not what the other thought, it was something Ira had considered before. For now, they made peace, kept each other close as friends might, but they were not trusted. Not yet. There may come a day when fangs would clash for ownership of the run, but she planned to be prepared should that day arise. Of course, Ira would not trifle with the peace that had already been set. There had been a light threat that made the day borders were established. Elysium outnumbered them, and for that reason, she must be smart.

As expected, the names offered to her were as new as this woman's face. Packs were scattered across the north in clusters. It would be impossible to keep track of them all. At the least, it was nice to know another who came from a similar culture. Her teachings were one of the few things that her memory clung to, and they were scarcely repeated amongst the cultures that had appeared here. Aye, though I know not of your kind.

My people held laws far more strict than the kinds we see today. There was proper structure and we were strong for it, but in many ways, our system held us back. I hail from Hengfell, though I suspect they be a stranger to you as they were to many. We were secluded and our alphas only believed in the pursuit of pure-blooded individuals. For that reason, my birth pack did not help many outsiders. They had allies of course, but they were few and far between, kept through years of loyalty and refreshing the vows ensured to each other's protection.

the staff team luvs u
08-06-2021, 10:50 AM
 She gave a nod, “For the best, I think.” If this woman knew of her people, she would know of their faults, the flaws of their violence. Where wolf would become slave for the simple crime of coming near a border.

 The woman's description of her homeland made Nevada think.

 “It was... much the same in my homeland, actually. Though there were those of hell's blood within my family line even, it was rare and rarely spoken of. Our land was also secretive, within a maze of a forest that served as a warning to those who strayed too near,” she shook her head. Far too many wolves had been dragged in to be target practice for her kin. She was surprised that her people had forgiven her for leaving to bring back fresh blood in the forms of her children.

 She would have almost preferred if they had never accepted her back. Perhaps then, she and Crux would have found a new home and a new place to call home. Perhaps they would have avoided Ragnarok and would never have been separated and she would never have arrived in this strange place. She considered it for a moment, “My pack's... xenophobia resulted in a war like our foretold Ragnarok - It was during that, that my memories cease and I awoke here.”

the staff team luvs u
08-09-2021, 01:52 PM
The high queen hummed under her breath as she listened. It seemed it may be common after all for wolves to arrive after what appeared to be...death. That still left questions of her own, why she remembered her raising but not what came after. Nor did she feel danger upon her own awaking suggesting she had been pulled from battle. Questions questions...and no answers. I see why you might believe what you do then. She could not rule out the possibility after all, though for all to come here dead seemed impossible as well. What of Hydra and her entire family?

I do not believe this to be the afterlife, but perhaps a stage in between. I know not how one is chosen or what makes us qualified for a second chance, all I know is we are here. We still bleed, we still breathe and hunger. The only flaws are the gaps in memory and ways of our arrival. For whatever reason their gods had picked, they were not done with them yet. In some ways, this might have been the result of a Ragnarok.

Your leader believes otherwise... The priestess if she recalled Valeska's rank correctly. Ira had been a spiritual woman, but perhaps there was something more the silver woman knew. Has your pack made anything else of their time here? They could be...quite noisy sometimes. Something that still surprised her given the difference in distance, but the mountains seemed to hold an echo.

the staff team luvs u
08-18-2021, 08:46 PM
 “A stage in between,” she said with wonder. She wondered on this, listening intently to the words Ira spoke. It seemed that, but for the strange way they all found themselves here, they were very much alive. The chill from the mountaintop reached her fur just as the sunlight warmed it. The water, she felt as if it were real, so was it? Hversu skrýtið.

 “There is to be a wedding in a month's time. One of Valeska's sisters, of a sort,” she did not know the exact specifics about the relationship beyond some blood tie, “With a king from a land to the east. I apologize, but I didn't quite catch the names of either the pack or the king.” Though how ironic it was that in fact, that very king was her own son.

 She would find that little tidbit out in time.

the staff team luvs u
08-22-2021, 01:25 PM
A wedding? Interesting that she only heard of it now, and with a king no less. Unfortunately, she knew of no kings to the east as she had yet to travel too far into the plains, and whatever laid beyond. An inquiry for Valeska later perhaps. I see. She wondered if the priestess had any intention of inviting them, not that she cared if they did not. They were on friendly terms, but she would not consider the wolves at her base friends.

Only time would tell if the high priestess saw things the same. A month seems far for the inevitable. or perhaps that was due to the distance between. Both packs would likely need to prepare, especially if this man lived so far away. She wondered, would Valeska miss her sister with such distance or would she be unbothered by her eventual departure? Well, even with the time gap there is still much to prepare I presume. I will not keep you should you need to return to your own land.

the staff team luvs u
08-27-2021, 11:21 AM
 After speaking of the unknown king to the east, she set about thinking of him, trying to recall if the name of his people was ever said. Then, she realized something, her eyes flicking skyward for a moment. “Ah, my apologies - a king to the west, I believe.” My, she would need to get some rest before she should be speaking with anyone. She could have given the wrong directions and had someone wandering deep into the plains before they realized they needed to be at sea.

 “I know little of the logistics, unfortunately.” Perhaps they needed to gather wolves from various distances or something similar. Either way, she knew nothing of it so was not all that important to her.

 With the dismissal, she dipped her head, “Thank you, and again - I apologize for intruding. I will be sure to keep track of my surroundings in the future.” She lifted her head and smiled at Ira, then offered a smaller dip and smile to the watching @Orlaith. “Have a wonderful day, the both of you.” So the wisp would turn, moving carefully down the mountain to reach her new home once more.


the staff team luvs u
09-15-2021, 12:57 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:53 PM by Aso.)
aaaa terribly sorry I thought I had all of iras threads up to respond to but I guess I missed this one

No sooner had she voiced her acknowledgment did the other speak up, correcting herself as she switched east for west. A king to the west then? Empyrean was too far south to consider, not to mention Hydra would be claiming the king there. From what little interaction she had with the woman she doubted she was one for sharing. Crux came to mind, but she thought he mentioned settling near the Nameless Mountain as well. Could there be another she knew not of?

Truly there was so much to see beyond her own walls still, much of which was safe to assume had changed since her last outing. Unfortunately, the details would be lost to both of them. With a dip of her head, the woman would apologize once more as she announced her leave. Yes, best to have your wits about you. Not all will be as forgiving. There was little to do but watch her go. The roan woman had no doubts that Nevada would keep her word, but she would watch until she was out of sight all the same.

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