Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Blood on a marble wall,

Morning Partly Cloudy
05-05-2021, 06:00 PM

Not often did the Queen leave, and often times were there eyes upon her when she did step away from the crown (@Flynn). Though never did she go too far, simply playing with the outer rims of the forest, and often prowling between the neutral territory that was between Elkshire, and The Pantheon. Not often has she interacted with a group more secluded then herself, but a bad taste came a thought to the Queen she met.

Célnes prided herself on the nobility she has, a normal trait that came from being a blue-blood, especially a direct descent from a royal bloodline. It wasn't often did she flaunt her traits, but nonetheless knew the prestige she carried, and personally presented. Strength of an Empress, but the grace of a Queen, and the leadership of a Matriarch ; she was determined to be someone, not the pitiful disgrace she saw at the Winterheart forest.

The type that she hated most, someone who could not hold a grown ; generally the Déorwine was also surprised at the disgust she held for the other. It was a first to see someone of that type being a Queen, perhaps was the surprise that dwelled to this distaste. Otherwise, that persona that was held was a norm' for some Déorwine females, and was not used to seeing one.. In power.

She held avoidance to them ; not particularly seeking out anymore of a conversation, nor' an alliance. The best that the Queen had done was tell of Vengeance of them, but nothing more. Though maybe he knew by her look that she already disliked them - but politics are apart of feelings, she would not throw the words 'enemy' just for a dislike in personality.

Célnes toyed with thoughts while taking a stroll of the neutral territory.

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05-06-2021, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 10:49 PM by zina.)
 Beyond the reaches of the collective Pantheon Poseidon rarely strolled. When he did, it was oft for some purpose beyond himself. It was either for a purpose beyond his abilities or else beyond his verbiage of explanation. It would thus forever be that any new harbingers would be caught between nothing and a new place.
 When Poseidon did find himself beyond the borders of his brother and sweet Persephone, he was determined then to find something good and grand. So he moved on a straight arrow path, cornering nothing with his division of land and hoping he might find the flavour of the sea on any breeze. He did not, and whenever he woke from his lame  slumber, there was nothing of interest to rouse his gentle beat to waking.
 But at last and quite at once there was her in her brown and shitty glory. Something about her appearance made him feel like she already didn't like him.This was of course impossible, for who could not like him? “Hello, my lady,” Poseidon answered to the strange woman, hoping he mighty appease her immediate distaste. “I am Poseidon of Olympus, and Winterheart Forest beyond the way. And you? My good Lady?”
 He invited her then of course to speak her piece, while himself kneeling as though she might be a princess.

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05-06-2021, 12:53 AM
Though she didn't dislike him, just yet. Though his characteristics may not be the Deorwine's favorites, she was not particularly the most detestable amongst her family. Her disgust only stemmed from the pure white colors onto a wolf, and oddly enough, she had a fondness for gray colors. Even beyond passing does she think of that man occasionally - and yet could never quite find a replacement for him. Though Poseidon, was definitely not it.

"I am Célnes Deorwine of Elkshire.. I do know of your wolves. I've met your Queen." His smell could not pass by, as his scent was just like the golden woman at the borders. He was polite in appearance, and bowed respectfully ; appeasing her rather proud behavior of nobility. Though at the moment did she refrain from calling herself a Queen to him, interested on what more he has to say.

"I am unaware of what Olympus is. Is that were you hail from?" She questioned.

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05-10-2021, 11:57 PM
 She came at him with some understanding that he "owned" something of the land. This inspired a grin on his lips, and when Célnes of the Elkshire offered her heritage to him, he held back a laugh. Certainly she thought highly of herself. He found her comely and handsome, but all were even to him in this weird world of wolves.
 “You know @Persephone then? Beautiful. Then you know me. She's not really my Queen. She's more of a sister,”  Poseidon answered. She was clearly a woman who was of old knowledge. He was both surprised and not so that she was unfamiliar with Olympus. The way in from the land beyond had jumbled the minds of nearly everyone who had dropped here, except for maybe Atropos.
 “Originally, yes. Though for my part I was from the sea. A great lord or something, apparently lost to time and memory now. My brothers Hades and Zeus had kingdoms of their own, once upon a time. We will build them here, too.” It was a statement, more so than it was an offer of knowledge. He didn't know how, but somehow they would make it happen. Three great kingdoms. Perhaps Zeus would once again be the profile at the "head", while himself and Hades did all of the real legwork.
 “Where are you off to this morning?” He asked, beginning to fail in his pleasantries and royal pleases and thank yous.

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05-16-2021, 11:56 PM
"Then you are related?" As her own family had very distinct browns to represent their Déorwine origin, the man before her did not look of the frail golden girl. He held majority of grays with creams and the occasional whip of browns amongst his fur, like a dirt-stain within the ocean waves - quite far from the other. Then again, even though the signature brown that her family may carry, there was always the black sheep that came through with the unusual coating of pure white and blacks.. So disliked, but in the end they are cousins.

She disregarded the part about the sea ; thinking he could be a madman of sorts.

"A lord? Are you not anymore?" She would think he may be better suited, though words covered in roses, it much preferred then someone weak. Especially if he already once was, it made sense to. Though memories lost maybe the interest had faded, as so many had before. Célnes wondered how many Kings and Queens, lost Princess's and Princes were amongst these wilds, away from the cozy thrones they once had. Her own, covered in thorns, was a rather thankful abandonment to truly rule what she desired. Not too many in her family were really here to stop her plans..

Those that were, were already taken care of.

"A stroll - you cannot meet too many new wolves when you only walk in your in territory."

the staff team luvs u
08-15-2021, 02:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 10:50 PM by zina.)
Are you related?
 “By marriage, yes,” the King of the Seas answered, wondering if her mighty standards would even consider him such, given no sea to rule. Marriage was a funny thing, and rarely a good plan save for the lucky few. The sea-faring brother was not sure what things would become, nor what his role would be a year from then.
A lord? Are you not anymore?
 “I don't know,” answered Poseidon truthfully. For how could one be a lord when they owned nothing? The sea god sat upon his brother's land, and anything more would need to be gained. This seemed strangely unfair, for it felt as though the land itself called to him, and it felt like the earth begged his leadership.
 A stroll, she said, and what an odd beastie she was. “Not really my lady,” answered Poseidon,“ I give you me!!”
 With that, the goof of a brother began to spin around in place. He started attempting to eat his own tail, though he had long outgrown this game. He did what was necessary, spinning in ballet circles and finding his footing, discovering violence without borders. Poseidon breathed, hoping she did not feed him to the proverbial wolves.

the staff team luvs u
08-17-2021, 10:46 PM
"Ah, so she is mates with Hades." It was speculated of course, as it did not seem to make sense otherwise. For how she was raised, her perception of 'King and Queen' were different then those of normal wolves. Kingslend, their King was the rightful ruler who was born into it, a heir that was given, but the gender never did mater, for they would always be called a King, even if it were female. Likewise, the mate was always to be a Queen, gender did not matter. It took some time adjusting when she realized the large confusion that it came toward the difference.. And gradually, she called herself a Queen instead.

The norm' was always the two were mates, but sometimes those not of her culture have a difference. It brought a slight comfort to know that it still applied in other areas.

She laughed at the man, as he chased his tail in a jester of sorts, "You will give yourself to me? A dance perhaps?" She said while he did so entirely. If a wolf could clap she may be doing so, instead she watched and chuckled lightly.

the staff team luvs u
08-26-2021, 01:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 10:50 PM by zina.)
 A brief nod was all Poseidon offered in regards to Hades and the little flower. He wasn't sure where they stood, though he knew where they would probably lead. Though Poseidon had seen the king of the Underworld dabble before, this seemed less like the desperate attempts at putting a stopper in loneliness and closer to an actual something like... well.
 When he came out of his spin, Poseidon grinned widely, tipping his head to her and beginning to regard her in a new, terrible light. “Would you dance with me, fair Queen, without music?” He asked of her.
 He bowed his head, dipped into a bow, and knelt as though she was an empress in a plea for entertainment.
 Stupidly, he also began humming the notes (but not the lyrics) to Sugar. He peered up at her from his bow, expectantly.

the staff team luvs u
08-31-2021, 02:11 PM
The music that he knew, and she knew, were vastly different. She did not know such instruments, and only the howling and singing of those from her own kind. She could not imagine music elsewhere, besides the natural sounds of nature ; that itself as a weaving of music to the ear. When he hummed an unfamiliar tune she wondered if he had a knack to be a musician, a Woodweaver Elkshire calls them, though the man did suit the jester-lifestyle, perhaps it was to be expected.

She didn't mind that.

As per' court dances, she tipped her paw forward and bowed lightly; "I accept," she would dance.

the staff team luvs u
09-03-2021, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 10:51 PM by zina.)
 He watched her regal nature as she bent and offered a paw. He, being a crude club dancer in a past life, delighted in this display of regal deliciousness. He'd always found the plain ballroom-type dances quite boring, but it seemed a different sport when one was on four legs. She seemed to enjoy him in some way, so he rolled with it and led on.
 “My lady,” he invited as he bowed beside her as though to take her arm. He rose, doing slight internal math to figure out what dancing even meant for canines. He continued humming the tune, somehow able to shift his body and do little spins on rare occasion, trying to match the way she was moving in opposite form. Much of the time, he kept parallel and very close to her, so close that their fur would brush and he could feel the heat of her body.
 He kept humming. He wished he could remember the words. “You're very good at this,” he observed.

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09-12-2021, 11:48 AM
It was not often she could have 'fun.' Many points within her life was thoroughly thought out, calculated, words watched and thought of.. Everything needed a purpose, she tried not to waste even a breathe if needed so, only with the occasional laze of days, as there was truly nothing to do. As she felt her paws and hips twirl, body of movement.. A true smile would unfold from Célnes, light laugh as the Queen felt at times her body twine with the other man, though foolish and jester-like as he was - he brought out the best of everyone, "As are you."

Dancing was not something familiar.. But she enjoyed it, "Do you often do this?"

the staff team luvs u
09-14-2021, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 10:51 PM by zina.)
 Poseidon delighted in her movements. He carefully followed her, knowing well that his footwork would not be amazing. When she started to twirl, he followed her and pretended as he was lifting and twirling her himself. The mood had shifted from a serious political meet to something joyous and pleasant. This was how he wanted people to feel when they entered his domain, though, this was his brother's domain. He wondered if he could change things.
 He thought briefly about what would happen should he present the idea that people should be greeted with dance and joy. He knew, of course, this was not the way of Hades, nor Persephone. He flattened his face.
 His expression resumed joy as he felt the slight touch of fur from the brown mistress that twirled for a moment about him. What beauty. “No, not anymore,” he answered, following her movements with more humming of a blend into Blinding Lights as he reached the chorus.
 “Once, in a former life, maybe. Not anymore,” he answered between choruses. He backed away from her, looking then directly toward her. He made movements with his feet while he hummed, watching her eyes. They were brilliant. Orange. Like fire. What a delight.

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09-18-2021, 02:08 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2021, 02:09 PM by Célnes.)
"In another season, I do not mind doing this again," she said with a slight hum to her voice and a playful smile upon her. A stress reliever not often gain, and company she rarely found to be enjoyable. She proposed so while they separated, and danced with their paws as she attempted to copy such a dance, though inexperienced perhaps it wasn't as elegant as she desired it too ; but the attempt was there.

Politics are a daily life for the Queen, but ah, how nice it would be to have but nothing of freedom. A thought, that never once came until the moment ; how would it be if she stopped her greed for power?

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09-28-2021, 03:14 AM
 “Anytime, Queen,” he purred, finding that he was learning with his feet quickly, even in the new form. He remembered a flash of twirling young ladies about, often simply to allow them a fun time. He remembered dancing at his wedding with a woman he would always be in love with. The memories were thin and did not have enough substance that he would be able to repeat them, but he treasured the moment of bliss they offered as Célnes offered something real and existing in the now. 
 “What a treat you are, my lady,” Poseidon said, finishing their little dance while humming his tune and slowing to a halt in unison with her. He made sure to keep eye contact as he moved, such that she knew what he was doing.
 “Would it be okay if I visit your domain one day, Queen?” He asked it as though he didn't already know the answer, cocking his head. He continued to offer only formal titles for the brown woman, knowing well that such women delighted in such status.

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09-28-2021, 06:57 PM
She could think of festivals, though dancing was not as intertwined within the culture of wolves as it was for the howling and running. She couldn't deny  it was a rather pleasant experience though, and her mind toyed with such a thought to bring it forward. Though would Elkshire wolves live to such jovial twirling? She could not imagine her guards doing so, though maybe her cousin would..

"Of course - though I hope you don't bring elk or deer as a present." The Queen chuckled slightly, and nodded to his suggestion not minding that the king of the sea would come to her land. She would await for the visit, and bless it with open arms.. As long as he did not bring any forbidden treats.

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09-29-2021, 03:30 PM
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10-18-2021, 10:48 PM
I don't know why but I thought this was archived, so I'm archiving it with this post :D also, yay Roach xD

 No elk or deer? Ah, "Elkshire". The name was beginning to make a bit more sense. The queen was an interesting woman, and Poseidon was no doubt titillated by her demeanour. He wanted to know more, but preferred her to be within her own space when the time came. “I would hardly want to insult the Queen of Elkshire,” he answered, “but consider a much better gift to be in your future, madame Queen.”
 He wasn't stupid, he knew that her words really meant, "you can visit, but you better bring me something nice." Poseidon was already racking his brain, trying to think of something that she might enjoy. Perhaps there were some shiny stones or some such in the caverns beneath Winterheart. Maybe it was food that would satisfy her, provided it was not venison.
 Something told him that a meagre rabbit would not suffice.
 “Until next time then,” he said, turning and stepping aside and then away from her. His paw brushed over leaf litter, and he could have sworn he felt something like a spider graze his paw pad. Lifting his foot suddenly, he didn't see anything on himself, and wandered away.

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