The bear. A very distinct point of reference in the turning point of their histories, but one surprisingly vague now that he forcibly reflected. He remembered the bear too, then if he searched, some hazy afterward--of climbing up, howling to the snow-capped peaks of the spear, and gathering with the others in the aftermath though he could not recount their faces. Then, there was more still, right? It began to blur there, he suspected, only getting worse as the time spanned after that. Was that possible..? With a small shiver creeping underneath his skin, he thought it might simply be best that way; to not know, exactly.
“I remember the bear too. Maybe something after, I can't tell. Not right now..” he drew off quietly.
He steadied with a deep breath.
“I think so too. They have to be.. somewhere,” he reasoned as he looked off towards a distant horizon in part for his own peace of mind. A corner of his heart told him he should still harbor doubts; something dire
had happened, after all, he would not have left otherwise, and surely the same would be said for others like his sisters and Desdemona. He hoped that soon, they could all be reunited properly, settle the ugly unknowing, and above all, that the gaps in their memories would no longer plague them. But again, it would take time, and the proper twist of fate to get them there.
And onward as such, as time marched on as it so often did. The morning was filling out, and the patrol would go on--conversation winding, or not; he was no stranger to silence when necessary, but he did enjoy comfortable company. As with the rest of it, wondered what the day would have in store for the mountainside, and savored this peaceful-enough start.
trying to wrap some stuff so i can justify new threads LMAO, hope that's okay <3
the staff team luvs u