Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

that's what the baddest do

Afternoon Rain
04-13-2021, 02:15 PM
The rain triggered something, she just couldn't figure out what -- not yet, anyway.  There was something that linked the heaviness in her heart to the rain as it fell around her, but good God, she could hardly believe that rain had wounded her.  No, something must have happened in the rain to warrant such an involuntary reaction such as her melancholy.  The mind was a frustrating labyrinth, she was finding, and it was likely to drive the woman mad before too long.  Who had hurt her?  Why had they?  Why hadn't she forgotten the grief along with their name, their face?  It made no bloody sense!

Annika pushed herself into a steady trot, giving a shake of her head to dislodge the thoughts she was eager to get away from.  If it were possible to literally run from her problems, Annika would have been long gone.  She needed a distraction -- mental, physical, it didn't matter -- as long as she found something that enabled her to forget.  Finding that distraction would be a quest in of itself, but she had nothing better to do than indulge herself in the locals.  Maybe a friend or two would ease the ache in her chest.

Probably not.


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04-13-2021, 06:40 PM
[narrow width=700]Limping through the lingering rain, it had been a few days since her encounter with the violent stranger beneath their shared shelter. What a dreadful mistake. She vowed to be more cautious of her surroundings in the future, and though her flanks were healing well from his jagged claws, they still stung with the bitterness of shame. How could she be so foolish? Maybe this really was the wrong side of Eternity; Valeska sorely regretted all of the swears she'd uttered, but there was nothing for it now. The gods frowned upon her after all, and she remained a sinner in the end.

And Harper, her angel, ascended to a better place. It brought her some solace, knowing that her dark sister had either survived the disaster in the land of the living, or that she had already gone on to meet the gods themselves in their shining, glorious embraces. Wistfully, she wished that could be her, too; to be there, to see Harper's face as realization dawned that she was every bit the wonderful, golden-hearted woman Valeska knew her to be, living out eternity in their gilded kingdom. Their father's poison truly had died with him - she would never be tricked that way again.

At least, she hoped.

Looking ahead, the little wolf spotted movement only a few yards away - she stiffened reflexively, tail halfway poised, and called bravely into the wet air. "Hello?" she offered in her low, throaty tones. "Ah... am not here for fight. Do not want to take nothing, not steal shelter, no claws, whoever you are - have had enough scuffle for a long time, now."
She noted that the apparition was similar in hue, but slightly smaller in stature than the demon she had encountered earlier - it would be something of a fairer battle (if no less decisive), but still not one she wanted to partake in.[/narrow]

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04-13-2021, 10:25 PM
Eternal wandering, while a poetic end, was not something Annika was interested in pursuing. Eventually her legs would tire and her stomach would growl and she would be forced to deviate from her wayward path, but for now she was.. complacent. Complacent to simply wander the lands as a woman in white, the forlorn spectral figures formed by an incurable heartbreak. Perhaps she would take up wailing and screeching for effect, maybe she would gnash her teeth and do.. other.. ghostly things.

Meh, too much effort.

Annika's form slithered forward, hardly aware of another until she called out. It was fortunately not the woman from before (Annie could only take so much, even as saintly as she was) but another, prettier she-wolf. Downright dainty. Her ears drew forward curiously at the singsong accent, and for the first time in months there was a spark of life.

"Ты говоришь по-русски." It was not a question but an observation, one by a delighted native speaker. But, oh, she was a bit wounded, wasn't she? And claimed she wasn't there to cause trouble. "I bring you no harm. I am Annika," she said with a polite dip of her head, unable to stop the slow wag of her tail. Omg my bff Jill?


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04-13-2021, 10:59 PM
[narrow width=700]If not for the steady fall of rain pitter-pattering the grass surrounding them, one might have heard a pin drop.

In the moments following the dark female's statement, Valeska registered several peculiar things.

Exhibit A: the long, jagged teeth marks tearing up the sides of her neck, leaving a brutal-looking collar of scars as an adornment. Valeska thought that she would have to ask about them later; she wasn't nosy, she just liked to know things, and had the unfortunate tendency to ask questions as they came to her. Thankfully, in this instance, she was too distracted to keep her attention focused there.

Which brings us to Exhibit B: the wolf spoke Russian. She spoke Russian so well, in fact, that she sounded downright native, and Valeska's suspicions were confirmed by the statement concealed within her foreign words showing she recognized the little wolf as a fellow native speaker with ease.
The last Russian gentleman she met tried to stomp on her, and he was very nasty, so this was a nice change of pace.

Lastly, and chief over all other curiosities, Exhibit C: the woman smelled very faintly of smoke and vanilla, two markers by which Valeska was always able to recognize her half-sibling. This was not a terribly uncommon scent to possess, as a finite number of combinations existed in the ages of the earth, but it seemed very strange indeed that a very particularly Russian-speaking, dark-hued, smoke-and-vanilla stranger had all of these things wrapped up in a package that screamed suspicion.

Valeska squinted. "Ты ... не Харпер." The words came out slowly, thoughtfully, and if the woman looked closer, she could probably see the wheels turning inside her head. This was perhaps the greatest puzzle she had ever confronted, the mystery of their current predicament excluded. "I have not met another besides sister who speaks our tongue. I am... I am very pleased." Her tail began to wag in turn, echoing her acquaintance's motion. "I am Valeska! Fell into hole in the ground, woke up here days ago with friends scattered. Saw that you look sad, earlier. Is it hunger? Could find something for to eat. I also am sad when I'm hungry."

Smiling coyly, almost like a child talking in a secret code language, she cast Annika a sidelong glance. "Есть ли у вас предпочтения?"

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
04-14-2021, 01:44 PM
The grin splattered across her muzzle was a knee jerk reaction to hearing her native tongue spoken back. Few things had the capability of making her smile nowadays and she was downright flustered to have stumbled across this woman, so much so her tail picked up its pace and wagged. Maybe her luck was changing after everything? Doubtful, but it certainly provided the distraction she craved.

The mention of Harper was not lost on her confused mind, but it was swiftly ignored. No, she was not Harper -- she was Annika and proud of it. 

Things shifted towards her somber appearance and Annika shook her head. "I have same thing happen. Woke up, confusion, but feel sad? Sad like someone die, but I can't think of who." Annika frowned.  Frustrating, huh? However.. well, food was good and she was nothing if not willing to partake in snack time.

"Самый красивый должен решить," the rogue said with a -- what she considered -- a sly wink. Yes, Annika did flirt with anything that moved, thank you for asking.


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04-14-2021, 03:21 PM
[narrow width=700]It thrilled her to see Annika so enthused; she shared in her excitement, suddenly feeling like she was back home in the mountains before the Mikkaelson family had been torn apart. There was comfort in their shared language, a sense of unity even among strangers out in this godsforsaken land full of muddled thoughts and broken hearts.

'... Woke up, confusion, but feel sad? Sad like someone die, but I can't think of who,' pondered the dark she-wolf. Valeska had woken with generally similar emotions, but perhaps not as specifically as Annika meant them. She thought everyone died too, but she'd also had an idea of how and why. If she closed her eyes, she could still see the earth crumbling and yawning before her...

Shaking her head, Valeska looked back at her new acquaintance. She was just about to open her mouth to speak when -

'The prettiest has to decide.'

If at all possible for a wolf, Valeska turned eighty-three shades of red beneath her fur and suddenly felt like she sweating beneath the hot sun in a desert in spite of the rain. Was Annika... flirting with her? Surely not. They had only just met, and she smelled so oddly familiar, it was... well, anyway. She nervously cleared her throat, and almost blurted out who the prettiest here actually was (with her ageless envy of dark, sultry fur) but thought better of it just in case.

"Такой добрый! Пойдем, погуляем. Расскажи мне, что ты помнишь о себе," Valeska replied, her voice wavering for only a moment as her heart rate slowed back to its normal rhythm. "And we can use English for practice, if you like. Though it is good to hear mother tongue. Music to Valeska's ears!"

Turning to face the north, she set off at a gentle trot, scanning their surroundings for movement as she went - a quick snack and a short autobiography would help break the ice further, but more than that, something told her this woman was important.[/narrow]

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
04-14-2021, 06:03 PM
Annika may have been losing her charm, she mused quietly. While there was no obvious rejection, there certainly wasn't any indication of her reception. Pah, all Annika wanted to do was lose herself in the comfort of another and temporarily feel some semblance of relief from the crushing world. But no, of course, she had to find the one modest Russian in all the lands.

Still, she wasn't going to deny her platonic company.. and there was still the potential for more, wasn't there? Yes. Yes there was, she told herself.

As @Valeska turned to lead the way, Annika pursued with a slower pace. With the size difference, it would have been merciless to try and push herself. In tandem with the trot, Annie jogged slowly. Hopefully this lady knew where the primo hunting grounds were around here.

"You in pack? Meet any pack?" the wolf asked casually, though her interest was piqued. Packs meant safety and a purpose, so it was only natural she gravitated towards the opportunity.

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04-14-2021, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2021, 05:04 PM by Aso.)
[narrow width=700]Valeska didn't seem to notice how the leggier woman had shortened her natural stride for her; to be fair, she often took these small gestures for granted, feeling herself to be the same size as everyone else around her until it was clear that she... wasn't. Anyway, this wasn't one of those instances, and so she swept forward with the grace and elegance of a small toy poodle on its daily walk, head held high and tail aloft. She narrowed her eyes to cast a furtive glance at the dark wolf beside her, trying with some effort to peek at the curious ring of scars about her neck. Something had tried to slay her at one point, but clearly failed - did Annika remember?

Should she ask?

How strong was this stranger to fight something off that left marks that deep?

Unfortunately, her gentle probing was briskly ignored and cast aside in favor of Annika's own questioning. Suppressing a sigh - maybe she would share her tale later, what little she might remember of it - Valeska veered suddenly toward the right, picking up the scent of nearby prey and slowing her pace.
"Have pack. Or, had pack. Then blackness, and we woke here - I am High Priestess of Elysium. We are five wolves total, or, ah, will be again when find them all," she began in a soft voice, not wanting to startle their lunch. "We start again now, seeking home to rest. Amara-friend is searching for good place while I look for our friends; she is near the mountains, I think. If you would like family, place to rest, to grow and nurture self, then we would be glad to shelter you."
She halted, swiveling her ears forward. Her voice dropped to a whisper.
"Also, we like snacks. Gain five pounds last year!"

Lowering herself to a stalking crouch, she motioned with her head toward a dense thicket; a deer stood delicately beneath a tree for shelter against the drizzle, unknowing of the danger that lurked at the outskirts.

"You are better chance for single strike, I think. Much tall, strong legs; Annika lean and graceful, like fang. Go! Pierce!" she hissed gleefully, secretly wanting to see what she could do.

+2 Formation Points

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
04-15-2021, 01:43 PM
Annika's brow furrowed at the tale, wondering how good of a pack it was considering the members were all scattered to the wind. There were five in total, apparently, and Valeska spoke as if some of them were nearby. Well, maybe it was worth a shot anyway. The lady was a high priestess, after all, so clearly she had some good karma built up -- right? Right? Maybe she was worth sticking around for a bit?

Oh, but the mention of family did make her heart constrict. That was new, wasn't it? As was the following, subconscious glance at her stomach as though her sides should have been swollen with pups. An ache throbbed in her chest, but she shook her head and pressed on. She'd think about it later.

The mention of snacks piqued her interest, but hearing the near command to hunt the wayward deer was a bit.. disheartening. It caused her to frown and her mood to sour, disappointment obvious that @Valeska felt able to bark orders so soon. If Annie hadn't been hungry as well, she may very well have excused herself and gone her own way.

Instead, she took out the irritation on the deer and brought it down after some time chasing. It wasn't easy to bring down a deer alone, but given the proper motivation, it was doable. Annika stood over the kill and glanced towards the other, brow quirking as though awaiting an appraisal of the hunt.

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04-15-2021, 07:12 PM
[narrow width=700]The quick glance toward her belly did not go unnoticed; Valeska at first assumed it had to do with hunger, but Annika's face had darkened just a little, and suddenly she wondered with a sinking heart if the woman had been a mother in the Before. Once again, she could not open her mouth to ask. The perpetual aura of sorrow, of being bereft in some way or another clung to her like a veil, and it followed her every step through the brush.

Was she a widow?

Annika suddenly glowered, and the little wolf wondered what she had said to foul their previous giddiness at sharing a language together - she glanced at the deer, and had the beginning of a thought when the larger female bolted, making quick enough work of the kill despite a lack of help.

Oh. That was why. Shit.

'Gods forgive the swear, amen,' she chanted internally.

Valeska made her way over, moving as briskly as she could, and bit her lip nervously. “So sorry! Do not think me rude! It is that I cannot run, right now,” she said with some embarrassment, swiveling her hips to show the weeping gashes still torn raggedly through her flanks; she was able to trot well enough, but running and leaping brought too much pain and stiffness to be of much use. “I was attacked by horrible wolf south of here. Am fine, but still healing. I will not share in kill - it is yours anyway; I wanted you to have it. Also thought would be fun for you to show off, but see was very misplaced judgment.”

Resting on the tall grass, she paused. “Я скоро пойду к ним. Вы можете прийти, если хотите,” she said quietly, lifting her head to gaze up at the cloudy sky. Rain splashed against her muzzle, and she blinked away some bothersome drops that had collected on her brow; she was grateful for the cooler weather, much preferring the drizzle to the searing heat of the Plains. “Ешьте и смотрите, как вы себя чувствуете - В любом случае я был бы благодарен компании.”

Acting casual, but Valeska dearly hoped her new acquaintance would come - there was still something odd about her, and if they found Harper, it would be grand to have three deep-voiced Russian speakers together during a festival full of Very bad Herbs.
She smiled, just a little.

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
04-20-2021, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2021, 05:05 PM by Aso.)
Had Annika not been as confused as she was about the entire world, she may have taken more offense to the entire thing. As it was, she didn't have much of a choice in companionship and would make it work however she could.. even if it meant catering to a more beautiful woman's every whim. It would do for now, she supposed, even if all she wanted to do was hang her head in exhaustion and wait for the darkness to swallow her whole once more. Maybe when she woke this time, things would make sense.

And then @Valeska spoke up, displaying her tattered sides and explaining some bastard had attacked her. As much as she wanted to sympathize, the wolf was far too spent on pitying herself to do anything but stiffly nod. "No, please eat. Will help wounds heal." Annika knew a bit about healing and had patched herself up several times before, but shiiiit she didn't feel like helping someone else out at the moment. "I dabble with heals," the Russian said without warning, immediately annoyed with herself because wow. Way to do the exact opposite of intended.  "Can help if want." Annika didn't know why anyone would turn down assistance in healing up such savage wounds, but she'd never met someone that had commanded her to show off before, either. Life was whack.

Her tail flicked idly by her hocks as the language shifted, but the offer was.. well, she didn't know. Did she want to follow Valeska back to the others and risk being told to show off whenever they wanted? Was Annika just being an overly dramatic bitch? Yes, but she would never admit to it. Not even once.

Truth be told, Annika had nothing better to do.

"I come for while, at least." It would do her some good to socialize, regardless of whether or not they ended up being besties for life. Annika had a feeling she didn't do friends, anyway.

+1 Formation Points

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04-20-2021, 11:39 PM
[narrow width=700]It didn't take a psychologist to see that Annika was clearly not easily swayed by friendly overtures; practicality and a harsh sense of jaded realism flowed from her like water downstream, and it drenched Valeska in its chill like the cold rain above them.

If the little wolf had been able to peer into her thoughts, she would have been quite surprised (and had a good chuckle) over being perceived as beautiful - she was stocky and thick-furred, but she never considered herself a looker. Oddly, her sister often thought her the pretty sibling too, but Valeska brushed it off as another one of those 'grass is greener' cases. She herself admired dark fur and contrasting features; feeling it more striking and mysterious, even as a pup she would cake herself in mud by the stream and present herself proudly as one of the sultry woodland ladies from the forest down south - how she longed for the pitch pelt Harper wore, slinking through shadows and catching prey off the mountains with much greater ease. Ever since they had agreed to stay away from the tundras and mountain-tops for the sake of their pack, Valeska had struggled almost as much as their little albino Gwyn on the hunt.

As it stood, she was a poofy snowflake nearly visible from orbit.

Seeing the woman's jaw set in an ominous way, Valeska meekly bobbed assent and took a few tearing bites out from the carcass as she was bid, savoring the thick, hearty flesh. It was one of the first real meals she'd had since arriving here, and gods was it better than rabbit. It took all of her strength not to keep going, but she forced herself to stop after several mouthfuls, and dragged her head back up from the bloody mess to lick her lips and take a few breaths.

'I dabble with heals.' Valeska blinked, stunned. Did she just offer to help? Startled, the little wolf shuffled awkwardly and tried to play it off. “Oh, it is not so bad, do not trouble yourself. You are kind - we can wait until we meet others. Sister also is gifted in herbs - you two would have much to talk about. I only know basics; she tries to teach, but she says I am prone to eating them, and do not know what is poison, and will probably die,” she replied sheepishly with a half-smile. “Although joke is on her if I am already dead in this place.”

Rising to her feet, she shook some of the rain out of her waterlogged coat and took a few steps forward, trying to work the stiffness out of her hind legs. She winced. “Well, if you like, we can go...” Valeska hesitated, unsure if it was alright to proceed. “... And if you truly do not mind, if we pass any of the healing-herbs along the way, I would like to learn and help in the patching up of my legs, at least so I am faster. But do not feel you must. It is such generous offer.”

She rallied her strength and cleared her throat as she proceeded, heading toward the direction of where Amaranth had said they might meet up - it wasn't too far, at least, and would only take a few days to reach their destination if the weather didn't turn much worse. Valeska smiled once at her new acquaintance, as if in reassurance that she wasn't about to make a terrible decision, and began the long walk.

[Exit Valeska]

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