the river that divided labyrinthian and elkshire
The snow had long since stopped and came no more. It seemed to just be a fluke, or a reminder from the heavens that winter was just around the corner. They survived once and would again, Celnes did not have worries about the issue of prey and so — war and troubles had lacked the temperate, and competition for food was not the largest. Packs were silent, keeping to their corners and otherwise minimal communication that came.. Though the Queen did wonder, how were her neighbors doing?
A convienance she could still remain within her forest, but gaze at either Nightwalkers or.. Celnes looked across the river to see where the land of Labryinthian was, so close and yet so far — where both peacefully did not venture into other's territory with the river dividing them so. A peaceful alliance she thought, both with a bit of.. Differences. He may not be the most likable colors, but all can be tossed aside for the sake of something more. Nor' did she mind their own complications of the wolf.
A hum, as she sat by the waters, wondering whether destiny would bring one of them.
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