Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I can give a thousand reasons why

03-14-2021, 04:34 PM
As they’d settled into the ideas of claiming the forest as their own he’d gotten more and more confident. Hades had done the hard job of accepting that he wasn’t in control of this situation or whatever idea of the Fates it was to weave their threads together in this particular manner. He’d broken away from the rest of the troop to hunt, finding that it was easiest for him when he was just focused on running and then enjoying the battle of life and death. 

It had fallen into his natural realm, to make the kills and provide for the rest of them, and Hades didn’t mind the solitude at all. He’d always been a lone creature when it came to his personal relationships, only really failed ventures in sharing any aspects of his real true self. Despite the vast differences in their personalities, he and his brothers tended to get along well but it was always the two party animals and then Hades along just for ride. It worked. It was bizarre but it worked. 

Hades veered suddenly, smelling deer - he was careful with his selection, but, hunting alone was harder to be picky and he had to be a bit opportunistic. On the off chance someone was near he let out a howl to draw anyone in that might want to partake.

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03-14-2021, 08:25 PM
Keeping things vague!

Theodora’s short conversations with these forest dwelling wolves must have left some sort of good impression; it’d been at least a week, and she still hadn’t felt drawn away to explore elsewhere. Instead, she spent her time wandering the evergreens in search of idle tasks to take on.

Her snout was buried in a thick weave of low-lying ferns when Hades sounded his summoning howl. Theo thought for a moment, debating whether or not she was particularly interested in a hunt, but decided that it might be a good opportunity to get to know one of her neighbors. 

Keeping quiet, she drew her tiny frame close to where she thought Hades might have been. Once his ashen figure came into view, Theo yipped her short greeting and took station a few feet away. “I might not be helpful”, she explained, “Maybe you can use me for a distraction.” There was an off-putting size difference between them that anyone would have noticed. Fortunately, Theodora couldn’t have been less bothered by it.
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03-15-2021, 05:37 AM
He was a bit surprised that she had approached but he was pleasantly surprised when he recognized her. Hades didn't recall having a conversation with her alone but it didn't matter to him. He was glad for her presence all the same and nodded when she'd come to a stop not too far away. It wasn't hard to suss out what Hades had in mind - aside from his mouth the herd of deer was grazing near them. "I bet you're faster than I am, though." He wagered. Persephone was, and they were both small, so it was easy to reason that they'd both be quick. 

"If you run into the middle of them and scatter them, I can run one down if you want to help me take it down. I'll do the dirty work." He just wanted someone as backup to help keep the deer in his sights - and he would take them down easily if he just had some assistance. Hades didn't think there was anyone who couldn't help after all. They both had different strengths and he was confident they'd be able to help their group overall. Their pack even, if he was so bold.

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03-16-2021, 08:53 AM
“Maybe”, Theodora agreed, “I suppose I can be quick.” She couldn’t see much beyond the thick forest foliage, but knew by scent and sound that their target was nearby. Theo looked at Hades until given permission to move forward, then pressed her body low to the ground for a (relatively) quiet approach.

Those deer closest to where she’d snuck into the open were quick to respond, scattering quickly toward the herd’s backside. Theo waited for some calm to settle, then dashed forward with taunting yips. She turned back toward Hades for a moment, just long enough to be love-tapped in the jaw by a younger buck, before continuing with her very loud and inexperienced “distraction” tactic.
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03-16-2021, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2021, 05:58 PM by Hades.)
Hades was shocked by her technique. He worried when she’d taken that little hit that he’d have to rescue her but she still seemed capable of running and functioning so Hades let her go. His ears flicked back and once there was enough of a gap in the herd he shot forth to help separate off a prospective doe. ”Take that side,” Hades instructed Theodora as the other deer all scrambled, but they had a couple separated from the rest of the herd. Hades waited until the doe was focused on Theodora and then launched himself at the doe, teeth sinking in her shoulder as he attempted to pull her down to the ground.

Although it wasn’t the cleanest takedown Hades was once again glad for his size and strength. He yanked back, the deer bleeting loudly, only to clamp his jaws on it’s neck and pulled it down to the ground. With any luck Theodora wouldn’t get trampled or kicked, but, this was the relatively easier portion Hades felt. It was just waiting and using brute strength.

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03-18-2021, 09:11 AM
Theodora looked around, continuing to chase anything that moved within her line of sight. She nipped at ankles, even as they clipped her in their attempt to escape, until being distracted by the sound of a deep bellow.

She turned to watch Hades bring down their target. Theo couldn’t stop her legs from moving, feeling totally exhilarated by the whole thing, but her gaze remained focused on him even as she paced through open spaces in the forest foliage.

It wouldn’t take long before Hades finished his part of the task. Theodora waited patiently beside him, figuring that she wouldn’t be of much assistance.
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03-19-2021, 04:59 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2021, 12:58 AM by Valk.)
^^Hades could feel it. He always did. He wasn't the one who killed - he was judgement, he took measure of a life and decided if it was worthy or not and for what task. He kept one careful ear turned towards the back - the herd was thundering away, and eventually even the stragglers were gone and they had managed a successful kill. Eventually the deer stopped struggling, and the life that was in them trembled and ebbed. It went from a dull flame to an ember and then down to nothing at all. When he was certain there was nothing left to the deer he lifted his head, tongue chasing the blood on his maw. He looked up to Theodora and gestured her over. “With a little be of training, you'd be great to chase down prey.” Hades said encouragingly.

“Do you want to eat something now? We can drag the rest back for them - but you helped, and that's worthy some reward.” He offered her a smile and then stood, stretching his limbs out a bit. There was always such tension in him after a kill, even if it was simple enough. “Tell me, what do you think of Winterheart so far?” He was curious and wanted insight from someone who wasn't as tied to it and in love with it as he was. ^^
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03-23-2021, 06:58 AM
It seemed like a compliment which was more than enough for Theodora. She smiled, adding regretfully: “Thank you, but I don’t think it interests me much.” Hunting small things, like mice and fish, could keep her equally satisfied without all of the blood and gore of large game.

Theo thought for a moment, then shook her head. “I’m not really hungry”, she told him, shrugging her shoulders, “Are you?” It seemed like it might be awkward, standing there to watch him eat. 

What do you think of Winterheart? Theodora hummed an insightful tune as she pondered Hades’s question. What did she think of Winterheart? It reminded her of something, and despite not knowing exactly what that thing was, even the vague association brought her some sense of comfort. 

Considering her potential response, Theo turned away from Hades for a moment. “I like it here but I can’t help feeling like there’s something missing.” Did he understand? She was doubtful.
the staff team luvs u
04-01-2021, 01:11 AM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2021, 01:29 AM by Valk.)
^^He smiled gently when she said it wasn't something that interested her much. “What does?” He asked curiously. He wanted to know more about her, and if she did want to be part of the pack they were imagining. She declined to eat and he understood, shaking his head. “I'll wait for everyone,” He explained, gesturing back towards the thick of the forest. “I'm not terribly hungry.” They had caches to build and if they were going to take the time to eat before it would certainly make things easier for him. Hauling a kill that far seemed excessive.

The idea of something missing made sense to him. He was missing an entirely life, though, and it was lost in the huddled mess of a lifetime ago. “I feel like we won't be alone for long. It feels like there will be more, I just don't know.” Hades admitted. “There's other family, but, I don't know where they are right now.” That was nagging at Hades just as much as those lost, hazy memories. It didn't make sense and it bothered the King desperately.^^
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04-01-2021, 08:11 PM
“Hunting, really”, Theodora explained. She didn’t think that it was very entertaining but she knew that it was important; it was better left to those with a natural affinity for the trade. 

Hades began talking about more members, then more family. It was difficult for Theo to hide her sudden discontentment, though she tried her best with a slight look away. “Do you think we need more?” she asked, trying to press him further, “Are there not enough?” While she knew that it hadn’t been his intention, Theodora couldn’t help but feel slighted, as though he had implied she was deficient in some way.
the staff team luvs u
04-01-2021, 10:10 PM
^^Good to know - he wouldn't ask her to hunt then. Too bad Artemis hadn't shown up, even if she didn't like him. She did like to hunt. “So what are you interested in?” It was more the thought he'd intended, since she'd expressed no interests in hunting. He turned his head to her when she'd asked if there wasn't enough - and even if it was the small group of them or all of them he'd say the same thing. “It's not the numbers,” Hades assured her. “I just.....it's a feeling, you know? I can't get it out of my head.” He explained. “Poseidon and I have another brother and I can't remember a time he wasn't involved....” Not after he'd been freed anyways. Confusion was clear on the King's face and a soft sigh left him. “I'm sorry. I got a bit distracted I think.” He didn't have a problem admitting it either.^^
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04-06-2021, 09:25 PM
Theodora shrugged her shoulders. “I’m interested in different things on different days”, she explained, “I would hate to give an answer that might be false tomorrow.” If there was one thing that she hated more than being called Dora, it was being called a liar, and so she did all that she could to avoid it.

Hades’s explanation made Theo feel apologetic for her slight hostility moments prior. She understood the feeling of missing someone, and though she didn’t like feeling inadequate, she found herself able to sympathize. 

“That’s alright”, she sighed. She tried to keep herself from thinking about her own vague past while continuing with her response. “If your brother is around, I’m sure he will find you.. and if he isn’t, then there’s no need to worry about it since it isn’t something you can change.” That helped, right?
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04-06-2021, 11:26 PM
^^Hades understood that. He nodded as she explained not wanting to tie herself down. Hades appreciated that she listened to him and that she didn't just spit back what he wanted to hear. “There's no rushing,” Hades promised quietly. “And however many interests you have hopefully you find what works for you or what doesn't.” He wasn't going to pressure anyone after all into things that might not be their preferences. It seemed to be a theme. If they weren't around, why worry? No one seemed to understand Hades had a particular specialty for worry however and it made it too hard to try and not worry.

“You haven't met my family,” Hades teased with a laugh. “It will be interesting if we can all get together. I'd like to have it that way.” Hades said with a soft sigh. “Do you have any family? You can tell me if it's too personal.” Hades made sure to say that - he didn't want to like....impose his will on anyone, after all.^^

— I figure when we end it we can just say they called everyone to eat XD

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04-10-2021, 12:09 AM
There seemed to be some implication in Hades’s response that he did, to some extent, expect Theodora to centralize her many energies into one specific pastime. She knew that this was incredibly unlikely, but she also knew that picking an argument over a possible misinterpretation would take more energy than she had to give.

Instead, she stared at him until he was finished speaking, then answered, “It’s too personal.” Eventually, assuming that her memories would return, Theo thought that she might not mind talking about such things as much. For now, it was a strangely sore topic.

“You should tell the others”, Theodora quickly continued, “I’m not very hungry, so I’ll be going now.” Any last-minute attempts to keep her there would have been in vain, as she’d already begun making her way back toward her cul-de-sac.
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04-11-2021, 12:53 AM
^^He just nodded. Her answer was what he'd wanted - that she be honest with him - and he took it at face value. He couldn't sink deeper and potentially misinterpret her. “Thank you for your help.” The King offered her with a small smile, but he didn't try to hold her in place. Instead, as her steps retreated he let loose a call for the rest of them. Even if she hadn't enjoyed hunting it was still something that helped provide for the pack overall.^^
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