09-11-2022, 05:35 PM
What had Amaranth used again?
Valeska rummaged through the bushes with focused intent, trying to remember the trinkets and odds and ends her mate had once used to conduct the... 'tarot reading' that had changed the course of their lives. The Five had spoken so clearly to them, to her, and the High Priestess would be hard pressed not to admit she felt a pang of envy. What had she done, exactly? There were sticks involved, some rocks - some feathers?
She had arranged them in a pile, done something, maybe she had said some words...
Sighing in frustration, she took a short break, sitting back on her haunches as she struggled to remember what all had transpired that evening back in Behemoth's Brim.
Maybe she hadn't used rocks at all.
What was the point, anyway? Valeska felt she'd been doing fine in her spirituality even before then, but oh, to have that magical experience again - it ached.
Valeska rummaged through the bushes with focused intent, trying to remember the trinkets and odds and ends her mate had once used to conduct the... 'tarot reading' that had changed the course of their lives. The Five had spoken so clearly to them, to her, and the High Priestess would be hard pressed not to admit she felt a pang of envy. What had she done, exactly? There were sticks involved, some rocks - some feathers?
She had arranged them in a pile, done something, maybe she had said some words...
Sighing in frustration, she took a short break, sitting back on her haunches as she struggled to remember what all had transpired that evening back in Behemoth's Brim.
Maybe she hadn't used rocks at all.
What was the point, anyway? Valeska felt she'd been doing fine in her spirituality even before then, but oh, to have that magical experience again - it ached.
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