Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Sitting here thinking bout you

Sunset Sunny/Clear
08-18-2022, 11:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2022, 07:20 PM by Aika.)

For @Taro! | After This Thread | To the west of The Watering Hole

 She'd ended up splitting from Izumi for but a moment. If she and her sister were here, could that hint to other Fujiwara's being here? Oh, Aika hoped so; She felt giddy at just the thought of reuniting with one of them! Perhaps her brother.. or her other sisters? The woman wasn't certain, but she hoped that they were okay...

 Heading towards the mountains, Aika tipped her head to the side. Perhaps one of them awoke there? It didn't seem to make much sense, but whatever. She hadn't woken surrounded by Wisteria, so... she supposed being "out of your element" was normal for being "summoned" into Canis.
 After what felt like centuries of walking, the lady huffed, sitting softly among the thin grass. She wanted to go home; She wanted to be with her family, safe and sound, with no worries, and no danger. “これは公平ではない,” She murmured to herself. No, it wasn't fair, but... Akai sighed. There had to be people going though worse than her, but.. still.

 Taking a stand, the woman continued, shaking her ink-covered head and batting her lashes. It was getting darker, and all she could hope for was to find one of her siblings... and soon. Well, at least Izumi was close-ish. If anything happened.. she could just call for her sister, right..?

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日本 & Common
08-20-2022, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2022, 12:04 PM by Taro.)
Purple eyes fluttered open against the breeze, as the prince stirred awake. Concern set in as he took in his surroundings of the mossy rock he had slept upon.
“俺はどこだ?” He muttered as he got to his feet. Once extended to his full height, he caught sight of the grassy plains beyond, reaching as far out as he could see.

It was a difficult, deciding whether he wanted to climb up the rest of the way, or head down. Ultimately he chose going up, in hope of seeing something familiar. It was a complete mystery to the man as to how he ended up so far away without any recollection of the journey.

Taro sat on the warm rocks, watching as the sky slowly flooded with colours, but more entertaining was the reflection of the sunset in the lake. The crystal water painted with various tints of reds and yellows.
His goal of finding his way home was deemed completely null once he reached the top. Nothing in the landscape striked any memory within his mind. So the man had thrown out any idea of returning, he would start out with a clean slate if he had to. This was good, he tried to convince himself.

His ears flattened against his head as the scent of a newcomer was brought to him with the breeze. The wolf was hidden from his sight, but something about their scent was familiar. Which didn't immediately reflect them well.
He took caution as he moved forward, slinking against the rocks, walking on the lowest points available. He was already downwind which gave him an advantage. Stealth wasn't something that came naturally to him, but after practice he managed it with ease.

His breath hitched in his throat as the wolf came into view. Their markings were eerily recognizable, but it was impossible. He couldn't be that lucky, could he? It was a chance he had to take. The Prince leaped onto a higher ledge so he was visible, taking a few tentative steps forward.
藤原愛華, is that you?”
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3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
08-20-2022, 12:57 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 05:12 AM by Aika.)

 She'd been unaware of the Fujiwara prince coming towards her, though as paws sounded atop a ledge, Aika let her gaze follow the nose, jaw dropping as she saw who. First, she'd found Izumi, and now, her brother? A smile begun to tug at her mouth as Taro asked a single question; "Aika, is that you?" The lady let a grin spread across her face, quickly dashing towards him.

 With only a few moments of climbing necessary, Aika stood just behind her brother, parting her maw to speak. “もちろん、それは私です、愚かな、” She teased gently, eyes narrowing as her cheeks rose in a smile. Oh, how @Izumi would love to see their brother again! “あなたはどこにいた?あなたがいない間にイズミを見つけました!”

 Taro's use of common tongue threw her off for a moment. Perhaps it was in case she wasn't who he thought she was, but she'd mimic his own use; “Why are you speaking like that? Using common tongue?” The girl was genuinely curious, and it seemed her brother's common had been improving, which she was glad to hear, though it'd be useless when talking with siblings, no?

 Eager to get Taro and Izumi back together, Aika aimed a flick of her tail to him before setting back off the ledge, leaping down with grace and gazing back up at her brother. “イズミに着くべきですか、それとも…知りません…たむろしますか?” Personally, she'd choose back to Izumi, and they could all talk later, but maybe Taro had something to say. 

 Waiting patiently, Aika sat, thumping the ground with her tail as to invite her brother to come take place next to her.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-22-2022, 09:50 PM
Apprehension filled him as the girl climbed towards him, he turned to meet her familiar indigo gaze. A grateful smile spread across his face at her reply, she really was here.
Disbelief struck him with her next sentence.
“藤原泉 ここにもいるのか? ” He questioned, switching to their shared tongue.
Could it be that fortune had finally smiled down upon him? It certainly wasn't underserved. Though it seemed Impossibly easy for him to just run into a third of his family suddenly, the prince chose not to question it.

Her curiosity confused him slightly, had she not not encountered the same problems he did? As much as he enjoyed conversing in his mother tongue once again. It was impractical in any other context than that of his family. Still he didn't voice those thoughts, if she hadn't learned that yet, she would soon.
“私は私たちの舌を話す人を見てきたので、それはしばらくしています” Taro said in a reassuring tone.
He leaped down off the ledge, joining his sister once again. He nodded at her words, “はい、彼女に私を連れて来てください”
the staff team luvs u

3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
08-22-2022, 10:37 PM

 “藤原泉 ここにもいるのか?” Aika smiled, nodding vibrantly; “彼女は! それは素晴らしいではないですか?” A grin confidently took her face, the lady almost jumped up and down with excitement. They were here! All they needed now was to find the rest of their littermates . . .

 “ああ . . 分かってる。. それは永遠にされています。” She sighed, shaking her head despairingly. It was horrible to think that so many of her family had been lost that night, but now . . . The siblings had returned! Reunited against the faces of evil! “しかし、私たちは再び一緒にいる、と私たちは二度と離れていることは決してないだろう。 それが重要なことです、ええ?” Akai hoped her brother would be able to share her hopefulness.

 Well, that was quick! “はい、彼女に私を連れて来てください” Aika nodded, turning tail to begin to the Watering Hole. Hopefully, if they were lucky, their trip would go undisturbed. Oh, @Izumi would be happy to see Taro again, right? Aika hoped so! “それはあまりにも長くかかるべきではありません,” The girl assured happily. “私たちはすぐにそこにいるでしょう!”

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-24-2022, 05:28 PM
He kept a few paces behind the girl, his lengthy legs weren't accustomed to the slope of the mountains, and the last thing he needed was to take his sister out with him if he fell. “しかし、私たちは再び一緒にいる、と私たちは二度と離れていることは決してないだろう.” That statement seemed naive, still some part of him really wanted to believe it. But if that night taught him anything, it was that nothing good lasts. And no amount of hope could change that.

He nodded, looking around the watering hole. It was truly beautiful at this time of day.

He still hadn't accepted his situation completely. It was odd to think that his footsteps would soon lead him to another of his littermates. What was she like now? Aika seemed near the same, but would that apply to Izumi? It seemed unlikely.

“アイカっていつからここにいたんだ?” The greyscale wolf asked curiously as they walked. The conversation would keep his mind off of things for the rest of the hike. How long did she say it would be?
the staff team luvs u

3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
08-24-2022, 06:20 PM

 “少なくとも散歩は良いです” Aika nodded, a thin smile lacing her features elegantly, though plainly. The girl flicked, her tail, nodding her head leisurely as they walked. “確かに,” She agreed. The woman hoped to have this journey be quick and easy, especially since they were only traversing over flat grass; A relatively easy journey, right?

 Then, he asked another question, and the princess hummed idly. 
“アイカっていつからここにいたんだ?” “昨日から和泉に遭遇したときだけ。” The lady revealed, stopping only to look back at Taro and nod. Then, quickly, she leaped up onto a boulder that jutted out of the grass. Like stepping stones, it seemed to lead somewhere further north. Hm, Aika might have to scope it out later, but, the southern plains looked quite attractive as well... The girl wasn't sure.

 “あなたは私がとても早くあなたを見つけた幸運だ,” Aika teased, aiming to flick her tail towards her brothers nose. “そうでなければ怪物が来てあなたを得たでしょう。” Then, with a smile, she shot back off the stone, racing across the grass quickly. Occasionally, her eyes would flick back towards the man, but still, she hurried ahead. “最初に泉に着くのが勝者です!”

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-26-2022, 10:46 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2022, 09:16 PM by Taro.)
Can't tell if I'm tired or it's just a bad post, but apologies if it's the latter

“そうでなければ怪物が来てあなたを得たでしょう。” He gave a chuckle in response. Then suddenly his sister was taking off, claiming a race. Without hesitation he chased after her. Still despite his speed, he couldn't get the advantage. Instead the prince had a plan.

“愛華!” He’d call, hoping it would get her to slow down. He pushed a bit harder, enough so he could make it to her side. His eyes widened in fear, as he stopped. Hoping she would too.

“アイカ何だ-あそこは何だ?” He asked, mock fear evident in his tone. As long as she stood still, He would move to stand slightly ahead of the girl, signaling to some vague point ahead of them. He'd bring up his tail so it just tickled the fur on her back.

Then he'd take off again, gaining whatever ground he could. Taro wouldn't hold it of course, as he had no clue where he was going. The man would slow down to return the lead to his littermate.
the staff team luvs u

3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
08-26-2022, 11:04 AM
Trying not to cry at 1:50AM while listening to Oogway Ascends

 She had the upper-hand for a while, and though part of her knew she was going to win either way – afterall, Taro wouldn't know where Izumi was – the girl couldn't help but worry that her stronger, faster older brother may overtake her. But, that worry was soon tarnished as he called out to her in fear; “愛華!” He cried; “アイカ何だ-あそこは何だ?” The man's stammers worried Aika, but nonetheless, she craned her long, elegant neck, trying to get a view of whatever it was he was afraid of. 

 “何? 何も見えないの?” The woman hummed, turning to look at her brother as he muscled his way towards her; Unaware of his deeper tactics, Aika tilted her head, confused, as she gazed back at the general direction Taro was gesturing towards. “そこには何もありません – おい!” Her brother was quick to rush past her, and Aika yelped in shock.
 A chuckle escaped her maw, furrowing her brows as she pushed herself forwards, hopefully coming close enough to Taro to be within earshot. “スローダウン、このへま! 泉がどこにいるかさえ知らない!” Aika shouted, wrinkling her nose in mock-offense and hoping to overcome her annoying older brother, before slowing to a panting-walk. Whirling around to face her brother, she'd walk backwards as she spoke. “私は再びあなたのその小さなトリックのために落ちるとは思わない、ミスター。” The lady reprimanded lightly.

 “もう一度そのようなものを試してみて、私はあなたなしでオフに実行します! じゃあ誰が泉を見つけるのを手伝ってくれる? え? それに何を言わなきゃいけない、大きなol'トリックスター? アイ?” Hoping that her brother would have enough humour to at least notice she wasn't being serious, Aika turned back around, aiming a flick of his tail at him, as if saying 'don't worry, bro, I'm just kidding around,' before picking up the pace. She wanted to get back to Izumi, and soon.

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日本 & Common
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