Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I come through with strippers and some shottas,

Morning Partly Cloudy
07-26-2022, 12:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2022, 11:01 PM by Orlaith.)
perhaps @Izumi? Otherwise AW!

Orlaith didn't venture to the plains too often, it's openness bothered her. She felt like she was seen too much, for her size was one part, but often or not she was recognizable by her flame-points, to even the point many looked as if they seen a ghost. For a literal sense, she came back to life ; although different, at the same time. Younger, less angry, more.. More something other then a doll of loss memories ; a home she knew of and was kicked out, and now but a loyal Vanderfell in another life once more. Coincidence, feelings that led her around and awkwardness but most, if not all, were now used to her appearance.

But there was no mountains or trees to hide from, and if there was, they were scarce. It was pretty, but not somewhere she'd go often.. Although it did hold some interesting prey that caused her to hum wantingly. At the moment she prowled through the tall grass, a scent of a trail upon her nose and slowly approaching that same prey that caused a curiosity..

Within the distance was bison! Not one she would try to hunt anytime soon, but was awfully curious by the taste and attempt. Orlaith licked her chops — watching and studying them.. One of these days she'd ask for a hunting party for them.

the staff team luvs u
07-26-2022, 12:24 AM

 Finally, he was out of that stupid Mesa. Thank fuck, since it was about just as bad as that desert.
 How could a pack even funtion there? What he hell?

 Previously, he'd – with great difficult – caught a hare and gotten a drink. It felt so nice to be able to eat and drink; He was starving all the time now, which really pissed him off.
 Idiot demons squirming in his belly and making him super tired and uncomfy, damnit.

 Cupid was self-conscious of how his body looked, now. Stomach sagged and fur thin, deep eye-bags above his cheeks.. Who would love him now?

 In the distance, though, he spotted a stranger. Perhaps someone to talk to; maybe.. talk to about this whole.. situation.

 So, in a desperate manner, the man attempted to speed up, though almost tripped over his own paws.
 Right. He was carrying a lot more weight now. In the fastest way he could, Venus speed-walked over, panting.

poor man is struggling ;;
1 round out!

the staff team luvs u
08-05-2022, 02:37 PM
There was.. A man, in the distance, at least he looked like one, but her green gaze couldn't help but drift to the protruding belly that they held. An obvious signs of pregnancy, one she had seen Ira held and at times, but her past packmates as well. They weren't fat like @Mordecai, and she was of no fool to his deposition, but alas, it greatly confused her so for even the scent he held was vaguely of that of a male itself.

She was observing Bison, but found an anomaly by itself. Orlaith didn't announce herself, laying low and simply watching the strange wolf.

the staff team luvs u
08-06-2022, 06:59 AM

 Approaching the woman was no easy task;

 He was tired, exhausted, and hadn't been sleeping well lately. What if he woke up in the middle of the night and Satan was there? What if he was angry that Cupid hadn't told him about the pregnancy?
 He would've refused to stay in the desert, obviously, but.. he could've at least had some company..? With a sigh, his speed was quickly dwindling; Stay focused, the man reminded himself.

 “Hey!” He called, though he quickly trailed off as the woman hid herself in the grass, damnit. He let out a small wuff, both a call and a greeting. Where did you go? The man hated being alone, so, he'd have to search. Ugh. 
“Where'd you go?” Venus asked, hopefully loud enough to reach the woman. He was lonely.

the staff team luvs u
08-10-2022, 11:56 AM
She wasn't quick enough to hide, but with her size regardless was a difficult task. Rising from her spot, Orlaith quirked a brow up, looking at him silently, questioningly and overall confused on.. Well, him. At least what she assumed to be male but smell alone but continued to be the upmost confused on the protuding belly. Although she would admit they were a pretty thing, dazzled in what was fawn-colors and creams.

"What do you need?" she said.

the staff team luvs u
08-11-2022, 10:51 PM

 The woman emerged, beautiful and white and ginger. She was quite pretty, but with all that white among her pelt... It could only remind him of the War King. What do you want? She asked, and Cupid immediately felt guilty; Had she been looking for someone else..?

 “Sorry, I'd just.. like some company? I can be one my way if you want,” He offered quickly, ready to turn away and continue his trek towards the mountains. They were coming, coming, coming, he needed to make a den, and soon. Like, soon soon, but hopefully he could find someone to teach him how.
 But.. “But, uh, yeah, um,” Right the whole... pregnant situation was probably making the stranger uncomfortable. “Um, sorry about.. this–” He dipped his head towards his stomach. “–Whole... thing. I'm, uh, intersex.” He quickly explained. It was a simple answer, but.. It was still awkward.

 Venus sighed, lowering his head to the grass. He felt like this stupid babies were eating away at him; First it was his appearance, then his bodily functions (ew), and now... His social life. God, being pregnant was horrible.

the staff team luvs u
08-14-2022, 07:48 PM
"What the fuck, you can be that?" Her voice wasn't of hatred or disgust, but of pure confusion of that possibility. Thinking of someone to be both genders, she could only think that they held both parts..? That felt someone was awfully rare, on a legendary factor for Orlaith has not even heard such a thing existing, much less see of one. Especially as they got closer, how the scents mingled and stirred, of an oddity of a person.

"Well i'm Orlaith."

the staff team luvs u
08-14-2022, 08:05 PM

 Her next statement was... odd? It didn't seem like it was meant to be rude, but.. Cupid didn't say anything, besides a simple; “Yeah, you can,” With a shrug.

 There was no doubt it was a weird thing, and the woman probably had questions – and he couldn't blame her, he would have questions, too – but he just wanted to feel normal.
 One half of his brain, the logical side, reminded him that it is normal, just not common, but the side that had really soaked in everyones jeers though differently; weird piece of shit, you'll never be a real man, pause, or a woman, for that matter.

 He sighed, but then, the woman introduced herself. Orlaith. It was a nice name, he supposed. “Cupid,” The man stated after a moment that stretched a little longer than necessary.
 “Cupid Angello.” It was the first time he revealed his last name to anyone, but he felt as if he had to fill the awkward silence that filled the gap between the two wolves. And then, with a chuckle, he added;

 “Any questions? I'd be free to answer.” It'd get the both of them talking, and it'd be good to educate people on something that not only existed, but was rare enough that... not many people knew how to talk about it.

the staff team luvs u
08-17-2022, 11:01 PM
Sometimes Orlaith held sexist remarks, but it wasn't really that she meant it, sometimes. She would spew whatever fire that there was to insult and really hurt the other, and usually for men in particular, tackling their masculinity did wonders. She learned very well when in return her own feminity was ; though she always knew wasn't that of a delicate feather, but a proud warrior to arms. She knew who she was, and insults like that never got to her.. But they were no brainers, to someone who held little thought.

In reality, she cared little to gender until they pissed her off.

"Weird," although Orlaith did comment that, finding it very particular how someone could be two genders. She couldn't imagine having a dingdong, that was quite a weak spot known to men. She was comfortable with her gender, very much so ; but if it came to them.. What was their gender? "so you call yourself a male, or female?" Since they were open to talk — she fully took advantage that. Asking what exactly, does she call them?

the staff team luvs u
08-17-2022, 11:08 PM

 “Good question,” he hummed for a moment, a smile on his features. “Male; It's just what I... feel the most, i guess, there's not really an easy way of explaining it.” Cupid sighed for a moment, averting Orlaith's gaze. “I just... am.

 Fiddling with the grass, he heaved another sigh. “It's, uh, not a very popular thing, The man chuckled. “I have a distant memory of being chased out of somewhere 'cos of it,” Turning his eyes back to the woman, he raised his brows. “It wasn't great.” At least, that was how he remembered it; perhaps his memory was just playing tricks on him...

 “Do you, uh...” What was he gonna say? “–Live nearby?” The man gulped quietly, gazing around the rest of the area. Were there people here? Venus felt like he was being watched. He hated the feeling.

short post, srry

the staff team luvs u
08-17-2022, 11:23 PM
A male, huh? Her forested gaze looked him up and down — though he held a very feminine charm, it wasn't the first man she had met that held that light touch. Wasn't she also a proof of a female being more masculine then the former? Mostly her own scent and voice was a dead giveaway, but others may look one or another. So she didn't think it was too farfetched if that was what chosen.

"That's shitty," she commented, rather plainly, "don't really see an issue unless you're fucking useless." .. Though as she looked at his pregnant belly, getting knocked up while being a loner, isn't the best, is it? If they could take care of themself its whatever, but it didn't seem he had a partner or anything, and more of sleeping around.

"I live in Vanderfell Woods," she flickered her nose to the mountains nearby.

the staff team luvs u
08-18-2022, 01:50 AM

 The man laughed at her sentence; “Don’t really see an issue unless you’re fucking useless,” She said, and Cupid shook his head. “Trust me, I’m trying not to,” He gestured to his stomach. “With this shit and all…”

 ”— Vanderfell Woods,” She then gestured to the mountains with her nose, and Venus followed her gaze; Snow-capped stones and everfrost trees.. It was quiet a beautiful sight. “Nice.” he hummed. Part of Cupid wished for a home.

 “Your lucky,” The man murmured. “To have a home, I mean.” He chuckled, shaking his head and screwing his eyes shut; tears wanted to fall just from thinking about the memories… “Even luckier to not be chased out!”

 With a smile, he tilted his head, awaiting for whatever she’d say next.

the staff team luvs u
08-25-2022, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2022, 04:08 PM by Orlaith.)
Orlaith laughed lightly, he had good humor, she liked him. Although probably messed up to be pregnant and alone in this world, at the very least he knew of his stance and position. Shame though to be casted about like nonsense just for something silly like gender. She personally, didn't see it as an issue, and wasn't sure why anyone else would. Wolves don't care too much about gender except for procreating ; and as long as use was there.. Eh.

As the warrior gazed to the sky, the sun was setting toward the afternoon soon, "I gotta go, but you can try Vanderfell. Not sure if they'd accept you," it'd be strange to accept a wolf caring young when showed no use, "but hey," and then she shrugged, "no harm in asking. I'll see you around, yeah?"

the staff team luvs u
08-25-2022, 08:25 PM

 "I gotta go, but you can try Vanderfell. Not sure if they'd accept you," Cupid chuckled, “I wouldn't blame them if they didn't, But I'll try.” He said, amused at Orlaith's mild offer to her pack. The man was grateful to hear that – if he did take a place in Vanderfell – he'd at least get to see a friendly face. 

 "but hey," The woman shrugged, as if there were a chance in his acceptance. "no harm in asking. I'll see you around, yeah?" The man nodded, then chuckled. “Might take me a while,” He stated grimly. “But I'll work my way over. Nice to meet you, Orlaith.” Then, Venus stood, screwing his eyes shut for a moment as his stomach writhed. “'Till we speak again!”


the staff team luvs u
08-26-2022, 03:22 PM
"See ya," she did hope he would be okay out there, especially as a pregnant guy. A shame she couldn't really do much, but survival and the fittest, and all that. She already dropped her piece of Vanderfell, and maybe another pack would be much kinder to take him in. There was so many around when she was wandering through the mountains, it isn't surprising if there was some too kind for their own good.

Not her issue.

With that, bid him farewell.

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