Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Not again...

07-07-2022, 12:37 PM
@Archon and anyone else that was with him, or anyone who wants to stumble in. Set a day after Grimwald returns him.

A guest in Northfall, his residence in the southern caves gave access to the vast lowlands in the east. More curiously, also near the borders of Dragonford, smack in the middle of two warring bands of wolves.

The smell of boar in the area was always around, and yet they seemed to be elusive, for now. Distress was strong on the wind one day. Pointing his snout up to the sky, the hunter inhaled deeply, mulling over the different notes of the scent. Distinctively lupine... and familiar.

Picking his way through the low mountain terrain, the scent of blood and distress got stronger and stronger. Archon.
the staff team luvs u
07-16-2022, 03:46 PM
^^The boy had been through quite the ordeal. He and Hawking, his best mate, had been taken & no one in the world was going to know about it, because he’d been traveling. Traveling south to tell Celnes and Hawking that he was leaving, then traveling back up to go home, but with Hawking, so that his friend could meet his family.

He had been taken; beaten, experimented on, and beaten some more! He was a frail, little wolf, but managed to pull through; blinking in and out of consciousness between things. One moment he was in the den, protecting his friend, the next, some boars were talking to him and beating him when he didn’t eat the food he gave them - and now he was here, no longer a captive?

Had he been out of it so long that those stupid pigs had thought him dead? If they’d known how to drug up a ferret, surely, they knew he was not dead? His eyes narrowed and took a deep inhale.

There was a scent he knew. Or, he thought he knew. Somewhere, he hoped. Slowly sitting up, and shaking out his coat, Archon followed the scent until it would eventually bring him to a familiar face.

“K-kuhn? Kuhn!” Archon ran towards him, nearly tackling into his shoulder, and burying his face into the big cat’s arm, sobbing gently.
the staff team luvs u
07-16-2022, 05:17 PM
It was Archon, the familiar pelt bursting out of the woods.  The boy's pure speed and urgency made the cat tense up, causing him to take an instinctual step back. Furthermore the young wolf was quick to throw himself into the big cat's shoulder, burring his face into the feline's pelt.  

For a moment the sudden change in his environment and physical touch made the cat uncomfortable, evidenced by a small upturning of the lip. 

Hackles raise and spine coiled, Kuhn apprehensively placed his other paw around the boy's shoulder. Though the discomfort was only momentary; the big cat felt the young wolf's tears soak into the fur on his shoulder, perked ears finding the boy's small sobs. 

"Archon? What happened?", asked the tiger as softly as he could with a bit of a growl left over in his voice
the staff team luvs u
07-16-2022, 10:55 PM
^^Archon took several moments, crying into the big cat’s leg/shoulder area as he inhaled Kuhn’s scent to help soothe him in order to get his mind a little more straight. He had to think, dammit, and couldn’t when he was like this.

He glanced up at the tiger as that big paw came to settle upon his coat. His ears lowered, and he sniffled. “Kuhn, it’s really you! I’m so glad that I found someone.. M-my friend, Hawking and I were headed home, to Duskguard. When we… came upon a little piggie, and I thought it would be a fast and easy meal. She lured us into the mountains, and we were ambushed, by two bigger pigs! Like the kind we hunted before, but they were HUGE!”

Archon gasped, taking a look around. “We - I.. I gotta go back! They still have Hawking, and the silver lady from the festival… and some other round lady. You gotta help us! Or find help, or something!”

Archon whined, looking up at his uncle. “You will, won’t you?”
the staff team luvs u
07-17-2022, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2022, 03:39 PM by Kuhn.)
For a moment the big cat pulled the boy in, allowing him to comfort himself until he could speak. It only took a few moments for the boy to rally as Kuhn held firmly to the back of the wolf's shoulder.  

When Archon started speaking, his paw suspended itself in the air giving him room to speak.  Kuhn could see his tears and could smell his distress.  Ears perked to the boy as the cat attempted to take in the whole story.  Kuhn could gather that this was serious, and not just a sobbing child.  

When the boy finished stammering and explaining, the tiger's ears cupped to the direction of howls on the horizon.  Getting the feeling there wasn't much time to spare,  "Yes!  Show me!", he answered quickly, prodding the boy to start running so he could follow.
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