Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

when you say that you know

Morning Sunny/Clear
03-22-2022, 10:12 PM
The daylight had lengthened noticeably again and accordingly, the drop of Daydream's winter coat was underway. He was shedding out in itchy chunks, the beginnings of smooth, summer coat beginning to peek through underneath in only a few places so far. There was still a long way left to go but he was in energetic, light spirits. The grasses were growing back again, fresh and green, and he had @Medaris' company to orbit in when he wanted. His ranging had found the rolling foothills today, and with it, a dusty patch of short grass that he could not resist.

After snorting thoughtfully at the swatch of earth that had caught his eye, the stallion pawed at it to rough up the ground better, then dropped himself right down into it for a roll--groaning gratuitously along the way. Both sides, across the back, and kicking up his legs to put real force into digging in. Daydream took care to drag his neck, and sides of his face, mane tangling with the motion. Thoroughly bathed in dirt, he scratched a lot of itches at once this way. When he was finally halfway satisfied, he gathered it all up again to pull to a stand, where he shook mightily--sending a dust cloud of hair, grass, and earth powdering to the gentle breeze.

He swished his tail as he watched it go, snorted to clear his nostrils, and went moseying on his way to better check this place out. It was quite green here already for so early in the season, and though he did not see any bison yet, he had seen their hoofprints already. So, who else would not be able to resist a peaceful field like this?

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03-22-2022, 11:55 PM
It had been a few days since he woke up and run into the first horse that being the mare Strawberry. The little mare was fast growing on Renegade and he had finally made up his mind that she was going to be a part of his herd that now more than ever was to start anew. The grey mare sort of lead them to this place of small copses of trees with a few streams and nice fields of grasslands. Reny was just about to return to the place he left Strawberry when he picked up a scent. And it belong to another horse and not just any horse but a fellow stallion. He then inhaled deep trying to pick up as much information about this stranger as possible, as he could end up being either a threat to Renegade and his mare or somewhat of a nuisance and competitor to the food and other resources. Then it also could be a future friend and maybe ally, Renegade would give them all the respect they was warranted again as long as he didn't try anything with Strawberry.

 After a few minutes of standing Renegade was not going to find out who this stranger truly was unless he went up and meet them. He turned into the breeze and trotted forward and up over a slight hill. There down below was the dapple grey stallion. Reny then just lay his ears lazily off to the sides with his head straight out as a sign he was not being aggressive and wasn't looking for a fight, but he also wasn't going to show any signs he was weak. When he was a short distance away he spoke.

" So it seems that there is other equines around, and I have yet to cross paths with you. My name is Renegade and it seems I have been knocked out and dragged to this place without my knowledge. So are you a native and have any information where I am currently at, as I have no idea."

Renegade then started to scan around him making sure that no one was about to drop in on them unannounced be it a puma, wolf, or bear. That would be bad as he was sure the two of them would scatter and not join up in running from danger. But Reny wanted to know where he was at that way he could sort of start to put together the pieces of the puzzel and so maybe get his life back and a way back to his native home. He finally shook his head and neck before returning his gaze and attention on the other dapple grey stallion. Only when he was sure he was not a threat he would then allow Strawberry to come and be around him.
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03-25-2022, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2022, 01:34 AM by gerra.)
His own travels over the last several moons combined with Medaris' insight of the area had granted him an increasing familiarity of the plains, but no place was fully mapped. Not by any stretch of the definition, and as ever, he scanned the grassy scene as he walked on--head tall, ears pricked. Ultimately, he was satisfied with what he saw. Already, grass in these hills was beginning to green out quite merrily. After a winter of sparse pickings, he was ready for more of that.

It was finding that he was no longer alone that spurred a new alertness into his muscles. Another stallion.

Thankfully, there were no mares in sight, so he didn't have to be outraged about that much. Usually Daydream preferred to be the instigator, if any one would, but he wouldn't put it past the right possessive stud to come and start it with him first just for lurking about as he was prone to do. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, so a part of him was preparing for this. He snorted, hollowed out his neck with an arch, and eyed the heavier-boned horse as he allowed him to make his approach. Subtly, he was readying for action as energy coiled tight beneath his dapples--though all the signals suggested this fellow came in relative peace so far. Still, just in case, and ready to assume the worst, Daydream stood tall.

This was not anyone he recognized, by sight or scent, but in these bizarre lands, that was essentially the norm. Perhaps Medaris might know him, he wondered, as something about their reds-and-whites half sparked that thought. But beyond that, he drew few similarities and listened on to the circumstance that had led them together. “We are far too few, but are out here..” he answered back, dipping his head in a short nod. His personal experience was sparse, he seemed to have better luck getting to know the local dogs if anything.. so he relied on a mare's knowledge sometimes when there was nothing else better. “I'm called Daydream, though not a native, exactly, I have been traveling near here for a few seasons now.” With that he swung his head towards the plains at large, from north to south alike. “It is a strange world we have found,” he intoned once he returned to watching Renegade carefully.

The piece about feeling dragged here stuck with him. “Do you remember your before, then?” he asked, still trying to get a better sense of this other horse.

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03-27-2022, 10:07 PM
Renegade was thankful that this stallion seemed to not mind that he was around. As a fight would only complicate matters, he still needed to know exactly where it was that the painted stallion was at. He was still worried and slightly miffed how his mares was no where to be found as the longer he was away the more likely they was to be taken from him, and no way of protecting them from such a fate. This stranger didn't smell like anyone that Renegade either knew or ran into in his life, how he came here seemed to be like him, just totally out of the blue and no explanation on how. The stallion did answer that there seem to be not many other horses around, so Reny was very lucky that he ran into Strawberry from the sounds of it. Renegade just lowered his head slightly in acknowledgment to the answer. The dapple stallion then identified himself as Daydream and he had been around far longer than the couple of days that Reny been here. So the chestnut paint then ask.

" So do you know exactly what this place goes by name wise?"

 Renegade then perked his ears up so as to be able to listen in when the stranger answered as this was important to the half draft horse. When Daydream then asked if Renegade remembered his past life and home it seemed. Yes oh yes Reny remembered a few things mostly on how the two leggers always seem to want to corner him and his harem. He seen how they operated and treated horse kind and it usually wasn't gentile. He then answered Daydream.

" Yes I had a harem of four mares and seemed to be grazing peacefully, then one of those unnatural shrieking metallic vultures buzzed overhead and caused us to bolt away from it. They are big and they constantly make a whistling buzzing sound, and their wings do not move. They also smell terrible. So we ran away and it started to follow the larger group and ignored my small group which was all the better. We headed off into a dry river bed and finally found a small  indent to finally rest and catch our breath. I decided to fall asleep as I wanted to be as fresh as possible just in case the vulture returned. They are far bigger than a horse but I have never seen one pick up a horse. I have no idea where they come from either, but if I do I will make sure as to get as much distance from their roosting grounds as possible. And when I woke up I was at the bottom of the small falls that is in the Hiraeth region a few days ago."

 Renegade hope that this would help in the inquisitive question Daydream asked. 

(ie* Renegade was describing an airplane)
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04-03-2022, 12:29 AM
Daydream's guards remained up, in place, but it appeared they had some halfway level footing for the moment as he continued to sight nothing aggressive or majorly suspicious from the paint. With no mares around, and no claim staked underfoot by either of them, he could certainly afford to play nice with other stallions sometimes, and this could very well be one of those times. “Near here, I have heard the name Dancer's Foothills passed around before,” he answered, giving his head and mane a shake, and gesturing towards the hills around them. Beyond here, precisely, I cannot say for sure.” he added as he briefly panned his sights to the rolling meadows beyond, what to make of these bizarre lands as an entire picture.

Perhaps Medaris would know more than him, as she did tend to know things. If she had given it a title before, he couldn't repeat it here; he only picked up what he could from the other local wildlife. The wolves might call it something else entirely, he thought, though for as often as he spied them around, he had never exactly asked.

But it mattered less, as he absorbed this telling carefully. The more he heard, the more his eyes narrowed for a beat. Sounded bad. He snorted, swishing his tail as the tale of loss and separation came together. “Horrible. I have thankfully seen no such beasts since coming here,” he imparted, a suspicious leer remaining at the very thought of such great metallic vultures. He didn't want to meet any and hopefully, they would not follow this cursed stallion--who lost four mares in the process. Awful.

Daydream settled sights back on his compatriot. “I left my birth-lands, then wandered for quite some time. Sometimes with other young bachelors, or chasing bigger herds until alone, I simply found myself in other meadows not too far from here.” Nothing was yet to stick long term when it came to things for him, not seemingly until these new reaches, perhaps. “The wolves are plentiful, but the grasses lush at least. It's been worth it so far,” he added.

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04-04-2022, 07:51 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 07:52 AM by Renegade.)
Oh so this place was Dancer's Foothills, at least now Renegade could put a name to the place. He still liked the first place he was at and awaken that being Hiraeth as it was pretty secluded and he didn't smell any danger there. But this would also do but if this Daydream had a claim he would move on as he didn't want to fight and also Renegade was slowly forming up a possible alliance as competing with this stallion would be totally worthless as the large painted stallion would spend more energy, effort, and blood trying to protect and try to take from Daydream, no it would be much more beneficial for both if they pooled their resources and help each other if a problem showed up.

 Renegade looked over the land and listen to how the other stallion came to this place, seemed like he walked in and so knew exactly how and where he was at, not just wake up and everything changed and had no idea how or when it happen. So when the dapple grey stallion finally said his piece, Renegade looked at him and seeing that he wasn't getting aggravated or hostile spoke.

" At least now I can put a name to the place if I ever return. But if you claimed this spot than I'll leave you in peace, but I got a proposition for you as competing against you would be counter productive for both of us. There is bigger problems with predators and the actual land than other horses. I suggest an alliance where if you need my help I will come to lend aid and the same with me if I got a problem. Also if I have any fillies I'll gladly hand them over to your sons so that they can start their own herds. There is more positives than negatives with this arrangement. As we shouldn't have to fight if we don't have to. "

 Renegade then went queit and so watched to see if the other stallion would accept or at least contemplate the offer Reny just laid out. He needed to at least shut any doors to future problems and this right here with Daydream could potentially be a big one if left unchecked. Renegade though just reached out with a very big olive branch and he hoped the other stallion could see it for what it was, which was a far bigger herd coming together if anyone or thing decided to go after Daydream or himself.
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04-14-2022, 10:29 PM
Indeed, it was good to have a name for these lands, so the dappled stallion nodded slowly, even if it was only one out of many. His ears pricked up anew as he listened on, however. Renegade spoke first of Daydream's own potential claim, but it expanded from there--towards prospects for the future. Evidently, ones that could benefit him in far greater ways than he had anticipated finding on this very modest afternoon.

It seemed the older stud had good sense about him, and perhaps real ambition as even he appealed to several of Daydream's key points in one great swoop. He was listening, and quite interested because Renegade had a point--and he even offered daughters to sons. A hefty price, even for sons that didn't exist here in this world yet.. but even so, Daydream knew the inevitability if his course did remain true. If Renegade could back up his words with action, then this could be...

He wasn't about to deny the appeal, not singing such a tune to a younger, yet unproven stallion's brain--who also was not above taking some guidance from the older males around too since they often had experience in more things than just eating and fighting other growing bachelors. Daydream was tired of feeling so outnumbered here sometimes. “There is much to gain in this,” he intoned, a thoughtful look on that he kept serious even as he shook his forelock off his eyes. Not only gain for himself but for horsekind as a whole--and they needed it around here, in his humble opinion. “I think you may have a deal. We do not need to fight, resources are plentiful here and if this is a real possibility, I want us to build our trust in each other, too.” Which would take time, and he had plenty of it with summer to come, but for now, Daydream was accepting. They could get to know one another, and prove that this was something they could both work towards.

“I stake no official claim to anywhere yet,” he said honestly, because Renegade had been upfront with considering him already and at this point, it seemed wise to let him know what he was getting from this too. Likely, somewhere in these plains would suit him somehow, one day, and it would only be upwards from there. He had yet to find the perfect pull to set down roots in but having a mare to follow around helped him nudge towards it. Speaking of which: “And I run with one mare, Medaris. She knows the lands better than I do.” This was where he was drawing the line, she was his. She had complimented him, and didn't scream at him or chase him off yet so that was all the signal he needed to feel at least a bit possessive about it--and in turn, off bounds to the older stallion.

Ultimately, he wanted to see what Renegade would do with that information, either use it for good or evil against him. If he could respect that, what little Daydream had already, then he'd feel even better about this entire opportunity. It was one step of many.

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04-18-2022, 01:16 PM
This dapple grey young buck of a stallion was smarter than he looked as he agreed to Renegades terms which was great as it stopped anything that Daydream might of tried to pull in the future against the painted chestnut stud. Renegade now felt the large weight that was on his shoulders lift and so be done away with as he didn't really have anything more to fear from the other stallion. Reny cocked his left ear up and forward when Daydream said that he didn't claim any region yet as his which was good as Renegade was being drawn more and more towards the Hiraeth and the sanctuary it would provide when the snows started to fall and the cold nipping winds blow across the empty and sparse plains. He was just about to speak when Daydream also mentioned he was with a mare named Medaris. Reny would look but he would not touch at any cost as he didn't want or need any problems from the younger stallion so he decided to then speak here.

" Glad we could come to an agreement on this and hope to have many future seasons of cooperation and friendship Daydream. And as soon as I see and smell Medaris I'll then know she is yours and only yours, also she should carry your scent since you two are together. I am eyeing Hiraeth as a possible winter grounds and if you need or want anything during the dead season look for me there and I'll try my best in helping you."

 Renegade was really surprised that this other stallion listen to reason and so took this offer, as he was sure that he thought it was weakness, no by combining forces the two could and should be able to confront anything that might show up to do harm as most predators had it in their heads only one stallion was about to protect a group of mares. Imagin their surprise if there was two stallions and coming at different directions at the same time. Renegade was now looking around to see if anything or one was about to crash in on their little meeting here. He now was feeling good and on top of the world as everything was falling slowly into place with each passing day. Then he decided to add the mares that he had collected so that Daydream knew not to try and either steal or to take them for himself.

" I also got three mares that being Bayar, Strawberry, and Dancer and so they belong to me and so are part of my harem, As soon as I get my six to fill it out if I come across any others I'll try and drag them to you so that you can have them, think of it as a gift to show how I value you as a friend and ally."

 Yes Reny wasn't above cornering and dragging a mare kicking and screaming to Daydream so that the other stallion can add her to his herd. Renegade wanted this to work and the only way he could see it doing that was by keeping Daydream satisfied and content, but as long as he also helped when Reny asked for it in return. He then bent his head down and started to lightly graze while still having his ears turned towards the younger stallion if he said something.
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06-12-2022, 02:42 AM
In time, they would see for sure what the bonds forged this day would become. Daydream was amenable to an attempt, he could certainly guarantee Renegade that. When there was only so little for him to lose, there was value in cooperation still. If his boundaries were respected in return, then why not? Maybe they all had something to gain in this, especially if this all came to fruition.

He nodded deep and shook his neck. It was likely Renegade would cross paths with Medaris eventually, but Daydream was not going to push the opportunity. He wanted to get her take on it himself first, so he left it at that--very appreciative that the other stallion saw it with some sense, and that this mare was his. If she decided to change this, then they'd all find out but he didn't want stallion drama to have to come between them. If they played their cards right, there could be enough mares for all one day. “I am glad you can agree. I think the future will be in horsekind's favor,” he said.

Renegade detailed his harem in return, leaving Daydream to commit such names to memory and filed away beneath mares not to pester or persuade. But it didn't mean he wasn't curious about them, just as Renegade was an interesting type of fellow... what could his mares be like? Then couldn't help an amused snort, eyes bright. “Good! I see I have made a generous friend today.” he mused, tail swishing idly. “But noted, too. I may meet them in my wanders.. we will see.” He would behave though, Renegade had his word, good as any.

He watched as the older stallion lowered his head to graze, and snorted softly himself, pleased to follow suit and do the same. They had a long plentiful summer ahead of them and he looked towards this future renewed. He wondered what Medaris would think, but that was a matter for later.

Daydream would share quiet, peaceful company with Renegade for now, very content to look out for the other here and there as they snipped the grasses and just be around him. Simple enough, until eventually they would wander back their separate ways, sure to meet again one day soon.

wrapping since i took so long <3 but i am eyeballs at the future for them!

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