05-16-2022, 05:12 AM
@Reign primarily, but open to the other Empire members too! Located maybe about three or four miles South from the Hiraeth if that's doable?
Valkyrie had woken up a few hours ago in the grasses.
In the middle of piss-fuck nowhere.
The soldier therefore spent the past three hours simply wandering, sniffing and exploring the area.
Some part of her wanted to be confused, but the majority was overruled by a lack of care for whatever had come before this place.
Silent and imposing, Valkyrie sniffed the incoming air.
There were other wolves on the wind.
The soldier rumbled softly and looked southward, vague interest in her vivid purple gaze as she watched for the incoming party. Currently, there were maybe a few large specks in the distance, but nothing else she could see. They might've been trees or rocks, but she was...unsure, as of the moment, thus the machine stayed her paws and simply observed.
the staff team luvs u