Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

You say I'm crazy but I feel amazing

Early Morning Snow 29° F
Vanderfell Woods
12-31-2021, 01:47 AM
Anyone welcome, particularly those from Vanderfell. Valmua is snooping at the borders

 As Valmúa began to embrace a new life away from her pack, she was figuring out what exactly her role would be within @Kuhn's Everfrost. The wolf in her wanted to command all of it for herself, yet she had always been a calculating woman and had little desire to actively defend a territory with only herself and him. He had a habit of letting in whoever wished to wander, provided they were somewhat respectful.
 She had taken it upon herself to offer the Shiroshikans a reprieve from her harassment, opting instead for much-needed optics. Rarely venturing toward the south of the Everfrost, she had never bothered to scout the people who lived beyond, and within, the mountain ranges that both the land into various segments.
 After meeting @Vendrussel, the red woman had grown curious about these places. It didn't even take her long to find the first of many borders. These were almost directly south of her woods. The mountains that sat staring angrily down at them were shielding wolves of their own, deep and high within the confines of treacherous terrain.
 Valmúa had to round her way to the smell of wolves, finding no path directly from the woods but instead moving south and east. Like the Shiroshika, they had holed up high on their slopes. Valmúa moved around the borders, sniffing for number, health, sex, and age of their members. It was hard to tell much from the markers she found. It was hard to believe that none had bothered to come north.
 Or, given the Everfrost was so large, she thought it likely they had come north and she had simply never noticed.

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Icelandic · Inupiaq · Old Norse · Common
01-02-2022, 05:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2022, 05:00 AM by Ira.)
The ends of celebration hung in the air, few taking what time they had left to fill their bellies and spend wasted time with others before it would be seen once more as slacking as opposed to an earned reprieve. The end was here and with it would be born the days of new. A year of promise for those who called the summit home, and another year that they must prove their worth to veiled gods above. Ira had left the celebration early having her fill of the activities, the need to work ever present even in days she knew were reserved for time spent elsewhere. There were few days in the year that she could find the will to put down her blade and relax, but even whence they came she would only last so long.

And so she traveled, paws carrying her along the borders while her husband regaled tales of wonder to fill their brood's heads. Already they had grown so much and she loved watching them grow in personality, but she could not hover constantly. They would do just fine without her presence as she tended to needs elsewhere. Soon the high queen would be glad for her efforts as an unfamiliar scent wafted her way. A stranger had passed through, recently at that. The trail did not disperse though, instead lingering and drifting along their borders to which she followed with keen interest. Now was not the time for a stranger to pick battles with unknown forces, not while they celebrated, not while her children were still but babes.

Not long into her search would she find the source, a woman of reddened hues with the scent of a loner. Golden eyes locked to her slinking form, shorter than herself though muscles clearly defined beneath her pelt. Perhaps she too had seen her fair share of battles. Hail. A chuff was given gruffly, what pleasantries she usually carried spared for the rather poor timing on the other's part. Even still, she did not move to attack just yet, though it would be known from her stance that she would not be easily pushed around along her own claim.

State your purpose.

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01-02-2022, 05:24 AM
 The woman that came upon her at the border was all business and no fun. The red warrior knew better than to challenge such a woman at her own border — that was not why she was here. The grey creature was tense and almost aggressive in stance, though not enough that the stranger felt the need to assert any notions of nonviolence.
 Heil og sæl,” Valmúa answered. The greeting of "hail" was something that was far too formal than what she knew, so she replied with something that sounded formal but was just a greeting in her native tongue.
 “This place in the mountains — it is well-protected. I live to the north in the Everfrost. I come to bid halló,” she explained. Had the woman approached her differently, she might have joked or offered sarcasm. Given the abrupt and fierce entry, however, Valmúa knew better than to tempt fate.

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Icelandic · Inupiaq · Old Norse · Common
01-09-2022, 04:09 AM
Though she was met with no resistance there would be a pause before the roan queen let her muscles relax ever so slightly. If she behaved then there was no reason to show her own walls, but she was still a stranger, and for that, she would not be unguarded. A hum resonated in her throat as Ira tipped her head back, a careful gaze watching the woman of fire, þú ert norrænn. Though I suppose that has come to be common. How strange, or so she would think had she not believed they were placed here by the gods. If anything, it was only further proof that it was her gods that brought them here, not another's nor death. They were to prosper and the walls they had built were another testimony to what was destined.

The golds of her eyes would flick to the direction Valmua had come from, an ear swiveled back for her words or steps. I know of them. Does any pack lay claim to the woods? They had been empty as far as she was aware, though if another had taken them then it was one more that surrounded her own land. Such news would only etch a frown into her features, though that was hardly an unusual display for her.

Waiting for her answer she would look back to the other woman, a face of stone ever watching even as her home was complimented. Sterkir veggir henta þreyttum fótum. A simple saying with many meanings depending on how you looked at it, though one could say it was a testament to her understanding of her Icelandic. She had meant to suggest that hard work brought comfort, but your guess is as good as any given how little she spoke it. What is your name, Traveler?

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01-10-2022, 12:54 AM
 To think that those of the north had come to be considered common was both odd and yet good. Valmúa did not fully remember where she and her brothers had been traveling from when she had been dropped from the sky, but she knew that the place they had come from had not been Stormhaven. There had been others there, though she no longer remembered their scents, faces, or names.
 It was something of a comfort to know that the woman before her was familiar, though perhaps only slightly, with her language and perhaps more. She spoke the common speech, perhaps only knowing the words and phrases in passing.
 “There is no pack,” she said, but continued. “But it is home to myself and a great Lord. It is a common route to the north from the mountains,” she explained. Valmúa, though territorial by nature, knew well what it was like to have an enemy, or even a friend, set up shop too close for comfort. Two creatures was hardly something to bat an eye at, even if the firebrand had her own strange little ideas in mind. Her words were collected, without hint of mischief or malice.
 She nodded at the saying, knowing that her own home in its current state had not walls nor protected borders. Instead, it had a boneyard and a suncat, which had kept it well enough. “I am Valmúa,” she said, not bothering to add her informal title of "prinsessa" so as not to confuse the on-edge grey lady of the mountain.
 Wondering briefly if the white northerner she had meant once before was here, she looked about its peak as though expecting him, partially to not make eye contact. Being a guest, she also did not follow up with a question at who this was or where they were.

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Icelandic · Inupiaq · Old Norse · Common
01-12-2022, 07:43 PM
Ah, now things were getting interesting. What is a lord without his people? Without land, though she kept that thought to herself. The question was poised curiously and without malice. It wasn't meant to be an insult and he may very well believe those woods to be his land, but two did not make a claim. As far as the title goes, she had only heard it in correlation to groups, a leader through power or standing, yet that all seemed to be absent. It was as most would suspect, nothing to bat an eye at, nor a threat to her or her brood.

Why have you chosen to live in a gateway where any might pass? Some were not afraid of travelers, nor could they care less to their presence. If it was only two of them then truly even food would not be a concern, but how curious to make such a place home. You have no wants for this place? No desires to grow? If they did then the shift to closing that gate would be difficult and surely not without lashing from some.  Of course, that was if they could even manage to grow with two packs neighboring at their heels. She could not speak for Elysium, and they likely would not care, but she did. She had allowed them to stay close if only to prevent a real threat from settling, but she would not settle for two.

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01-13-2022, 03:51 AM
 “He is not a Lord of the people,” Valmúa answered vaguely. “He is a Lord of wisdom,” she clarified. It had been exactly this feature that had charmed her about @Kuhn to begin with. He was a beautiful creature, of course, but she often recalled his riddle-like mannerisms and phrases as a great comfort to her. For a moment, her voice found softness as she spoke of her tiger prince, as though speaking of some fond and priceless item.
 The grey lady of the mountain asked many questions. All questions. Valmúa gathered from this alone that she was of standard nordic type. Like her brothers, she had sought a haven in the mountains. Like her brothers, she likely supported a sister or cousin who bred, or herself had done so. She was here to grow and, perhaps, one day conquer.
 Valmúa would never be this. It was exactly why she had left Hrafnsvaktin.
 “The gateway lets us see who comes, who goes,” she invented. In truth, she had little interest in who came and went through the woods. Kuhn had crushed the idea of holding the land and keeping others out for the most part, other than chasing off those idiots that had thought to start a pack there. Still, she might have liked to have a presence.
 “We become... uppspretta þekkingar like this. My desire is knowing, and sharing to those who offer something,” she lied. It was an easy lie, since it made sense. She already believed that this was exactly what she should be doing, since she and Kuhn were poised to do so. Still keeping herself low, she gave a slight shrug of her shoulder. The woman's judgment was of little consequence to her, though Valmúa expected she was just curious.
 “I have told you my name — may I have yours?” It was a polite question.

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Icelandic · Inupiaq · Old Norse · Common
01-14-2022, 07:23 PM
A lord of wisdom...she had never heard of such a thing. One could obtain knowledge yes, file away facts and details for oneself or for the benefit of another, but it seemed almost conceited to put a title to it. Wisdom was often held by the elders. Those who have lived and seen more than any other and graciously passed on their experiences for the next generation. Humble more often than not, and for that, they were respected. Ira would not deny that respect was still to be given to any who shared their knowledge, but one to brag so boldly made her question the reliability of such an individual.

Of course, it was not he who stood before her, but a follower, or at the very least someone who clearly held him in high regards. She could save her judgment for their own meeting. It would do little to offend this woman or her lord so soon if they should prove useful down the road. I see...and you never seek intervention? You would turn none away? No matter the answer there would be consequences to consider. Should someone dangerous be refused passage through the woods they may turn east to continue their path. Something that would place harm directly in her line of sight... If they denied none then who was to say that they would not sell out those that had aided once before? Loyal to all and none, perhaps the most dangerous kind of folk. What exactly might these offerings look like to you and your Lord?

She may be getting ahead of herself. She knew not how reliable this band was, nor their price. She would not pay something outrageous for work she could do well herself, especially when they had no cause to seek outside sources. It was all knowledge for herself for the future. After all, when a resource came knocking, only a fool would turn a blind eye without lending an ear. Ira Boesch, High Queen of Vanderfell Woods. She could offer more, but not without knowing more of this one's character. She would not be the blind fool.

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01-20-2022, 03:16 AM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2022, 03:18 AM by Valmúa.)
 Valmúa had to think for a moment. She, in fact, would turn those away who sought passage, but she didn't have the strength to repel all. Much of her time was spent as it was right now; she scouted and wandered to gather intel and to clear her own boredom. Kuhn was often doing his own thing. The nature of their relationship partially depended on their independence from one another. Valmúa could feed herself. Kuhn could feed himself. They would never bear children (she was fairly certain). Yet though they could operate this way, she found her strength was immeasurably greater when near him. She found that she looked forward to returning to her Everfrost, and to the tiger that lie within.
 “I would turn those away who wished to settle within the woods, but I have no reason to blockade any others,” Valmúa answered after a moment. They didn't have the resources or the will to force away others. Valmúa had failed in that early on. Many had slipped by when she was on an opposite side of the forest and failed to notice a stranger creeping through until too late. Kuhn did not even like the idea of preventing others from entering the territory unless they posed some kind of threat. The fire woman wasn't entirely sure what answer the grey lady was looking for, so she didn't bother to elaborate.
 With the ask of what kind of "offerings," they might desire, Valmúa thought it up more quickly. “Any reasonable gift is always returned with kindness or service,” she answered, almost faster than she could think it. She began to wrack her brain for the most desirable gifts, but kept all of her ideas to herself, leaving the high queen with something very vague on purpose. For her part, the firebrand thought of many things. Food was obvious and often not needed for two creatures who could hunt well-enough on their own. She thought, though, that the borrowing of service from other wolves could be something extremely valuable. She decided to consider it and other pieces more thoughtfully on her own.
 “High Queen,” answered the northerner, correcting mid-sentence to make it not sound like a question as she bowed her head respectfully. Is there a Low Queen tempted at her mind and lips, and she licked the words away without speaking them, shoving a laugh down. “It is a pleasure,” she said with some grace, “you are welcome to visit our domain any time, of course.”

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Icelandic · Inupiaq · Old Norse · Common
01-26-2022, 03:21 AM
So she would not deny another's right, how interesting, yet expected. This deal of hers she could only assume she sought to bring depended on the weary footfalls of travelers who would be willing to pay for safe passage. Of course, Ira was confident in her own abilities to trek to the north, but the knowledge of what laid close was important, especially for those she may send as messengers. Very well then. There was no point debating or questioning this woman as it was clear her mind was already well made. What she chose to do was of little concern if she sought no steaks elsewhere and as far as she could discern, she had not the numbers to cause for concern.

Her and her Lord...Two would do, but no more. 

For now, it seemed best to keep quiet and keep an eye from afar, or close should the opportunity present itself. This woman had just given her a shiny invitation, it would be rude not to accept. Should she find payment worth little to herself perhaps it would serve as a means to watch if her numbers grew they rose to be a threat. Perhaps I will, time given of course. There were never enough hours in the day to tend to every need, but that would not stop her from trying. Is there else you wish to speak of or have you only come to introduce yourself?

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05-22-2022, 03:06 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2022, 03:06 AM by Valmúa.)
 “No, and I must apologize for lack of invitation,” Valmúa answered in due course. She thought, other than the lack of her companion, that things had gone quite well. She didn't think that Vanderfell would see any problem with her idea to set up permanent shop within the enclave of the tundra.
 “Thank you for your kindness,” she said, but she knew well that they had shared nothing. Her hope was that her offer to visit and of good will would be returned, though she herself technically owned no land according to wolf standard.
 With that, she turned and left, having full intention of returning with her prince of the Sun.

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Icelandic · Inupiaq · Old Norse · Common
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