Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

be my guide

04-28-2022, 02:11 PM

In truth, Ruelle wasn't overly fond of the mountains. She rather missed the snow but even more she missed the grass. The flowing fields and flower beds, found little here in the mountains. Or at least... this part of the mountain. Ruelle didn't have any intentions to go too far from the temporary territory that Shiroshika called theirs whilst they sorted out what they were going to but she was attempting to be brave.

Braver than she had been since her grief.

Her features, delicate and soft, were scrunched up as she tried to traverse the uneven terrain. Gently was her tail tucked beneath her belly, her steps attempted to not stumble and fall as she had earlier. ^^

the staff team luvs u
05-02-2022, 05:06 PM
Orlaith was vaguely aware of Vanderfell's ally that was within the mountain. They took a claim within the pass, a place she got lost in once before. Gained a respect to Shiroshika who decided they'd claim that very hell-maze. She couldn't navigate it, but vaguely knew as well her sense of direction wasn't the best — just wouldn't admit so. Orlaith attempted to seek out how far the territories seemed to go, between both the mountain pack, and the snow-ones. They were relatively, bunched together.

She found the border though, at least, so she thought. The scent of a Shiroshika wolves was upon the wind, but the mark of a territory was not within the same ropes. Curiously so, Orlaith ventured toward that very scent to see a delicate wolf within a distance, who looked to be struggling upon the strainous path. Wasn't an issue for herself, as she approached with an ease and barked slightly to warn of her presence, "Hey there, you good?"

the staff team luvs u
05-03-2022, 10:29 AM

It was a good thing that she had been alerted ahead of time of the company because otherwise, it was likely Ruelle would have lost her step in surprise. Her ears splayed, tightening against her skull as she cast an almost forlorn look to the Vanderfell woman. "Hello," she murmured, "I... somehow the snow was easier to navigate." Embarrassment coloured her cheeks and she had never been so thankful for the fur that covered them.

"Even a snowy one," despite their previous home being a mountain, too, Ruelle had kept the... flatter lands. The blossoms had been her favourite, easier to be around and pretty, too. "Do I look like a newborn fawn trying to walk for the first time?" Rue asked with a small smile, baby blue eyes worried.

the staff team luvs u
05-05-2022, 01:38 PM
She was small, awfully smaller then the average wolf that Orlaith felt like a mountain compared to her. Majority of her was white ; suited to the realm she missed and belonged to. Seemed vixen almost, as she held only a bit of browns upon her coat and a soft blue gaze. She smelled of that mixture of the Fate's Summit, the icy northern region seemed to be now lacking as her nose twitched lightly.

"Is it?" Orlaith questioned, looking upon her with a rather neutral look. Her green-gaze shifted to the north in the thought of managing between the snow. Truging between and having it take down her spreed — she would take hills and mountains over it. She gazed back then, and smiled lightly at the other with a nod.

"You kinda do, need help goin' back?" When she looked to where Shiroshika lie, the distance wasn't that grand. She didn't really wander too far away, but by how she looked.. Orlaith thought to offer a shoulder or something. If she really wanted to, technically, could just be slung over her shoulder and drift back home.

Wouldn't say that yet though.

the staff team luvs u
05-05-2022, 02:35 PM

Was she to forever look so sheepish in this womans company? Mayhap, given the embarrassing situation she found herself in. Upon the distance being eaten up by the Vanderfell woman, it wasn't only the autumn-touched she wolf that understood their differences. Ruelle looked up, swallowing as she realised just how tall the other woman was. Rue was certain she could just lightly shove her and she would be finished -- yet she wasn't feeling... endangered. Her eyes, she realised, were the green of a forest. Ruelle smiled then through her embarrassment, looking closer to awe in the woman than anything.

"Perhaps I am biased as it was my home since I woke here," Ru offered softly, "I miss the blossom trees the most. I have a feeling nothing will come quite as close in beauty." Certainly not Skelmir's Pass. It made her feel guilty to think such a thing, let alone say it outloud but gosh, she was allowed to miss things, wasn't she?

Ruelle couldn't help but do something she rarely did, that went against her lady-like mannerisms. She groaned. "I knew it," Ruelle would almost pout but she resisted, thinking she was already making enough of a fool out of herself as it were! "Perhaps... you might offer me some tips? You seem to hardly struggle," she had yet to move from her frozen spot.

the staff team luvs u
05-07-2022, 04:32 PM
"There was blossoms within the tundra?" Orlaith was born upon the border of so, not technically within the tundra itself but not within the true mountains either ; very similar to Vanderfell and yet called home to the forests. The mountain terrain wasn't harsh on her though, but her vague knowledge of the north consisted of snow and little plants. But even she knew, since that was limited perhaps life found a way and she so questioned it. Though when she thought of them, it was not the same as Ruelle was thinking. She thought of the white apple trees compared to the cherry blossoms that held in her home-mountain. 

"There are some within the crag," she commented. But sadly it was not the same and she commented upon the apple trees ; as spring was settling not all had fully bloomed to that orchid, and there was only few within the making then an actual meadow of so. Enough to provide a sweet snack. Though she preferred meat above all else, a nice apple for the day was a well-loved meal, not to mention mixing it with honey. It vaguely reminded her.. She should start harvesting for rum.

"Oh, use your tail," her tail lifted and swung side to side, "helps you balance on terrain. More force in your paw when you swing one way or another, teetering. Falling one side? Swing your tail to the other."

the staff team luvs u
05-15-2022, 11:51 AM

She smiled as she giggled softly, "you would be surprised what can thrive in the Tundra!" Rue offered with a gentile tone, her wide-gaze blinking at Orlaith. "Perhaps once it is safe to venture, I might be able to show you them," the woman had an inkling they would not be straying from Vanderfell too far and that they would not be calling the Tundra their home any longer. The lady could only hope to find something half the beauty here in these mountains, something that made her somewhat sour.

Something within her seemed to perk up at Orlaith's words, her wide-blue gaze twinkling with excitement, "truly?!" she gasped, "might you take me there?" She looked down at her unsteady paws, "perhaps not right now... soon, though?" the lady inquired softly, hope lingering in her voice. She rather liked Orlaith and truly, she was likely the first wolf since joining Shiroshika she had truly sought to converse with. She was trying to be braver and here she was!

Eagerly she would take in the womans advice, bringing her tail slowly from it's tucked position to be out in the world, angling it to try and do as Orlaith said. As she did, the lady swung her paw to try and keep her balance yet she wobbled, her brows pulling together as she suffered a sigh. "Oh," the lady nearly huffed but recalled her manners, "perhaps you might have something to do today?" Ruelle inquired, standing where she was. "That I might be your company for? Perhaps on less... uneven ground," she giggled softly, nervously.

the staff team luvs u
05-16-2022, 01:34 PM
"Sure, if I get permission. I don't like going too far without others knowing where I am at." She huffed lightly, not completely tossing out the idea. Though from what she knew.. And generally gathered, the previous Shiroshika home was about a day or two away. It wouldn't be a simple day or overnight visit, and if anything would be gone for quite a while. When she gazed in that direction.. Orlaith couldn't deny that curiosity. Finding life like that within the ice seemed farfetched.

Then she gazed back at the other, grinned lightly, "Yeah, sure." Not minding an escort kind of deal, "I don't really have anything else to do. My role is a guard, and assuming that goes to allies too." Most days would she patrol and report — the same routine that settled nicely to her body. She desired it greatly through her roaming, and felt rather settled to no longer being a loner. Orlaith grazed around to the uneven land, it wasn't horrible.. But someone stuck within flat snow seemed to be rather difficult.

Almost funny ; but there was slight worry due to the foxes that were around. Orlaith lifted her snout and sniffed thoroughly — there wasn't any in the area for the moment, but that did not mean they will return, "want to head back then?"

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