Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Live by love though the stars walk backwards

04-01-2022, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 11:02 PM by Archon.)
^^Between a scary white woman who looked like she was the leftovers of a tiger kill (read: zombie), and not knowing a soul aside from his Mom and Dad - Archon had little to do in the mountains. Or rather, the most mountainy part of the mountains - which left for one thing to do:

It was time to go off on his own little adventure - mostly because he didn’t know where MOm and Dad where, and he want to feel like that loner kid at a party by following them around all the time.

So off he went, going into some random direction: norf. (read: north.)

Nose to the ground, Archon was on the trail of.. absolutely nothing, but that didn’t stop him from making it look like he was on some secret mission and it would have been fine, too, until the ground turned cold and he began to inhale the snow.

His nose twitched and his eyes went wide, sneezing and coughing a few times with a frown. Okay, okay - let’s not do that again, huh?

He looked up and saw this vast horizon of snow - snow that he’d never seen before, and went running towards all the snow in typical puppy fashion.
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04-04-2022, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 09:52 PM by Delgata.)
The woman moved through the snow, her white coat blending in well against the pure white foreground. She had been traveling with @Snowdrift as they wandered, trying to find a pack and at the same time just enjoying life. They were starting to grow closer and Delgata couldn't stop the butterflies that filled her stomach. As they walked however, she saw something moving in the distance. At first, she thought it was a rabbit until she saw them run through the snow. It was a child?

She would pause and call out, not wanting to run up on the baby and scare him. "Hello there little one, are you lost?" As she spoke out, she would sit down a few feet away, hoping that she didn't startle him at all. "I'm not going to hurt you Kleiner." She cocked her head to the side as she waited, wondering how the boy would take to them finding him out here alone.

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04-04-2022, 11:16 PM
^^At 335 days young, Archon wasn’t exactly what you’d call little - though he was quite scrawny, and lacked any real muscular growth that an aged or seasoned canine might have built. He was mindin’ his own business in the snow, runnin’ around and eating it there and there -

And bouncing around like a frog where the snow was the deepest - because running wasn’t an option. He was having the time of his life, until - he fell face first into the snow, and Archon took this time to roll around, plopped there- breathing heavily from the excitement and then there was a voice.


Archon barked, eyes wide as he looked around and immediately didn’t see anyone until he took a double look - was Archon some sort of white wolf magnet, cus he might have thought this one to be his mother, but alas!

“You a zombie? I bite zombies!”

This one was bigger, and had brighter eyes, as if she stole the oceans and used them as her eyes, but somehow they were brighter. Maybe they were pretty stones - oh and suddenly she was talking about not hurting someone named Kleiner.

“Er, no - I'm not.. that's not me.”

Maybe that was a fancy word for brains – he narrowed his eyes at her, slowly standing and backing away from her. Maybe white was the color of zom - no! Mom was white, and the other zombie was yellow, clearly the color for zombies, not white. Mom was nice and white – he sat back down, tilting his head.

“Who is Kleiner?”
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04-04-2022, 11:28 PM
She let out a soft gasp at the child's outburst, lowering herself to the ground slightly as she show him that she wasn't going to attack him. She remained quiet for a moment, letting him speak and take in her appearance. He seemed about a year old or so, but to her anyone under the age of two was still a 'child' and therefore was a 'little one'. As he asked her if she was a zombie, she cocked her head to the side in confusion. "I don't believe I am a zombie, child. I certainly don't have a desire to eat brains." She found herself chuckling softly at that. 

Hearing his next words made her laugh, shaking her head slighlty with a smile. "Oh, my apologies. I simply called you 'small one' in my native language. I don't know your name therefore I can not call you that. I am Delgata." She bowed her head in greeting, curling her tail around herself. "I have no reason to harm you, I just want to make sure you're alright. Without the proper coat you could freeze to death out here."

"Where is your mother and father?" She would begin to sniff the air, taking in the boy's scent and attempting to smell any family on them.

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04-04-2022, 11:49 PM
^^His eyes narrowed with a huff and shake of his head - isn’t that what a zombie would say?! It certainly was, Archon declared, not sure who she was, or what she wanted with him. She lowered herself to the ground, which meant to Archon that she knew that she was big and scary -

But if she said she didn’t eat brains, then that was okay, he’d just have to witness her eating something that wasn’t brains, now wouldn’t he? But then she started chuckling and laughing, and all trust went out the window. His eyes narrowed again.

“Yup, uh huh - isn’t that what a zombie would say?! ”

And then she bowed like she was about to pounce him, and Archon growled lowly, hacking lifting - taking a few steps back. “IS-stay back, I'll bite you! For real! ” Yeah! Grr! Be afraid.

His zombie bite count was one - but she would find faded scents of his parents - a cougar, and a wolf - on his coat, as well as the scent from the mountains, whatever they smelled like. “They uh, they went off somewhere. It’s fine, I’m going somewhere too, an adventure, away from zombies!”
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04-05-2022, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2022, 09:20 PM by Delgata.)
She cocked her head to the side as she watched the child. He was certainly a .... strange boy. But that made the woman love him even more. As he accused her of being a zombie.... again, she sighed slightly. She let him snarl at her though, snarl and yell at her until he was done.

Her voice was soft as she spoke to him again. "Honey.... I haven't even moved. Besides, if I were a zombie, wouldn't I look like one? Open wounds, discolorations, things like that?" She really didn't know what all a zombie looked like, but she was certain she wasn't one. "You shouldn't be out here alone, it isn't safe out here." 

She thought for a moment before speaking. "How about this, I will lay down entirely and you can come sniff me to see I don't reek of death. I will not move a single muscle." She didn't know if he would take her up on that offer, but she laid down regardless, keeping her body still as only her eyes moved to watch him.

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04-05-2022, 12:10 AM
^^Of course it was not safe out here - because there were lupine zombies? Was she even listening to him, or hearing herself right now? Nope, she sure wasn’t; must have that selective adult hearing. He nodded his head, though not at her - but at himself, agreeing that yes, it’s the adult hearing.

Her voice was soft, and she called him things he wasn’t. Honey. Little One. Were zombie hunters sweet as honey? No, no, he did not think so! And then she offered for him to come smell her - but the last zombie didn’t smell like death or have any of those things that she named - but the last one he’d found was totally a zombie!

“NO! I’m not dumb! I know the tricks! You’ll just scoop me up and EAT MY BRAINS.”
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04-05-2022, 06:30 AM
Hearing a commotion not far away from where she was hunting, Snowdrift paused and decided to find out what was going on. Especially since she heard Delgata's voice. 

Snowdrift padded nearer and then tried to stifle a fit of laughter as she saw what was going on. She partially succeeded, as she chuckled a little. 

"Is this little one giving you trouble, Delgata? Would you like some help?" Snowdrift asked the other, smiling a little. Her heart fluttered, as it had been doing that much more recently.
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‡ Snowdrift ‡
04-05-2022, 12:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2022, 12:46 PM by Olive.)
she's hidden/watching for now, feel free to skip!

Olive didn't love going to the Tundra these days, but when it came to looking for Archon, she did so willingly. The woman was compelled to locate the young man not only because a selfish desire to say goodbye and wish him well, but for the slight possibility that he was in dire straits. After all, where would Olive be if it weren't for those who noticed her disappearance and worked tirelessly to find her? The sylph, for one, found it extremely peculiar that Archon (though nothing more than a boy) hadn't involved himself in the rescue of his caretaker in some way — still, Olive had been thankful he hadn't put himself in the line of danger as more reckless wolves (& cats) were wont to — but, what kept him from it? What occupied his time, and where was he now?

Olive would not leave Archon to a similar fate as she.

After a weeks worth of apportioned sleep, she searched — and not entirely in vain! There was a commotion amongst the frozen ground that could be heard from afar, and it drew the shivering dove close. She was delighted to find the chocolate-hued Archon, and dismayed to see that he wasn't alone. Not one, but two wolves were with him, and the nature of their conversation did not make Olive feel any more comfortable. Melting into the pale background, she concealed herself behind a massive carving of rock and listened. To Olive, it seemed as if Archon felt threatened, and these two wolves were putting on a suave good-cop-bad-cop routine.

She grit her teeth and continued to attend to the interaction; wanting to let Archon to blossom in his newfound independence, but not leaving him to those who sought to take advantage of him, either.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
04-05-2022, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2022, 09:20 PM by Delgata.)
There seemed to be no getting through to this child. She didnt know if she was annoyed or disappointed. Probably a little of both. Regardless, she glanced over as Snowdrift found her, a flutter in her stomach making her smile.

"On no, I just found him alone and was worried for his safety, however he's determined that I am for zombie for some reason. Are zombies even a thing?" She was pretty sure zombies were fictional but the determination of this child really made her think about it for moment.

With a sigh she would slowly stand, backing away as to not scare the child. "All I want to do is keep you safe little one, please let me know what I can possibly do to show you I am in fact, not a zombie and only want to help?"
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04-06-2022, 12:19 AM
^^Although one lay hidden in the snow, there was another and another - and Archon was beginning to feel overwhelmed. One strange wolf, he could handle - WITH BITES, cus she’s totally a zombie, but two? Two zombies, at once, in the same place?!

Oh boy, oh boy - Archon’s ears lowered and he let out the smallest of whines. He did not like strangers and did not like feeling like he was cornered. His hackles rose, snarling lowly; a sound that likely never has come from his mouth before - as he stared at the two.

Please leave me to my adventure. I am not in danger, thank you for your concern.” Despite his snarls, Archon was still a good, polite boi - even if his tone was firm and flat, laced with a venom that he didn't know he had.
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04-06-2022, 08:14 AM
"C'mon, Delgata. It seems like he just wants to be left alone. And plus, he's getting frightened. So, let's just leave him alone." Snowdrift calmly said, though her heart ached to be comforting the little one. She always was like a mother to those in need, helping them and guiding them along. 

She started to pad away but stopped, catching a scent of another female. 

"We don't mean any harm, just wanted to help you, little one. There's no need to be frightened." Snowdrift said this over her shoulder, then turned towards where she had caught the scent. "And there's no need to be hidden. We aren't trying to harm him or anything, just trying to help."
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‡ Snowdrift ‡
04-08-2022, 12:02 PM
The words from the boy hurt her heart, but there was nothing she could do. With a sigh, she would nod, looking over at her partner as she stood. "Unfortunately I believe you're right." She would nod over at the boy one last time, her eyes filled with sorrow and worry. The last thing she wanted was to come across his body frozen in a fox den. 

She would begin to leave, only speaking over her shoulder. "Very well, I hope you are correct in your ability to survive." She began to leave, moving over to nuzzle Snowdrift for a moment. She knew the other woman was there hiding in the brush, however she wasn't going to say anything on it. If she wanted to remain hidden, she could.

-Delgata exits if not stopped-

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04-13-2022, 11:08 PM
^^It felt weird and it felt almost wrong to use his Mr. Mean voice - but the woman was not listening! What was there to do? His ears lowered and he sighed, shaking his head as the other female was talking to someone who wasn’t there - more zombies?!

He looked alert, growling lowly in that direction, and the huffing once the original zombie left; nodding his head slowly in relief as he headed off, deeper into the tundra in search of an adventure.

Exit archon unless stopped ~
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04-15-2022, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2022, 06:12 PM by Olive.)
consider @Archon stopped!

Fucking hell — her presence was easily noticed, and one of the foreign wolves called out to her. In response, Olive’s every nerve ending seized and she could do no more than stay entirely still and not move an inch from her place, supposedly concealed behind a rock. She remained as if she were invisible, and her company had not been pointed out so obviously — if she didn’t respond, maybe they would simply move on to more important topics at hand.

Luckily for the pale seraph, that is exactly what happened. The trio carried on without a beat, leaving Olive to attend and assess. The two wolves didn’t push the matter much further — although their way of speaking and feeble coercion tactics left a bad taste in her mouth. Archon, however, she was quite impressed with; perhaps more youthful in mind than he was in body, but self-aware and confident enough to know when he was being endangered (and resourceful enough to save himself). Releasing the breath that had been pent up in her chest for many long moments, Olive drifted out from behind the stone wall and drifted towards her ward.

“Archon,” she greeted him casually, hoping to imbue the young man with a sense of peace after such disquiet. Looking curiously after the strangers’ trail, she pointed her nose forward and gave several cursory sniffs. “Who were they?” the woman inquired openly, not to make assumptions or put words in his mouth — but to also see what possible summation of the events he might have.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
04-17-2022, 09:29 AM
^^The winds spoke his name in a voice that he knew and loved; the voice of the woman whom he had adopted as his mother. Had it not been for the other female who had spotted her before, Archon might have been confused as to why she was out here.

His eyes followed her gaze, to the two females that had finally left him to be. “No one that I know.” Archon huffed, shaking his head. Zombies, he’d whisper softly as he came to sit down.

“I haven’t seen you in awhile, Ma. Lots of folks were in a rush, like somethin’ bad happened. Couldn’t find you or Ben.” He’d say, in reference to the group they’d urgently gathered to find her and rescue her, though no one had included him - and why would they? He was a useless, defenseless child to them, despite that he was nearly an adult.
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04-21-2022, 01:47 PM
He noticed her, at long last, and she felt that feeling she had been seeking since she had been delivered home after her enslavement: the feeling of reuniting with one who considered you family, and who you considered family in turn. Of course, there was Benry — but he was being prickly with her, and Archon held a truly special place in her heart that she wasn't ready to reassign, yet.

The came to sit together, and Olive touched his auburn shoulder with her nose, indulging in a momentary nuzzle. "I’m proud of how you stood up for yourself," she commented, breezing past his suggestion that they were zombies (they clearly weren't, but maybe they were warlocks or something). The woman lifted her head, then an eyebrow. "You didn’t need me." Which perhaps shouldn't have surprised her as much as it did. It seemed the cub had grown into a young man during the time she had been away.

Of course, her disappearance was the first thing he asked after. Olive gritted her teeth, having reheared this explanation many times, but now drawing upon empty mental reserves. "Something bad did happen, Archon." she attempted to convey with some levity of seriousness. "I became a little to adventurous, too risky, and someone terrible tried to take advantage of me…" she pawed at the ground aimlessly, unwilling to provide any details further of what horror befell her. If Archon was becoming more independent, these were things he would need to be made aware of, but Olive was unwilling to do it here and now.

...but having seen what she saw that day, Olive was greatly relieved, and subsequently, a small bud of trust blossomed between them. "Have no fear, I was saved," she amended, though she suppose this fact was obvious. "An army got together, and they killed the walrus. Uncle Ben-Ben was there," It must had been so overwhelming to a young adult, not directly involved, feeling confused about things that were once so obvious. "Perhaps they were trying to save you from the distress," she suggested with a shrug and a flash of a smile. They did their best.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
04-21-2022, 09:42 PM
^^They came together as though being reunited for the first time in ages, Archon turning to nuzzle her as she nuzzled him - speaking about how proud she was that he had stood up for himself, but the truth of the matter was that he already stood up to zombies.

“I didn’t need you, this time, Archon correctly, gently, though whimpering softly when she told him of her latest, though totally scary, adventure. His ears lowered and he shoved his little head under her chin, nestling against her chest. “I don’t know what it means to take advantage of, but it sounds super duper scary !! - and I’m glad you’re okay.”

Archon paused, arching his head upward, as if to look at her without really moving. Are you okay? He would whisper, then, nuzzling into her chest as if being right there, in this moment, was the safest place to be.

“I’m glad you were saved and that Pa was there.I'm sorry that I wasn't.. please don't be mad, I didn't.. I didn't.. I didn't know.. Archon sniffled, whimpering softly, and curling his little body closer to him. He felt so bad, so bad that it felt like his heart was breaking at the thought of not being there. Why didn't anyone tell him? I could have helpeded.. Archon whispered softly, though mostly to himself.

“..what’s an uncle?” Did she not know how families worked? That she was Ma, and Ben-Ben was Pa? That they were his entire world? They had to know, right? Right??
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04-28-2022, 10:11 AM
It was intoxicating, he way that Olive's heart melted in on itself as Archon asked — quite seriously —if she was alright from her recent hardships. Was this what it felt like, to be responsible for something small and innocent until it grew more mature and more independent, eventually growing away from the people and places they called home (as she once did, when she was approaching this same age)? It didn't feel like a chasm or a loss as she might have expected; instead her heart bloomed with the success, and her eyes swam with pride as she nodded in affirmation, then cloaked his shivering, nestling body with her slight figure as best she could.

There were so many layers to this conversation, that at first Olive didn't know which to touch upon first — but when she took a deep breath and let the swelling in her chest subside, she began to realize that this was Archon's story, and wasn't necessarily about her. Nor did she want it to be; it would be such a shame to squander his youth with the anxieties and concerns of the adults around them. Olive drew a breath deep into her belly.

“You don’t need to help me, Archon.” she cooed, stroking the fur on the back of his neck with a salmon-pink tongue. “I only want you to focus on your own pursuits,” She looked down upon him, face-hidden, entranced by the swirling browns and tan hues that comprised the boy's pelt. “Your needs are just as important as my own.” Olive concluded, pulling her head upright, hoping this was some sort of assurance to the boy. There would be plenty of time for him to be deeply interwoven with the difficulties of a wild life. Olive was relieved that time wasn't now.

Mildly more cheerful, the woman furled backwards an inch or two more to expose the boy's face from her downy breastbone. “Plus, there are other adults whose job is specifically to help me out of risky situations," she spoke to him, so he would know her safety was not his responsibility. It just wasn't, even if Archon (momentarily) wished otherwise. Her lips pursed slightly as he referred to a Pa, wondering if Archon somehow knew about her and Tiberius, and how the dark knight had slaughtered the beast — but the more logical explanation was that Pa was 'Uncle' Benry, just as she was the aforementioned 'Ma'.

The sylph couldn't help but smile, finding the many 'grey areas' of life to be vivid and interesting, and slightly delighting to think of Benry's reaction to idea that he was a father, or moreover, somehow married to her. Olive sought to clarify, but not dissuade Archon's true feelings. “An uncle is a wolf that's a part of your family. Specifically, an uncle is a mother’s brother,” she explain in a voice that was light and factual. “But an uncle can function much like a father, if you want them to.” She brought an arm up and hooked it around Archon's own, pulling him close again. “I consider Benry like a brother,” she spoke into the winds, her eyes staring off into the distance as she pressed a hollow cheek again the crown of Archon's head. "But maybe he's more of a father to you."

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
04-30-2022, 10:22 AM
^^If Archon was older and more wise, he might have appreciated that Olive did not want to make this all about her - but she was his mom and she’d gone through something very scary without him - something he would never forgive Frostchant for not including him in - so of course he needed to ask if she was okay.

And if she wasn’t, so help me god, Archon would go find that damned dead walrus and give him a piece of his bloody mind! He actually did have a voice, though Archon was a patient, polite boy that didn’t like using it.

“If I has’ta put my foot down and yell at ‘dem other adults for not takin’ care for you the way a Good Ma should be - I will, Ma! I really will.” Archon said firmly, nodding his head with a gentle sniffle. “You and Pacle” good job, Olive; promoting Benry from Pa to Pacle, since he’s an father-uncle now,

“are the most important wolf-cats ever. Should I return from my adventure to find out that something more scary has happened, because they did not protect you like the gem that you are - I will have to bring out my Mean Voice, and I will not be very happy. I love you, Ma. I love Pacle, too, so nothin’ bad is allowed to happen to either of you. Okay?”

Archon breathed a sigh, nuzzling deep into her chest in an attempt to memorize her scent.
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05-06-2022, 02:26 PM
Oh, if Olive hadn't already been convinced of her divine conviction to be a mother, this certainly would have convinced her! The boy nuzzled into her chest and she simpered like a proud mother hen, smothering her brood with feathers and warmth. "Archon, when did you become so well-spoken?" she beamed, listening to the many words fall from his mouth and shower her in oxytocin. Olive knew well that this was typical of adolescents and their preferred parental figure, but that did not detract from indulging in the instinctive pleasure of it.

"I would loathe to hear your mean voice turned upon me. Please, young prince, keep it stowed..." she admitted quite honestly, but flourished her words with the snuggle of her chin into the crook of his neck (intended to tickle, but only just a little; the sylph too giggled in his ears, drawing in the scent of him. She sighed, her shoulderblades falling away from her neck. "It might soothe your spirit to know the army that amassed to look out for my safety," she cooed, raising a thin brow at him, as if to assert that there was no way his worries could persist once she divulged this information to him.

"There was a fierce tiger and his fire-woman, and a gigantic polar bear named Thraximundar, and of course Benry and Riannon and Eira. There were two golden wolves who sought to solely to protect me for harm — and there were healers, of course, there was Tiberius, the incredible general who orchestrated it all." Olive spoke of her rescuers fondly, looking forward to the time she could reconnect with each of these souls and gift them with her undying gratitude. "Have no fear for me, for I am well protected. I only hope that you find such support as I have, as you begin to explore your adulthood and freedom..."

Olive didn't need to know what Archon had been doing, or why he didn't smell of Cloudrest. She didn't need to know where he was going. All she needed to know what that he was resourceful, and he could procure the means with which to keep him safe. Olive gathered him tightly, not willing to let such proximity go — it was not often offered by children almost grown. "I love you too, Archon. Benry and Tiberius too, we will always protect the ones we love." she admitted, wondering if he would notice the inclusion of Tiberius into their small family unit. "Will you come back home, to Cloudrest? You could meet Thrax."It was her last, and only attempt to influence his decision. At least a good meal, and a good story, might send him off nicely.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
05-06-2022, 06:40 PM
^^His mother was so damned important that a super fierce tiger and a woman made of fire (?!) as well as a gigantic polar bear had come to the rescue, along with other wolves - two of which belonged in Frostchant - but the mightest victor of all had been a fellow named Tiberius.

His mother spoke of each rescuers fondly, Archon nodding his little head and grinning with a giggle as she tickled him; grinning also when she told him that he was well spoken, and while he didn’t know what that truly meant, he would smile at her anyway.

He would then take the deepest of breaths with a sigh, smirk-frowning at her with the twitch of his ears. “You know I’m going to have to meet and thank each one of these people now, right?” Archon grinned at her, moving forward to lick at her cheek before she could protest, as he knew she would - though he would frown as Olive called Cloudrest (and Frostchant) home when they had disrespected him and not told him that his mother had been in danger. A grave mistake, on their part, surely; adventure was the reason he’d left, but this was the reason he wouldn’t return (to the pack) unless it was unavoidable or unless it made his Ma smile.

“I’ve never met a polar bear before.. ” Archon would whisper, nodding his head; he’d return to meet the bear, but after, he would continue his adventure deeper into the tundra.

He did indeed take notice that the might warrior’s name was added into the Love Bin along with him and his Pacle, Benry, and Archon wondered in that moment if that was how a significant other was obtained: by some sort of heroic mission or outcome, and then he wondered if Tiberius, too, looked like a mighty warrior.

“Do you also love Tiberius as a brother, or is he yours?” Translation: was Tiberius his Daddy? And when was Archon going to meet him?!
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05-13-2022, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2022, 12:49 PM by Olive.)
The woman smiled at him and gazed adoring down her muzzle at the young man she embraced, listening to him speak with a strange mix of sincerity and banter, wondering if Archon had any idea how much something like that meant to her (even if he didn't really mean it). Not only was Olive on a similar mission to seek out and thank each of her rescuers, but this was probably the first time Archon had ever spoken to her like this, and called her Ma.

She silently wondered why he was suddenly feeling so nostalgic, and what this meant for his near-future. Olive doubted it was purely from her attack, or Archon's widening explorations — more than likely, it was a mix of the two. It worried her as much as it elated her, but at least he was coming back to familiar terrain with her one last time.

Olive chuckled and released Archon from her closeness, shuffling backwards to more fully take in the confounded look on his face. He was a smart and intuitive boy, seeing and remembering parts of life that she had not yet fully explained to him. "He is mine," Olive nodded, the wideness of her grin causing her eyes to shut with her cheerfulness regarding Archon's immediately reaction about their new addition, "but I will happily share." With a silken wag of her tail, she stepped closer to stand with him shoulder to shoulder, and looked out of the side of her gaze at the chocolate prince.

"He is away right now, but I know he would love to meet you," she affirmed. "Come," the woman bade her not-so-young ward, ushering him forward with a flick of her chin in the direction of Frostchant, and a delicate step forward.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

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