Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

And my love is so wise and so pretty,

04-06-2022, 10:58 AM

Though there wasn't many herbs she knew of, or ways to treat others.. The most common of all ; were poppy seeds. A general plant used in any moment to numb pain, and even bring a calming to those who were in dire straits on an emotional state. She knew that much, even if knowledge lacked elsewhere. It was a gradual process of learning, and specifically what to do. She gained some knowledge such as 'poultice' at the very least, where some herbs are finely crunched to a slime to be spread upon. She didn't think how.. Mouthy, being a doctor was.

Within the teachings of strangers itself and general testing ; she only sought the basics for the meanwhile. Gathering poppies for a storage by the flowers were one of the many tasks she could do ; as most of her time was often lounging and wandering. She held a leaf, making it to the hold of the seeds for the meanwhile, and harvesting them. .. At least she thought she was doing right, as she approached the sea of poppy flowers, and gently pawed at them to 'spill' their seeds.

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04-11-2022, 07:54 PM
^^To some, the plains were viewed as nothing but flat lands and a bunch of nothingness, but to the likes of Harper? The plains was Elysium’s backyard, and garden for farming good plants like poppies. They came in an array of colors, too, although red was most common and thought to resemble remembrance and death.

Harper made a mental note to ask her sister if their festival this year had a theme, so she could gather the correct flowers. Shame, too, that after all this time, she had never once asked Crux what his favorite flower was! She grumbled lowly, unhappy with herself and all the missed opportunities.

She entered the plains to scout for plants for their festival, when she came upon the most interesting thing. A wolf of creams, with a leaf in mouth, pawing at flowers to collect their seeds in the leaf. How..why, how bloody brilliant was that? Harper had never collected seeds, merely just uprooting the plant and taking it with her - but collecting seeds, too, was nice.

So nice, too, that Harper couldn’t help but to feel mesmerized at the finding of such a rare specimen; she’d never had friends who were like minded or that respected plants in the way that she did - was there hope in this one?
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04-14-2022, 04:52 PM
She honestly didn't have the thought, to just take the flower back. It never came across in thought that wolves would simply do so; and thought how to harvest without harming it. She knew some herbs had no choice but to be picked and plucked — but these were the only seedlings of them, and did not need the flower itself. As tilted the flowers and onto the leaf itself, she missed more then actually gaining some, as now a various seeds laid upon the floor, and only a quarter, on the leaf itself. She was looking down in a disappointment.

Did she need a bigger leaf..?

As she pondered so, the scent of another roamed to her nose, and she looked over ; to see a wolf she knew not, yet the smell.. Seemed vaguely familiar. Uriel smiled at her and asked, "are you too, harvesting poppy seeds?"

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04-14-2022, 06:23 PM
^^Here she was, in a land not of her own, almost completely smitten with a total stranger simply because she was harvesting poppy seeds. Well, okay, she was nice to look at, too - and reminding her of another light coated, gentle soul she’d met in the tundra.. - there was a brief pause as Harper came to wonder how she might be doing.

It was Uriel’s smile that caused Harper’s thoughts to drift back to the present, as she smiled back with a giggle and a grin, “It would seem more like you need assistance in your own harvest, no?” She would nod to the fallen seeds, tilting her head.

“Seeds are a wise, better way to go, I ‘uppose, but I need the plant already in bloom for the Spring Festival.” Harper offered with a kind smile. “But I could use the seeds for the garden. What do you use them for?”
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04-18-2022, 06:06 PM
As she got a better look — they were a very, large wolf. She was like a warrior and yet held a gentleness within her voice, an energy that felt soothing where Uriel wasn't on guard against the other. Her coat was like the earth itself ; smitten in the tones of the ground and a way that simply emerged into the forest. But the eyes were as well dazzling, for a purple-hue took it's place like that of flowers itself. She may be as large as a warrior, but it did not mean she was any less beautiful, and perhaps even added to her charm much more.

She chuckled lightly, looking at the mess of seedlings around her, "It's.. My first time trying," she didn't know how other medics collected. Much less preserving as well, which was a thought that just came to her mind. She knows that they grow stale after time.. But does that mean they lose their property too?

Oh gosh, so many questions that made her head spin.

"I had heard they helped sooth pains, like a numbness." At least she was hoping for it to be true, or Uriel simply looked like a loon.

the staff team luvs u
04-23-2022, 11:02 PM
^^Harper may have been very large, but Uriel was very bright; almost as if the sun had gathered itself up, and all of its warmth took physical form. She recalled how Kuhn called himself a suncat, and realized now that she was very clearly looking at a sun wolf.

“Ohs! You do good job. I has not thought of using big leaf in all me time in the garden.” There was a brief pause as worry confusion her facial expression. Uriel was harvesting seeds, her first time, because someone was in pain?

Harper took a daring step forward. “Is yous in need of meed-ic-ial ahhtentshion?”
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04-24-2022, 01:37 PM
She found herself intimidated by her last sentence, but tried to shrug it off with a gentle smile, "Oh no," Uriel said, "I found myself in situations where.. As someone who was neither a fighter, or a healer, rather useless. I thought to perhaps try and learn to be more useful, and took toward the medical side." Though an embarrassing shame — she didn't want to give the wrong assumption that she was hiding someone who was injured. It only the golden dame's pursuit for knowledge, for a stride to not be such a useless body within a fray. She was no fighter, and didn't want to be a fighter.. But she could try at the very least, how to heal.

"My extent is knowing poppy seeds, if I can't heal yet.. I can provide some sort of relief." As so was a general knowledge, many knew of the seeds. But beside that was rather vagueness. She knew something like charcoal can help clear the system itself, despite tasting so terrible — but even Uriel knew that was rare to find, and only happened when fire was around. A rare tidbit of knowledge she knew, and everything else was just.. A cover. If someone asked her to name a plant, she wouldn't be able to say.

the staff team luvs u
04-26-2022, 08:40 PM
^^It really wasn’t the fact that Harper thought Uriel was harboring a wounded fugitive, but more so that she was concerned that someone was in need of medical attention. So as Uriel set the record straight, Harper would nod and smile softly.

“Ohs, that be good. I thought someone in need, thought me could assist, though glad that not so!” Harper smiled with the nervous lick of her lips. “Chamomile also sooth pain, along otter things. Once me give chamomile to me Valeska to help a strained muscle.” Man, that felt like such a lifetime ago.

“Not real sure about poppyseed numbness, or if by numbness, you mean uh - paralysis?” Harper arched a brow and tilt of her head. “If so, you’s lookin’ for Ground Cedar.” Was numbness and paralysis the same thing? Harper seemed to think so.
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05-01-2022, 09:23 PM
Uriel was sucking the knowledge up, and trying to etch it within her mind to remember. With so little knowledge and not many to teach her, the best she could was trust the others upon their words, "What does Chamomile look like?" She asked, intrigued by so. It sounded something similar to a flower, and though she knew a few, that one was unfortunately unfamiliar. At the very least though gained insight that there was more then a few that could help within soothing, and wondered if the process was the same as other plants? To chew and apply. Or was it one to digest? She would hope Harper would expand.

"I had heard they helped to ignore pains. Not solve the issues, but make it bearable." .. Another mental note though to avoid that plant, in case she accidentally used and made someone paralyzed. That'd be awful — Uriel planned to avoid anything that was deemed dangerous.. She didn't like the idea of harboring any, it made her nervous.

the staff team luvs u
05-15-2022, 11:52 PM
^^Finding another canine so close to her home that desired to learn more of plants, even if it were only the medical side of them, struck chords of Harper’s heart as though Uriel herself were part of the orchestra, and Harper was her instrument.

The smaller golden woman seemed intrigued by Chamomile. “Has you ever seen a daisy before? That’s what they look like, since they’re in the same family. They has a yellow center - called an eye - and white, floofeh petals. They stand tall like weeds. Make sure your patient isn’t allergic to ragweed before use-age, otherwise may trigger allergic reactions.” Harper would say with a firm nod of her head and the lick of her lips.

“They do heal pains, helps with anxiety too, and lots of other tummy issues. I eat them whenever I get a bellyache. ”
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06-05-2022, 02:06 PM
Uriel nodded and listened intently, as she mentally would try and store this within her mind. Being a medic was very new, she didn't know many flowers, much less how to use them properly. Yet.. The golden girl didn't like how useless she felt sometimes, where battles have proven that she was not a fighter, nor' a medic, and much less.. As a packless wolf, she could not be a scout.

Mentally noted that the flower that looked of daisies held such properties, she smiled lightly at Harper, "thank you, I will try to remember this."

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