Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

But tonight I still dream of you,

04-06-2022, 11:11 AM

Keeping the storm to the back of her mind, she attempted to simply continue her days. Often with travell and wandering, sight-seeing and meeting new strangers and forming bonds itself. There wasn't a particular goal in mind besides the desiring and wanting of more friendships to form, and maybe even the thought of family. But the need of a pack still remained at bay, for she didn't divulge into desiring to beg to join one to be included with strangers — she didn't want to be another number into a system. 

Her wandering found itself to a scape that was gradually becoming uneven. Hilly, mounds that left a body to go up and down through the walking itself. Endlessly though it seemed she noted, but beyond either entered to the temperate of the forests, or the more mountain land within the west. She did not want either, and remained at the hills as a pleasant breeze blown over.

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04-06-2022, 01:13 PM
Straying to the west of the territory, Oisin found himself on a journey to locate all the best locations for particular healing products. With wolves being who they were, and often getting into scuffles or being clumsy, Daisy's was the first on his list to find. It was a good all round herb and when grown right, it flourish without little interaction needed. And as much as they were easy to find in the plains, he wanted to search further afield in order to harvest the heads for drying and to transplant a few for his own convenience. Spring after all was a good time to cultivate this year's yields. 

What the male didn't anticipate was strolling along a well worn path just past the western most point of the blue grove and find himself upon rolling hills with many small nooks and crannies he looked forward to search. It seemed like the grazing herds had worn the dry path and it offered him ample space to move through the unyieldingly long grasses. Being at his vantage point and with the whirlwind of a breeze fanning his face, he found a familiar scent of canine on the trail and pondered to himself if perhaps they too had seen any Daisies. 

Firstly, he followed the scent until he saw a silhouette of gold dancing away from him about 30 odd meters - not that he could count it. He didn't hold back and called out to them, beckoning a response with his cheeky lopsided smile. 

"Don't suppose you've come across any Daisies have you?!"

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this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

04-06-2022, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2022, 01:42 PM by Uriel.)
She could smell the buffalo on the wind, as the breeze strongly carried throughout. Lushed through with the upcoming storm and gave it more of a boost then normally would. Strange phenomenons were occurring, none that could be explained and only.. Worryingly, ignoring as so. Though the hills remained normal, flushed in green and within light she did not see a torrent of rain to affect it. Even the birds chirped while the mice frolicked — she could see the bison, from the corner of her eye.

Though the other corner a different bison approached, but the realization it was a brown wolf. Voice of energy and tall as they were, they came booming over within voice itself. Her ears perked up in surprise, and even jumped a bit in a fright. She wasn't expecting to be shouted at, and turned her head to the fellow, "I'm afraid not, perhaps try the meadow across the stream?" she responded.

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04-09-2022, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2022, 02:39 PM by Oisin.)
The golden silhouette had a voice and it broadened the soft smile upon his maw. It would appear as if she was helpful too, across the stream she'd answered, it didn't matter if she couldn't give him an exact location either. She had simply helped. Oisin simply bopped his head in thanks and looked to the stream, his expression dropping into one of deep thought. More often than not, the flower grew in areas with shorter grasses. The greenery surrounding him in that moment was rather long, wild and unkept. It was the side of a worn path, not a place to be grazed upon by the deer and dug through by the boar. 

Although the grass beside the stream was a touch more wild, the bank had been feasted upon and maintained by the herds of thirsty, and obviously hungry herbivores. What was more interesting was the possibly appearance of cattails by the stream - it would be something Oisin would have to keep an eye on because nothing was better than the sap for antiseptic. It would keep a wound clean, maintain the good bacteria. 

"Thank you, you've helped me out a lot," he said, with a brief look back in the strangers direction. He quirked the corner of his lips and winked before beginning the detour to the stream at the bottom of the hill. It looked like it parted the earth where it was located, sat right in the middle of two hills that lifted into the sky; or so it seemed from the bottom.

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this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

04-10-2022, 01:39 PM
She called out to him, "be careful, the horses lately have been a bit more aggressive then usual. I do not know where they claim in particular." It was a memory she would warn, while remembering a few of the horses to be with. Although it was only one, the factor remained me it was a stallion, compared to the mares she has met. Leaders, of herds, and those of control of the rest often ; if she remembered right he did hold the scent of others upon his pelt and they were unfamiliar.. Horses, she knew not.

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04-10-2022, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2022, 03:01 PM by Oisin.)
Despite it all, the woman on the hill still called back to him, and so too did his chin lift to give her his attention. The horses in the area seemed to be more aggressive than usual? The green gaze wandered to the hills and a frown pulled on his maw. But they hadn't been hunting the horses, there would be no need unless someone else was aggravating them as such. He swallowed and scrunched up his face in thought before peering back up to the lady. 

"Did you happen to come across them?" Just to know, before he reported back to Kore about their whereabouts. Even if she did know where they claimed, it would be interesting to know if they moved around for future reference. Only then did he tilt his head and Oisin's brows dropped with worry. Was she attacked by the horses? "I do hope you weren't injured ma'am. If you need anything for the aches and pains, please let me know." It would be time to use those daisy's maybe sooner rather than later, after all, it could be used to treat bruising and was overall a very good anti-inflammatory, even an antiseptic.

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this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

04-11-2022, 05:57 PM
Uriel strolled closer so that they would not be yelling across. Upon the hill and descending to him, for a more quiet voice to take over. One of a calmness and softness, as she continued speaking with a nodding, "A few speak the same language as us." Though wolves hold a variety of culture and separate languages, there was always a barrier between them, and other animals. Unspoken as so, a boundary that never was known except noises that each made when hurt or threatened. However once the golden dame seemed to enter this land .. Many started to speak. Or was it she, who learned how to speak?

Then she shook her head and smiled at him, his worrying touched her heart but assured she was not, "Some are friendly, however there was a stallion I met by the name of Renegade who was a bit.. Aggressive. He had approached myself and another with threats if we were the aggressive ones, violence would be met."  It was far more important to warn others to stay away from the horses, though wolves, the wolves she knew, didn't have the tendency to try and hunt horses. It was a fool's game after all, but if there was a horse going around threatening wolves.. She knew some, by nature, would retaliate.

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04-20-2022, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2022, 03:53 PM by Oisin.)
She approached and Oisin observed her as much as could be done for a gentleman. Her fur of gold, eyes of grey, two contrasting tones – one full of life while the other often lulled those into a state of melancholy. Her words hit him however and the calm male simply lifted a intrigued brow, his chin lifting with a slight tilt. A horse, who speaks their language. He'd never spoken to a horse before, what an odd notion. Interesting though, if this stallion was approaching wolves in such an aggressive manner, he'd like to let Kore know in case she'd like to pose a treaty with the guy. He knew for the most part that she did not stand for violence near her territory and with their ideals, he could understand why. 

A calm community celebrating the lore of sprites, Kore was a goddess of wine in her castle of rocks. 

"Thank you for the tippet, I'll have to let my queen know in case it extends further than threats." his expression fell into thoughtfulness. After all, if a horse was threatening a wolf, he either had a lot of courage or was entirely stupid. His lips settled into a tight line and he turned his attention to the hills across the river. It didn't sit well with him, mindless violence, so he'd like to meet this horse for himself - this Renegade. 

A wayward sigh passed and with a shake of his head, he looked back to the woman before pulling a apologetic smile that met his eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay Ma'am, horses are far too unpredictable at the best of times but now they understand our language... tsk," he tutted, "we better find a way to coexist while they're not too sour."

the staff team luvs u
this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

04-24-2022, 01:54 PM
A queen? She sniffed gingerly, though there was scents of passerbies she couldn't detect that he belonged to a pack. Like her self, where her pelt seemed coated by those she met and the gradual residue of the plains itself but she belonged to no names, "You don't smell like a pack, is your group freshly claimed?" though herds would be a common one to see amongst the plains, the rarity of packs forming is another. Even she held some doubts of living within, feeling so open between everything. But overtime, Uriel found herself enjoying that then the hidden world of the trees and their shadows.

"I hope so too. It seemed more of a threat, to stay away from their herd." A strained smile while remembering so ; for some reason felt to approach them over this fact. It really could be brave of foolish, and the worry especially for those who held other tempers.. May find revenge against said-horse. Not every wolf had such calming tempers, and the other one who was threatened also did not care much. Rather, talked without a malice while she found it difficult to continue.

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04-26-2022, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2022, 02:29 PM by Oisin.)
He smiled at the woman before casting a look in the direction of the outcrops that he called his home. 

"Yes, new indeed though I doubt I smell much of them either because I find myself outside of the fairy circles looking for herbs I can store or transplant to my own garden." he shared with a coyness, almost with a hint of embarrassment as the doctor himself uncovered one his guiltier pleasures. After all, he was looking for daisies to bring home, not to dry but to keep while the spring and summer moved on until the more hardy plants came out to sustain his medical expertise in the colder months. 

He thought a little more on the horses before responding again, pondering their circumstances over his own. A wolf was scary enough but a horse with a herd, this renegade was playing with a fast hand and Oisin thought that perhaps her had young to protect, or mares beginning to foal. It was after all that time of year where they often became a lot more territorial than more. "I'll keep an eye, though perhaps a deal may be struck once Kore speaks with the stallion. I suppose he just wishes well for his family and in this place - so densely populated with many types of wolves-" or so he smelt, "I would be cautious too and like to show my own strength in front of a thing that many portray as threatening." he huffed with a laugh at his comment of strength as although not the twiggiest or roundest of wolves, Oisin was not built to fight like so many. 

Like he'd said already, he had a garden for gods sake. This man was made for planting, not destroying.

"Do you live nearby, Miss....?"

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this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

05-05-2022, 07:50 PM
She couldn't help but ask, "what is your pack called?" There was a few she knew about, and those settling around — some names though were unknown to her. Like the variety that hung to the northern walls, she knew they were there, but never met. Though even if she saw their wolves leave those mountains chains, Uriel doesn't know if she actually met one, much less go near so.

"That is true," she saw the sense within it and nodded. Perhaps he was right that the horse was only trying to display dominance before anything came out of it ; Uriel was quite thrown off by that she was more intimidated by horses. They were awfully dangerous, and anyone who went near would be a fool.. But he was mistaken that the other was a pack wolf, for she did not know how well they were with scents. That was a thought that had her emphasize just a bit more, bit did not lessen her wariness.

She then lifted her paw north, "I live within the Golden Glade, unclaimed though," referencing that there was no pack but herself, and she had no desire to fight over it.

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05-12-2022, 07:22 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 02:45 PM by Oisin.)

The golden wolf was one of immense clarity, though she did not speak of much, she was direct enough that she need not to flower her phrasing. Though she did not catch on to him asking for her name, he did not press for perhaps she wished it that way. However, she did tell him of her whereabouts. The golden glade, a place Oisin had not yet come to know about or see. His head tilted and intrigue painted his features. 

"And which direction would I find this glade in?"

The plains themselves were lush with grass, but this glade was a place he wished to visit if there were promises of trees. The nestle beside the greenwood territory was a place that he had mixed feelings about despite his dancing lessons and as much as he wished to visit it, Oisin was a lover, not a fighter. To come across anothers territory without actually infringing upon it, yet having such a negative greeting, it left the happy go lucky man somewhat soured by the experience.

the staff team luvs u
this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

06-05-2022, 02:10 PM
Mentally noting of this pack ; they seemed pleasant at the very least if Oisin was as well, "To the north, a very small forest." Beyond the large river and lake, there was the glade. Away from most the plains and settled almost near the icy north, it was a place where few bison roamed, and she too, found a home within. Though as lame as it may look, it's true beauty came from the sunrise, and sunset. She would hope the other would see it during that time.

Uriel was also, not a very smart wolf. She didn't understand innuendos and if not given directly, it most likely would fly over her head. Despite, some past origins making her something akin to an aristocrat, any of those teachings were long gone, "I am Uriel," she greeted, "I hope you'll visit."

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