Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

For Good or Ill, I Am Immortal

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
02-27-2022, 06:12 AM
A sweet breeze caressed the man, his world filled with darkness as he slowly came to his senses. He could feel it first, before his eyes had even opened. This body... both new and old alike, and the fading chill of winter which pressed its claws deep into his skin. Slowly would he open his eyes, almost mourning the void from whence he had come, wherever it was. He would swear it was the only form of peace he could truly find now.

Burning golds stared unto a clear abyss of blue, not a cloud in sight as Emilianus huffed, rolling off his back to ease the screaming of his bones. His memory felt hazy and when he looked to his...paws, it was more than obvious what had happened. There was no memory of how it had happened, but it mattered little. His memories would come back with time, they always did.

Spared, yet still, my bones creak? He could and would scoff. Just his luck. Even better, as he finally took the time to survey his surroundings he would only find grassy hills that rolled on forever. A field of absolutely nothing.

Nothing felt familiar which was a feat given how much time he had spent crossing this world. Moving slowly he would push himself to his feet and shake frozen blades of grass from his pelt. No smell particularly stood out to him for direction, but it was clear these hills ran rife with herds. Though it felt unlikely, there was no telling what events took place before. Perhaps if he searched for these herds they would hold viable information.

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03-02-2022, 08:48 AM
Quinn was annoyed. She had woken up in some cat-forsaken place that had dog stench all over it. Why were all these mutts congregated here? And where was her glaring? Not that she actually liked being surrounded even by a creatures similar to herself, but being alone was less safe. The more eyes, the better, and she only had two. 

She stalked along the plains, ears never ceasing their movement in search of sounds that might alert her to danger. The scowl on her face gave away her foul disposition, not that she cared. Movement caught her eyes, and she froze. Of course it's another dog, why would it be anything else? she grumbled inwardly. She watched, waiting to see if it would notice her, or simply continue moving on. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-04-2022, 03:24 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2022, 03:25 AM by Emilianus.)
The man moved leisurely, no real rush to his pace as a tired gaze scanned the hills of rolling grass. Had he been youthful perhaps he would care about wasted time, but he had grown to know what days passed mattered little now. Whether or not he left these hills mattered not, they could roll on forever in a sea of green. What mattered was placing himself on a mental map of the world he knew, or rather once knew.

Something shifted along the hills, small enough to miss at first, though it would be the wind that betrayed the small creature. A pointed stare shifted from the lack of change ahead to the frozen feline. Small feline or not, it would not be uncommon to see fear on her face...except it was not fear that painted her features, but something much more akin to looking into a mirror. The annoyed look aimed his way only deepened his brow before he spoke, What? Never laid eyes on an old man before?

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03-04-2022, 08:58 AM
The beast spotted her, and Quinn stiffened ever so slightly in anticipation that he would give chase. But, he didn't. “What? Never laid eyes on an old man before?” he asked, apparently in his own grumpy mood. She scoffed, wishing that were true. On the contrary, she retorted. I've been seeing too many of you lately. Even one was too many for her liking. At least this one wasn't trying to chase her off. Yet, anyways. 

She relaxed, though did not let the wolf out of her sight. In fact, she took a moment to really look at him. His greying features would have given away his age, even if his words hadn't. His grumpy tone didn't phase her, mostly because she had one most of the time, anyways. So, it was kind of like talking to herself. And she rather liked herself.
I don't suppose you've seen many of my kind around here, have you? she dared to ask. Cats and wolves didn't exactly live harmoniously, as far she knew, so the likelihood of affirmation was slight. Would he even answer her?
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-04-2022, 03:58 PM
Too many of him? Obviously, she was referring to his body not him specifically, though he wondered if that counted towards age or simply ended at species. Truthfully he hadn't looked close enough to even acknowledge what he was. Too large to be a coyote, so wolf? Either that or some mutt. Now wouldn't that be rich?

Little cats? Wandering alone? Surely not without some type of companionship. Hunters as they may be, cats still sat quite low on the food chain No. You are the first I have met in some time. I knew many once, but I can not fathom to say where now. Not just because he had just awoken somewhere new with a hole in his memories, but who's to say if they even existed still.

Now, where might these others of my kind be now? She had made it sound like finding a group on his own would be easy, but why search when someone could just give you the answer?

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03-04-2022, 04:21 PM
The wolf made no move to come nearer to her, and Quinn felt she could relax, as much as Quinn could relax. She sat back on her haunches, finding it more comfortable than just standing there. He asked if she was referring to little cats, and she nodded her confirmation. Her expression lost its annoyance, gained curiosity for a moment before it deepened into a frown when he said he hadn't seen any cats in some time. She supposed she didn't really expect a different answer, and with each passing day, her hope dwindled that she would find another like herself. But, Quinn was a strong and determined feline. Group or not, she would survive. 

Her eyes darted back to him when he inquired where she had seen the wolves she mentioned. She took a moment to gather her inner compass, and looked west of their current position.
There, she indicated before turning her head back to him. A pack, she explained. Called... Emperors, or Impotents, or something, she said. She shrugged, but it was obvious she had no care to remember the name of the wolf pack. They are on the southern end of the mountain range, she offered. Though, judging by their young, they obviously have no care of teaching manners, she warned him. She felt she was treated without respect, and as cats would do, would hold a grudge for some time. Maybe forever. 
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-04-2022, 07:08 PM
West. The opposite direction. Lovely. It was a start though, and one he would take note of before going any further. Perhaps their heads were filled with air if they were truly so bold as to claim prestige over any other wolf pack. As if any of these creatures were worth noting a second longer than their clock. They were all the same, weren't they? Though he would not hide his brief snort of amusement at the other possibility. No matter the name, "Impotence" seemed more likely.

With a lazy gaze, Emilianus craned his head to the distant mountains. What young ever have manners? More often than not, they were rude, abrasive, disgusting, and incompetent. Not that growing up aided much there. You have been surprisingly helpful. I suppose you expect repayment.  Her intel wasn't much to scoff at, but it was more than he had before. Strange that she would aid him from the start he could only assume it was for her own wants.

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03-04-2022, 07:43 PM
The wolf had a point-most kids were rude, despite good parenting. Quinn was just holding a grudge because this particular one hadn't left her be like she requested. I suppose, she conceded. She almost thought that her future children would never be that way. But she was a realistic kitty, and she knew her kits could be just as rotten. If she ever had them. The way her search was going, she'd never find another cat, let alone a male. 

Her ears perked, and her eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise, before being masked quickly by indifference. He thought she had wanted something. While it would absolutely be normal of her to ask for something in return, Quinn knew no one could really be of any help to her right now. Let's say you owe me one, she settled on. Really, all she had given him was information. Not something she usually held for ransom. I won't hold my breath on payment though, she added truthfully.
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-04-2022, 08:08 PM
A pause longer than he expected followed leading to a wandering eye on her slight form. Only briefly did he catch the shift of her ears before she reclaimed neutrality, but it was just enough to tell him she was flabbergasted by his assumption. For good or ill, who was to say, but it was clear she was not prepared to cash in her favor.

Emilianus rolled his eyes at her indecision. He did not like owing people let alone strangers for unweighted asks at their beck and call. Luckily, she seemed to doubt his sincerity so there was a chance she would not ring up a rather large bill. Let's call it a meal. She was a cat after all. A rabbit or something else small would do and it would be hardly worth a thing for himself. A fair trade if you asked him. Perhaps if you find anything else worth my time something more can come from this. An extra set of eyes would benefit him well after all. Mutually so it seemed.

the staff team luvs u
03-04-2022, 08:21 PM
Quinn would have happily walked away from the wolf and forgotten all about any favors. She wasn't a cat that relied on others, whether they owed her or not. She didn't expect anything from anyone; things were much simpler that way. But, when he mentioned a meal, he had her full, undivided, almost excited, attention. Her ears perked and she looked at him full on this time, attempting to gauge his sincerity through his facial language. 

Determining he was serious, her front claws raked into the ground. Now that, she purred, is a deal. Sure, she was fully capable of catching her own meals, but two hunters were better than one. What kind of information are you looking for? she inquired. He had seemed to wanted to know the location of a wolf pack, but was that all?
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-04-2022, 09:51 PM
Of course he was serious he had no use for jokes. Sarcasm maybe, but it was obvious when it painted his tone. She seemed rather eager by his offer, almost leaning closer as she inquired further. Emil let his gaze wander towards the sky, he himself not sure what specifically he was looking for. He hadn't yet pieced together where here was, but the fact that he was here meant he was needed. Until I've situated myself anything of significance will do. Landmarks, settlements, beliefs. Fairly simple. Something any competent soul could do.

Combing through with a keen eye takes time and while I can manage just fine on my own, I don't care to drag on chores. Not to mention the fog he still felt debilitating him. Oh— and should you hear any word of an annoyingly smug and blithe soul by the name of @Sylvanus either direct him here or share where last they've been seen. He's oft not far behind me.

If you frequent here then I will return from time to time for updates to aid my search. In return, a meal and any updates of my own should I cross any little friends for you.
Something surely both could agree was mutually beneficial. Food may not be worth her time in the long run. She was an adult she could feed herself (hopefully), but once he had what he needed she might find herself lacking for her efforts. A friend would solve that surely if this was such the dog-plagued world she made it out to be.

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03-04-2022, 10:02 PM
Her head tilted ever so slightly as she listened while he spoke. She got the impression that he hadn't been here very long, especially since he hinted that he was not yet settled. He was looking to be, though. Quinn understood that. She was a creature of habit, and waking up one afternoon in a land barren of cats was not something she liked. So far, there were no clues in how where she was could get her back to where she had been. It was as if this place existed on a whole new plane, a different world, and she couldn't go back. Or maybe she would wake up one day from this nightmare, and be home again. 

She repeated the name Sylvanus in her head, memorizing it. Then she realized they were making deals without even knowing each other's names. What's your name? she asked. I am Quinn, she offered. Not that there would be many cats for her to get confused with. He offered up any information he might have in the future, and Quinn found herself feeling... grateful. An alien feeling for her, really. I will make my way back, should I have anything that might be useful for you, she promised.
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-05-2022, 03:10 AM
Names hmn... yes they supposed that would matter to the small feline, or "Quinn" as she stated. How— quaint. Maybe it wouldn't sound sincere, but it was more than most got out of him. I have many names. If you wish to properly address me I am known as Incaendium. Though proper titles were something that seemed to be lost to recent generations.

Surely even if he reminded this little creature of manners his efforts would be for not as soon as Sylvanus caught wind. Knowing him, he probably wouldn't even introduce himself properly, hence providing his name instead of his title. Now then, if that's all squared away, then I shall be off. Without missing a beat he would turn to leave for the mountains unless stopped.

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03-05-2022, 09:32 AM
“How— quaint.” Quinn wasn't quite sure if that was supposed to be nice, or a jab at her name, but Quinn quickly let it go. The opinion of other's didn't generally concern her, especially about something frivolous. "Incaendium," she tested out. It would help her remember it to say it aloud. She nodded when the male turned to leave. Short, sweet, to the point--the most rewarding qualities of her favorite conversations. 

She watched him until he was out of sight, mostly to ensure he was actually leaving. Deal or no, she still didn't trust to turn her back on a wolf. But, once he was gone, she turned her sights on the hills before her. They looked like the place her prey would like to hang out. She set out to test that theory.
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
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