03-17-2021, 11:02 AM
clickity click (I mean if you want to)
In the heat of midday, sunspots cloud the vision of any creature desperate, or foolish, or lost enough to find themselves here. Here is a point vaguely in the north-eastern corner of the badlands, more specifically, a shallow, wind-rippled valley between two dunes. There is nothing the least exciting about the place, the kind of setting that might constitute a 2-second pan-over between National Geographic scenes, but nothing much else besides. Even the wind seems disinterested in puttering between the dunes here. There is nothing, and then there is a coyote. She's a scrawny, smallish thing, liable to be missed behind the glare of the sun off sand. If anyone had bothered to be around, they'd probably have put off her appearance to a trick of the sun. The coyote herself does not seem to notice that she has stepped from one world to the next, already ascending the eastern-most dune. The lone female, highlighted by midday sun as she lopes doggedly on, might even warrant a 5-second cutaway had the camera crew still been around.
Lark, however, is busy with her own set of problems, and would not consider slipping from one desert to another to be one of them, had she been aware of it. She's got a botched hunt behind her, which would be fine were it not for the cactus-part stuck just under her chin. It's a fun little reminder of her prickly failure, and makes moving her head rather undesirable. She just needs to keep heading west (she's most definitely going east).
the staff team luvs u