Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Alright, come close,

Dragonford Isles
10-05-2021, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 04:20 PM by Vendrussel.)
She was swimming and catching fish by the dragonford isle. Her cache was currently upon one of the rocks nearby, so that the waves would take what was. There was perhaps at the moment around only two, and they were easily smaller fish. She was toying with different ideas on how the water as like, as well as the general school that kept swimming by. Thankfully so, if they could not catch land prey, there was but plenty of prey within the sea for them to catch.

One could see her at the moment, full force diving into the water after waiting a few minutes.

the staff team luvs u
10-09-2021, 06:12 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2021, 01:44 AM by Kei.)
The shadow had been making her rounds along the island borders when she was spotted. If it weren't for the patches of white she might have missed her completely, but her movement grabbed her eyes as the sea kissed woman returned to the ocean. It was never uncommon to see her friend in the waters, no matter how rough the sea grew it was almost a challenge to the dragon alpha.

Today seemed to be no joy dive though as the limp pile of small fish caught her eye. It would seem that Vendrussel was hunting, though her catches weren't very plentiful. Their numbers were slowly growing meaning more mouths to feed, but the issue of hunting hadn't been fully resolved yet.

Fishing worked for now but what about when winter came? Would they even be able to fish if there were storms? Kei trailed along until she sat at the island's edge, awaiting her friend's resurface to see if perhaps this time luck would grant her a larger quarry.

the staff team luvs u
10-14-2021, 04:20 PM
The ocean water would always sting ones eyes, at first. Though gradually someone can get used to it, but that didn't count to everyone, especially those who normally did not hunt within the ocean. She wasn't as agile as a seal or another fish, and so her often method was that of surprise, or just a dive of attack. When she dove into the water her jaw opened wide, tongue blocking the incoming seawater as she grabbed a rather average size fish, and when she squeezed hard, Vendrussel refused to let go.

She resurfaced, a flailing fish as droplets of blood from the newly captured fish. She was rather happy concerning it, though resurfacing was also greeted by the usual, brooding Kei. She never really seen the other smile too much, always a frown on her face, even if she surfaced up with a reddish-looking fish. Nonetheless, food, and she paddled back to the isle.

the staff team luvs u
10-16-2021, 01:52 AM
The darkened woman only drew closer as her friend resurfaced, the limp form of sliver clamped between her jaws as their eyes met. Still out here catchin' small fry? Their numbers had been ever so slowly growing and while they were still small they at least had enough to try and catch something bigger. Even if they needed to go out to the mainland, a group hunt could be nice. Maybe it would help unify them as well seeing how they only had growing tension at their shores.

Are you going to splash around all day or would you rather wrangle something that will feed more than one for less effort? She hadn't forgotten about their potential seal fix and she had been keeping an eye out while she patrolled to watch when they surfaced. It seemed like there were certain times of the day that they'd make their way to the rocks to lounge about before returning to the sea and now she knew which of their islands they also gathered on. She had also been right about what kind of areas they'd beach on. Most of their islands had rather rough edges, but on the larger ones, there were flattened coves where water had worn down smooth enclaves.

Perfect for cornering prey.

the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 03:45 PM
"There's only so much you can hunt alone." Removing her body from the water, she pawed herseslf onto the land and placed her fish upon the stone with the others. Though it was larger then her measly few others, it wasn't an impressive haul if anything, just an average amount that could feed two for maybe a day or so — unless someone held a larger appetite. It was also simply nice to move around and attempt to move through the waters, gaining a general grasp on the schools of fish that were around. She noticed in particular they tended to the area she dived for, a mental note for a future time of that angler movement.

"You suggestion something else?" Vendrussel said as she shook her pelt from the water that clung to. Though she was to dive back in, a crooked eye looked toward the black dragon counterpart, awaiting for what suggestion she may have in mind. At the moment she faintly thought of the seals that roamed the shore.. Though she also interested if the other found something more then just their aquatic food delivery.

the staff team luvs u
10-24-2021, 05:01 PM
Kei shrugged, a sly smile on her lips as she watched Vendrussel pull herself from the sea. I might be. With two a door of opportunities would open. I've been watching the groupings of seals. I think I know their patterns well enough for us to track down one to hunt. There's also the mainland. There's a forest out there, bound to be something we can handle. With a tilt of her head she gestured to the waves that rolled and lapped towards the outstretching land. Want me to show ya?

the staff team luvs u
10-25-2021, 02:50 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2021, 02:05 PM by Vendrussel.)
"Let's go, it could be well-added to the caches." With so, she stopped her shaking and pointed her muzzle, indirectly telling Kei to lead the way. They could most likely hunt a smaller seal by themselves, separating from the herd they lay within. She would there would not be an aggressive one within the mix that would cause trouble.. Seal definitely sounded better then fish. Though before she left, Vendrussel gathered her fish onto the rock, and had made a quick little mark further into the island — a mini cache of sorts, and put a rock onto it to remember that they were there. She wouldn't want them to go to waste even though as small as they were..

Maybe could use as bait for something else within the future.

the staff team luvs u
10-26-2021, 01:56 AM
And so she would have her lead the way. Kei offered a silent nod as she turned, her eyes glancing briefly to the sun for the time of day before picking her way through the mainland. The shadow had bumped into her alpha at a good time, and by the time they reached the seals' perch, they would likely be gathering to rest and bathe in the sun.

Clambering over rock, Kei would slow as she knew their destination would be coming soon. The challenge with the seals was that their scent was often masked by the sea, if not almost identical to the salty waves. Fearing little if she was noticed thanks to her pelt, she'd raise her head above a ledge to look out at the rocky flats. Sure enough, they had begun their migration to land, and a few already lounged unwittingly.

There. It was still early though and not all had come from the sea. In some ways, it was a benefit, but in others a hindrance. They had less of a selection and an even slimmer window of success. The duo would have to plan carefully before they marked their target. What do you see? Of course she had been studying these groups for some time now, but a fresh set of eyes might catch something she had long since overlooked.

the staff team luvs u
10-26-2021, 02:08 PM
Vendrussel followed with a curiosity, mind shifting to what kind of seals that may be. Upon the brim itself held that of lion seals, much to her relief. A hunt with a natural predator upon that day — though knew he would not be a common occurance for their caches. Certain seals were tricky and could be done by a lonesome self, though the more they have, the better success, and the less time it took to hunt. She followed to the rock, and lifted her head above to see the flock that rested upon their isles's beaches.

Spying as they were, she grinned, "sea lions," the northern dragon said, "if they were Elephant Seals we would need more then us to hunt.. Though if we split one off, we have a change." They were more docile in critters, though grew aggressive when attacked. Tended to splitter away and rarely come back to fight for a comrade, Vendrussel so experienced. It was definitely a relief to know they were not of the bigger size, for those behemoths were as well as territoral, and if they claimed their isle.. Trouble would brew more then just of Northfall.

"Which role do you desire? Chaser, of striker?"

the staff team luvs u
10-29-2021, 03:27 AM
Kei nodded as Vendrussel confirmed what she already knew. So far only the smaller seals seemed to beach on their shores along with the sea lions, something that could only benefit them. Once their numbers grew it would be easy to prey upon their numbers, but they would have to be sparing to avoid the group from migrating to safer shores. Either works, though your legs are longer than mine. Not that she couldn't be fast, but Vendrussel would have an easier time closing the distance no matter how much she wished to deny the fact. I'll finish the job.

the staff team luvs u
10-29-2021, 12:38 PM
"I concur, you're shorter." Sometimes it was easy to forget in Kei's confidence and grace, and a prowess of the north — she was a rather dainty one. Small that she was, made up through the training of the order. Vendrussel could not remember if her mother was similar, or that she lucked on the height. The northern dragon was considered taller then most wolves, and if it were not for the training of her clan — she would be a rather slender looking woman, elegant in so but now hung with muscle and ripe picking of battle.

She didn't mind either roles, and nodded as the other desired to be the one to make the kill, "here I go," she said, signaling the beginning of her own role ; the chaser.

As she leapt over the rock and eyed that of the seals, they already started to move away to the waters. A barking of sorts came from them for those who were more unwillingly, and for that exact reason did she start to run toward them. The slackers who decided to continue, a herding of sorts as she ran through their bodies, shuffling many away as they dove to the sea.. Except the one that she blocked, who barked within her face.

the staff team luvs u
11-01-2021, 04:34 PM
Can still kick your ass though. She snorted as Vendrussel agreed with her, though that wouldn't stop her from biting back. Just in case her little fact had been seen as a weakness, she would hammer that thought back with denial. There was nothing to prove here, no order to please, but it was an attitude ingrained into the young dragon at this point. Luckily, there was no fight that sprouted nor chastising for her attitude, just the hunt at hand. It was one reason she always liked Venny, even if they didn't always see eye to eye.

The sea kissed moved from her side, rushing in as the herd grew alert and broke for the ocean. Slinking from her spot, Kei watched carefully as she made quick work in separating their target. The shadow followed at a slower pace, her teeth snapping at any stragglers who had yet to flee as the lone seal barked in Vendrussel's face in the last stand for its life. It wouldn't live long enough to make an effort though.

Storming the rocks, Kei reached out with hungry fangs as she attempted to grab the creature by the neck while its back was still turned. It only took a moment for it to realize its mistake, for it to see that there had been more than one enemy coming for its life, and now it would struggle to throw her grip as blood soaked her tongue.

the staff team luvs u
11-01-2021, 07:32 PM
She watched the other prowl through, a snapping to ward off those who lingered behind before soon the beach was completely cleared, besides the one. Straggling to it's back did she go, watching it throw it's head back and forth and yells of protest, an attempt of one's own life. Though calling for others in a hopeless endeavor, but they fled, long gone and abandoning their accomplice. 

She lunged forth, fangs clasping on the front of it's neck as claws clung to it's side. It may attempt to grab at Kei, but Vendrussel was also not to be ignored as she threw her head left to right in that attempt to rip any skin that she could. What a shame for it to go down, a distraction she gave as the seal was full-front and snapping at herself — she gave a glance toward her partner in crime, an indication for the honors, of the blow to be.

There wasn't a chance for it to escape when it was two at it's neck.

the staff team luvs u
11-02-2021, 03:41 AM
Shortly after her own fangs claimed purchase of the creature's neck did Vendrussel's seek a hold of her own. Both would jerk and tear as the seal cried out, thick layers of skin and fat the only saving grace to what few moments of life it clung to. Any efforts to throw them would fail and weaken as the seconds ticked by bringing about the steady blood loss of the seal. For a moment blue hues met her own gold, a silent gesture as she looked to her to make the final move. It was only fair to end it swiftly. After all, this was but another creation, a living beast that fed and now would be fed upon, all a part of the natural flow of the world.

Gripping at the seal's sides, Kei hugged its neck to keep it close while she adjusted her grip, her fangs sinking further than they had before as she jerked and pried to land a final blow. Eventually, victory would lay in their paws as the seal's struggling ceased, slumping beneath their bodies with a thump on the blackened rocks. Kei would only watch as it fell, blood still pooling from its wounds while she licked at the metallic tang upon her lips. この食事を神に感謝し、この生き物の精神が解放されることを祈ります。 魂が祝福され、肉がバランスをとるのを助けますように。

Her words were but a whisper on stained lips, much like the pleas of a sinner who faced judgement, but unlike them, no fear would come. This meal had been granted to them for their survival and what remained would not be wasted. After a moment of hanging silence, golden hues glanced at her companion, a slow-growing smirk sprawling across her maw, And that would be a meal worth our time. Much better than the snack-sized morsels Vendrussel had been claiming from the wake.

the staff team luvs u
11-02-2021, 02:22 PM
She licked the red off of her light chest, a smear upon the staining sea — a worthy bathe for the fight they got. Though she couldn't say it was much of a fight, resistance was given but futile when it came to well-trained wolves. As she was grooming her selt of this feast, the other sent prayers to the heavens above. It had been some time since she heard that tongue, though Vendrussel knew well enough to understand, at times, it could be hard to properly communicate. Though of blessings.. 

"praise to Grravrus, who blessed us with this hunt."

There were times admittingly did she forget to, sometimes forgoing the ancestors in ways. But in a moment like these were the other showed thanks, Vendrussel could not help but follow along and whisper to the ancient. Was he watching, their hunt? He ran through the wind many would say, flightless like the northern birds, but far better at catching then any other to be. Stories twirled of his hunts and captures — but in the end, know on truly knew if it was fable or a true story.

Vendrussel couldn't help but roll her eyes at her smirking friend, all too confident sometimes, "yeah yeah," she said with a wave of her paw, "tear some off for dinner and lets bury the rest for the others."


the staff team luvs u
11-03-2021, 01:23 AM
Much like the other, she too recognized the native tongue of her friend, though she could hardly say she understood it. The syllables were garbled, unlike any other language she spoke or heard spoken. Had her own not known of her people she might have even dismissed the prayer as muttering sounds like those of the crazed.

Soon though, they would both finish and all that was left was to reap the rewards of their bounty. It was clear that Venny wasn't overly happy with her gloat, but she would only roll her eyes and playfully shove the other back as she was waved off.

Yeah yeah yourself, stop complaining and help me drag this thing. The body would need to be taken inland to be buried somewhere amongst the shallow dirt that lined their thin forest. The unfortunate thing about actually catching a larger meal was properly storing it.

Once Vendrussel was done with her teasing though, they would make sure the seal was properly handled, though not without their own share, or at least in the case of the shadow. As the last portions were being covered, Kei had retrieved a prize of her own to feast on, happily finding somewhere to enjoy her meal while she enjoyed a moment's rest.

minor pp to kinda wrap this lmk if you want it changed otherwise feel free to close or archive

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