It was kind of him to share his quarry with a complete stranger, something not many wolves did so she felt that she could relax in his company. She almost felt the pull of the bones when he pulled them away, in truth she was hungry but she did not want to impose on this nice man. Instead she offered help him, make that cut heal just a bit better rather than let it bleed and fester.
The healer watched as he eyed the dull green bag that she had set down at her pale feet, she gave him a warm smile to reassure him that nothing here was going to poison him or make him sick. She was not that kind of medicine woman, she was one that healed and nurtured, never harm unless seriously provoked.
He accepted with a start and she could only keep her smile on her lips, she did not like that kindness was a surprise but the world was a harsh and cruel place. He continued to let her know where he had got the wound, the bones had been the source of the cut. Clever rabbit gave one last effort before it became the wolf's meal, a fighter that one was. He had not realized the hare had bit him, odd but perhaps it was in the heat of the moment so he had been focused on his hunger? A mental shake as she picked up her pouch and moved closer, uncomfortably close to some as she examined the injury. Fortunately it was small but it's location was problematic, regular administrations would have the happen for it to close and if he licked it then she would have to start over again.
Pulling a purple flower, a orange flower, and one that was purple. Lavender, Marigold, and Echinacea. She looked back up at the man to make sure this was alright before moving to find a rock, ah, there one was. It was flat on top and ideal for mashing the three flowers together, when that was done she moved close again. She applied this mixture, careful not to make it sting more than it would from having something foreign placed in a wound. Now she needed cobwebs, she looked around and found a few on a bush. Carefully she spooled a little on her paw and hopped back to the man, placing some on the cut and mixture to seal it. "Þarna ferðu" — there you go she spoke in her native tongue and stepped back once more, looking pleased with herself.
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