@Tiberius - set immediately after their first thread. In Cherry Blossom Grove ^^
It'd been a pleasant walk, especially after they got away from the threat of ice to fall on. The snow was cold on her paw pads, but it wasn't unbearable, and she could already feel herself getting used to it. It was especially easy to forget the discomfort when one had company, she found.
River noted that the two of them did stand out quite a bit against the white landscape - Tiberius looking like a walking shadow, and River almost like a firebrand. Hunting would be a struggle for the two of them in this particular, but she assumed that there were at least some wolves who blended in well enough. And besides, she didn't need to blend that well to fish.
The sun was starting to get a bit lower in the sky by the time they approached the foot of the mountain. Most likely the one Tiberius had referenced earlier, she assumed. It did smell like a pack land, and Tiberius' own scent clung to a lot of the landmarks they passed. The idea of being inside pack lands without knowing the other members was a little bit stressful, so she gravitated more toward the larger wolf's side as they went deeper into the territory.
"You're sure this is alright?" she asked him, tilting her head to the side. Not only did she want to avoid an altercation, but she also didn't want to get him in trouble if he wasn't supposed to be doing this. She was so wrapped up in the thought that she almost missed the sweet, floral scent in the air as they got closer to their destination.
the staff team luvs u