Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


10-15-2021, 09:15 PM
Ozai started his vacation six months ago, and in that time, all he managed to do was to explore the great eastern plains. He’d met another golden girl, and watched a bunch of wolves move in. He’d thought them to be traveling, at first, but they hadn’t gone anywhere. So either it was a pack, or a medium sized family.

Ozai watched them from afar, keeping his distance. It was like having a neighbor, knowing who they were, but never quite interacting with them. So he’d been on his way back into the mountains, because the plains were not exciting for him.

Annnnd he’s gone from the hot, dry plains to.. .. well, it wasn’t the forest that he’d known before, but something different. And Ozai liked different. First thing’s first, though: food. He took a deep inhale, licked his lips, and proceeded to follow his nose to a herd of elk. Perhaps they had little babies for Ozai to take away and nibble on.
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10-17-2021, 06:26 PM
"Cease your hunt, wanderer." Upon the borders did she look, a man of whites and browns licking his maws as he prowled through the woods of Elkshire. As she approached from the trees shadows, she raised her head and looked at him, a pumpkin gaze with a clear look over to the man. An odd beast, she so proclaimed, reminding her faintly of a sawbone who had left the woods quite a while ago, for he held that of a split coloring.. Yet it wasn't that of orange, but the deep browns she too carried.

"This is Elkshire domain." With a wisp of her tail and that of a luxurious smile of a vixen, a scrutinizing gaze to this.. Oddly look of a foe. Though his hunt may be on, and a rain hailed against them, she would not allow such a stranger to continue further onto. Especially, as most desired that of their elk.

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10-17-2021, 10:18 PM
^^Ozai watched in silence as the herd went about their business, pondering to himself but a second plan, should the herd not have anything remotely small for him to steal. And then, suddenly, a voice came to him; not one of his own, but a female’s voice.

He turned to glance at her, shocked to find that it was another wolf who dared to stop him from his hunt. This was Elkshire; what an interesting name to call themselves, though glancing back at the elk herd, he pondered a moment. “Oh, are they diseased?”

Nevermind that the entire name of the land told him otherwise. He knew what a shire was. It was, of course, the lesser word for obsessed. They could not be obsessed over, if they were ill and nor would a bunch of predators, such as this woman, obsess over something that was ill. Nonetheless, Ozai glanced up at her with seemingly innocent eyes as he awaited for her to tell him what he already knew.
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10-19-2021, 06:37 PM
She shook her head, "we do not hunt elk nor' deer in these woods." Perhaps if was another they would've fallen for innocent looks, but she did not believe in such ways to a man who ventured into anothers claim for a hunt. Their smell was not but a lingering time but grew strong with numbers and cautioned as children were being bared. A scrutinizing look toward the other, holy, and yet unholy ; even to tempt toward the meat they so saw.

"Nor' strangers allowed to hunt within my claim," though her words tinged with the slightest ice, as she treaded closer to the stranger - all with but a warmless smile. Internally not too pleased of someone playing such games within the crown.

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10-20-2021, 11:30 PM
We do not hunt elk or deer within the woods, and nor did strangers hunt within my claim. How very interesting this was, wasn’t it? She even patrolled closer to him, and Ozai narrowed his eyes at her with the lick of his lips. Slowly, he stood and turned to face her, acknowledging her challenge as he made direct eye contact with her, though he would not engage. “You are just one wolf. How do you stop everyone from hunting natural prey? How do you punish those that hunt them? What do you do with the bodies?” 

Ozai turned to glance back at the herd with the roll of his shoulders. “The name’s Ozai.  I’d say it was nice to meet you, but you’re killin’ my mood.” He said softly with a chuckle and another lick of his lips, taking a step closer to the herd. “Is that your only law? Not to hunt them, within your claim?” Because you know, there are loopholes to everything.
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10-22-2021, 03:04 PM
"Those elk who roam outside are at the prey of others.. Though with guards of my own, to stop wolves who do not belong to this land."  She said no more on his matter, though questions may be she was not pleased by his attitude. Many wandered into the elk's crown with similar ways, and it has been such a time since she encountered another one. Her eyes narrowed to this blasphemy of a man, someone who wandered into anothers territory yet throws such an attitude. Her tail flickered, for if @Remus, @Nikitas @Niklaus were within her shadows, she beckoned them closer, for a man with such questions.. Most likely would disregard to leave.

"For matters of those not from this land will not pertain to you, who is asked to now leave so, and hunt elsewhere." She approached closer, even with such a smile on her place it held a chilling tone of it. The Queen's posture that was held high was now that of a slight guard agains, though fur remained cleaned and slick. She yet to go further in such a challenge to chase a man off, but her thoughts went to the back of her mind to warn that of others, to be careful of this two-toned stranger who seemed keen on hunting the elk.

the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 06:18 PM
^^Ozai had thought it was an honest question, especially if she planned on keeping all these elk to herself. Did she truly intend on protecting them, or was she farming them for a later use? He should but shrug his shoulders, noting that while he was respectful enough to give his name to counter her remark about strangers, Ozai was not given a name in return.

Her next words did not answer his question. Instead, she was wanting him to hunt somewhere else. He smiled with a laugh and shrugged his shoulders. What an interesting way to tell someone to fuck off. His own tail flickered and his eyes beamed with excitement. “Suit yourself, Elkshire.”

Ozai chuckled, nodding his head as he ran forward, directly into the herd of elk. Hunting them was a sin, but she said nothing against running with them or attempting to herd them out of Elkshire for the purpose of hunting them. Perhaps, even, he could herd them towards her and they could trample her. Now, wouldn’t that be ironic?

But he’d keep on running; the elk would likely know where their bread was buttered, and refuse to leave. Or perhaps said guards would herd them back to their lands. Ozai didn’t know and he didn’t care, he ran towards them for the sake of fucking with them, and headed out. He’d come back to hunt elk later.

Exit ozai
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10-22-2021, 06:22 PM
She watched him run toward what was the direction of the general herd, and stalked after him. The Queen would not leave the man out of her sight until she fully saw him out of the forests, including the other lands that she had Elkshire claim to. Though commented nothing on his attempt to weed them outside of the forest - for it wasn't she was trying to protect them, but continue that peaceful reign of those that talked, and those that not. Keep within the High Elk's love as she not only lived in peace within their claim but also kept at bay of those hunters..

Yet those outside? A Deorwine would know they cannot prevent others from hunting, and as their religion was to be ; doe were of free reign. If he wanted to, she would not deny such a love of his.. And chuckled slightly, as she paced after.

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