09-13-2021, 04:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 12:08 PM by Quicksilver.)
There had been so many things preventing Quicksilver from sharing his feelings with her. It'd been early days when first he realised how strongly his heart beat for Reiko, the pair of them only newly acquainted. He'd been a stranger not only to her, but to himself. And he was so certain she'd already been mated! To stand before her that day and admit how he could think of no one else, on the mountain where the coloured flags swayed in the wind...
He hadn't been ready. It didn't feel right.
And on that most vulnerable night when at last he spoke of how fiercely he loved her, she had told him how she was "terribly sorry". Quicksilver remembered the rejection vividly, would never forget how it tore viciously at his soul. How he had suffered for it through every waking hour since. Why now did the dove come to him as he tried so hard to mend himself, swaying him with confused professions of a tentative fondness when he'd so craved it long before?
When she'd already vowed herself to another?
Some tiny part of him was thrilled to hear it, urged him to sweep forward and invite her close. He wanted to fit her brow to the hollow of his throat and hold her tight, pepper a kiss to the feathered base of a Winterwhite lobe, tell her that everything would be okay. He had imagined that embrace for so long, but all his broken pieces screamed resistance, rooted his paws to the ground beneath them.
It pained him to see her so torn, so conflicted, and know that it was his doing. She had not reached for him on Vanderfell, when he sat and fought with every fibre of his being to stay afloat. Quicksilver believed she hadn't tried to comfort him then because there was no feeling in her for him, nothing that she could return. He was not worth the consideration, the thought, the effort.
“If it...” his voice hitched, made thick by emotion, “if it feels wrong to love me, then-” then you don't “then you should not.”
He deserved better than that. For how long could he go on dragging his body through this yawning, yearning world in search of a glimpse of what could've been? His powder blue eyes, glistening with the threat of overflowing emotion, sought her own solemn blue gaze. Oh, how unfair it was - to him, to her, to the man she'd chosen before! Guilt reared up like a great wave within him.
And what of Izumi, he wondered? The memory of her smile nudged its way unexpectedly into his mind's eye. The crane had supported him in ways that he knew he'd never be able to thank her for, ways she likely didn't even realise. With her he'd begun to feel something new, something cautious - void of the raw, unbridled passion he felt for Reiko, but... something. Whatever that was, his experience made him afraid to explore the potential of it. Quicksilver released a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding.
Recent days had been kinder to him, thanks to Izumi, and in that moment - in the safety of his own mind - the druid recognised how it was surely the budding of new and very different love that'd come to bear the loss of what he'd held before.
the staff team luvs u