literally...anyone welcome. pls come play <3
she awoke —
the foliage of the land a bed beneath her. wilted under her frame, claws dirtied from the exposed earth beneath as if she had thrashed in her sleep.
had she?
her sides seemed tender, as if bruised — as if plummeted from small heights — along the heavy sides of her ribcage. which currently contained a rabbit's foot for a heart. thumped so wildly against all of her soft spots. loud in her ears, pulsed in her limbs and throbbed in her skull.
when finally sunrise sights opened, she could not make the world for what it seemed to be. dark still from her spot, shrouded by low clouds. shrouded by mystery. just as she.
she had not been here the night before, she was as certain as the land. no trails tracked one to her earthbed, no perfume of hers laced the lands. it was as if she had just arrived. deposited upon the cold earth like a newborn babe. although no mother comforted and no father looked on. she had no scent of milk or birth.
no, she was youth, but not a newborn babe.
she was terhenetär — terhi! unleashed upon the land as an omen.
her legs found it in them to stand, raise her like the valley walls. it was then that her stomach whispered its contents to her. nothing! and a newfound ravenous sensation bloomed in her and replaced the rapid pound of her rabbit heart.
mysteries be damned and sorted in the later day, instinct prodded her to survive despite the unknown. so she staggered and swayed on the course the universe had set for her. whatever that may have been.
hunger in her belly, her bones and soul.
the staff team luvs u