09-03-2021, 11:57 AM
Things had never been simple. Annika wasn't entirely sure why she had ever thought it would change, particularly now of all times. After having bid a sister who loathed her farewell, after having cried softly at the idea of leaving Valeska -- well, it would only make sense that she was doing it for the grater good, right? The Wayfarers were the greater good, allowing her wanderlust and desire to help others to blossom.
She just.. wasn't entirely sure it had been the right decision, now that she was undeniably with child. Annika had denied it for quite a while even after her conversation with Guild, but now the swelling of her abdomen and teats, well. Fuck was really the only appropriate word. It was a cruel joke, one she did not find humorous in the least, but it was what it was. Every morning she woke to check for the inevitable and every morning, her bed was strangely dry. So nothing had happened yet, that wasn't terribly concerning. Like her last litter, she doubted they would be born alive.. so really, it was nothing but a waiting game.
That evening she was restless, nauseous and feeling like she was about to explode. The only thing she could think to do was wander, and her paws had brought her to the edge of the watering hole for the time being. Wonderful.
She settled onto her haunches and, gradually, her belly, before turning her head up to appreciate the stars above. Annika had so many questions about them and their existence, but she adored them. Like the sun, they were a reminder that certain things were constant and unmovable. At the end of the day, the sun would set and rise again, the stars would come out. The routine was comforting in a world where nothing was ever routine, and she allowed the thinnest trace of a smile to curve her lips as she watched above.
She just.. wasn't entirely sure it had been the right decision, now that she was undeniably with child. Annika had denied it for quite a while even after her conversation with Guild, but now the swelling of her abdomen and teats, well. Fuck was really the only appropriate word. It was a cruel joke, one she did not find humorous in the least, but it was what it was. Every morning she woke to check for the inevitable and every morning, her bed was strangely dry. So nothing had happened yet, that wasn't terribly concerning. Like her last litter, she doubted they would be born alive.. so really, it was nothing but a waiting game.
That evening she was restless, nauseous and feeling like she was about to explode. The only thing she could think to do was wander, and her paws had brought her to the edge of the watering hole for the time being. Wonderful.
She settled onto her haunches and, gradually, her belly, before turning her head up to appreciate the stars above. Annika had so many questions about them and their existence, but she adored them. Like the sun, they were a reminder that certain things were constant and unmovable. At the end of the day, the sun would set and rise again, the stars would come out. The routine was comforting in a world where nothing was ever routine, and she allowed the thinnest trace of a smile to curve her lips as she watched above.
the staff team luvs u