05-16-2021, 01:04 AM
LMK if location isn't ok or if you don't have time or something! @Ragnar
The number of wolves in the area had indeed increased. It had good and bad parts. Though Arbiter had mostly woven through the lowlands, this time Arbiter chose a mountain to walk up the slopes and try to get a better view of things. Or maybe a different set of scents, she'd accept either. She'd let @Terance know of her current route of exploration -- he could meet up with her whenever he wished. She still wanted to know who was around, what opportunities lingered.
It smelled like the local herd on the mountain wasn't too far away, so even if she didn't come up with any good information about wolves, there was at least the potential for a meal at a later date. It did feel like there was probably a pack not far away, so perhaps this wouldn't be the ideal territory, but... She didn't know yet. Since Terance had mentioned it, the thought was there... Just in case. So, currently Arbiter was prowling through the forested lower slopes, alert for signs of other creatures whether they be predator or prey. Ears twisted this way and that, pausing occasionally to lift her nose to the breeze, continuing her quest.
the staff team luvs u