set directly after this thread. @Meissa
Off into the horizon the two scampered, far away from the pestilent hunting fields and dispersing into their temperate milieu. They needn't go far before they considered themselves safe — or, at least Olive did. Meissa seemed to have a better grip on the land than she, so the dove followed the multicolored shepherd, and she readily assumed that Meissa wouldn't lead her into the jaws of another ornery, territorial pack.
After a time, their collective energy waned, and their quick pace slowed from a sprint, to a gallop, to a trot, then they paused at a stream to water and refresh themselves. The shrouded sylph approached the water's edge and grimaced as she tucked back her elbows against her ribs and lowered down to drink; her entire torso was sore from being bounced against the earth, but the pain hadn't hit her during their pursuit. Now, it throbbed — but at least it wasn't the sharp pain that accompanied a broken bone or internal damage.
Olive knew she would be fine in time; but the shamanwoman might have had to sacrifice more if hadn't Meissa come in with her timely warning when she did. Olive's gilded-green gaze settled on Meissa as she took a long, deep sip of water. Was this where they were going to part ways?
the staff team luvs u