The rays of the early sun speared the trees, leaves of red broken only by golden rays that dotted the forest floor. At the base a shadow crept, making her way swiftly to the north. Perhaps she was being rash, it wouldn't be the first time, but her temper got the best of her. Kei kept moving, ignoring as the shades of red turned green and the dirt beneath her paws turned hard.
The shade was not sure where she was going, but so long as it was away it would suffice. A narrow path seemed to be worn ahead sloping down, to what she did not know until the expansive stretch of blue rose from the beach's shore blow. The woman stopped, momentarily lost in awe as she took a step forward...
and felt the shift of rock beneath her too late.
She slid down the short cliff, hitting bushes and bramble before tumbling to a stop atop soft sands. The dragon hissed, a cough and sputter as she spat grains from her tongue before she raised her head to look at the spot she had previously been perched on. “神は私に休憩を与えます”
The shade was not sure where she was going, but so long as it was away it would suffice. A narrow path seemed to be worn ahead sloping down, to what she did not know until the expansive stretch of blue rose from the beach's shore blow. The woman stopped, momentarily lost in awe as she took a step forward...
and felt the shift of rock beneath her too late.
She slid down the short cliff, hitting bushes and bramble before tumbling to a stop atop soft sands. The dragon hissed, a cough and sputter as she spat grains from her tongue before she raised her head to look at the spot she had previously been perched on. “神は私に休憩を与えます”
+1 discovery
the staff team luvs u