For the mood <3
He'd promised himself he wouldn't roam, that he would root himself to Vanderfell and commit himself solely to caring for his packmates. And Quicksilver had done well: he strengthened their borders and tended the garden, set herbs out to sun-dry with Autumn's approach and prepared a den for Winter storage. Heartache had done wonders for his work ethic, as the druid dived headfirst into anything that might distract him from the hurt.
But he was tired. He was exhausted in all ways, more so on the days when memory would drop a great weight unexpectedly on his already bowed shoulders.
I am terribly sorry. That's what she'd told him.
And oh, how it tore at him. He'd known right at the centre of his being that Reiko would not return the intensity of love that burned in him for her, but the confirmation of it hadn't helped him find closure. Instead, he felt as though he might soon face a downward spiral.
There was a frost underfoot as Quicksilver wandered aimlessly through an unknown meadow, between towering sequoia that stood guard at its edge. Each exhale came in a pale cloud that faded into the crisp night air; he glanced around with pale eyes as he stepped into the open and drank deep the sight of mountains that reared up before him. The druid paused to quietly admire the way moonlight softly illuminated the land and the stillwater lake, and thought fondly of @Izumi.
+1 discovery
the staff team luvs u