Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Before the morning comes

Morning Sunny/Clear
05-16-2021, 01:04 AM
LMK if location isn't ok or if you don't have time or something! @Ragnar

The number of wolves in the area had indeed increased. It had good and bad parts. Though Arbiter had mostly woven through the lowlands, this time Arbiter chose a mountain to walk up the slopes and try to get a better view of things. Or maybe a different set of scents, she'd accept either. She'd let @Terance know of her current route of exploration -- he could meet up with her whenever he wished. She still wanted to know who was around, what opportunities lingered.

It smelled like the local herd on the mountain wasn't too far away, so even if she didn't come up with any good information about wolves, there was at least the potential for a meal at a later date. It did feel like there was probably a pack not far away, so perhaps this wouldn't be the ideal territory, but... She didn't know yet. Since Terance had mentioned it, the thought was there... Just in case. So, currently Arbiter was prowling through the forested lower slopes, alert for signs of other creatures whether they be predator or prey. Ears twisted this way and that, pausing occasionally to lift her nose to the breeze, continuing her quest.
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05-16-2021, 05:32 PM
The pathway to their new home lie before them and all that was left to do was go to it. With the ocean being found and the route to the north clear, Ragnar knew that he and his family would call a piece of this land their own soon enough. For now, he searches for Sindri, who had yet to catch up with them from her mission to return their lost young. He is a patient man and so, he waits.

He strolls the lazy slopes with his own lazy pace, keen to allow his pups to get to know the locals and for he too to do the same. They'd be a pack and whilst they were a fully capable group their own, gaining allies in this new land surely could not hurt. The lands had many wolves, this was for certain and it was not long before he came in view of another. A defined cut of black and white pattern young wolf who already was growing with impressive stature.

“Welcome.” He speaks, he pauses, looking over the young woman along the low lying slopes.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-19-2021, 10:21 PM
And it turned out she wasn't alone. A pallid male made his appearance, one that was unfamiliar to her, not that it was particularly surprising. Arbiter wasn't the sort to be too subtle when she looked someone over and judged whether they were a threat, interesting, or any of that. There was no point of doing so from her perspective -- being solo in the wilderness (even if Terance wasn't too far away) meant taking no chances. And there was also the fact it was Arbiter. She would judge the hell out of everyone because a lot of the time her judgements turned out to be right. At least right now, he didn't seem to be particularly aggressive or anything. 

At least right now the man seemed to be alone. He was a similar build to her, but older. Was he as impressive as her father? Probably not. But it wasn't like that comparison meant much other than the scale of wolf she had grown up with. So far, she hadn't run into anyone particularly small, though. Perhaps it really wasn't too different than her birth pack in the end. She dipped her head politely as her greeting in return, “Are you a local here?” She was always on the look out for more information -- or perhaps a better word for it was "still." Arbiter was of course her usual cool and down-to-business self.
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05-23-2021, 04:15 PM
She looked to assess him, judged him and as he came nearer, he would stop and stand to allow her to do so. She was young, alone and should be mindful of those who came near to her, large and in-charge or not. Good. At least she had her wits about her. She dips her muzzle, a respectful gesture and questions. “I am not, though I aspire to be. My lot and I have only been here a few days.” He spoke and in such, mentioning he was not exactly alone, though at the time they seemed to have their privacy. Wherever his pups were, they were staying clear and out of sight. “And you? I take it you are not either?”
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-26-2021, 02:02 AM
It sounded like at the moment their paths were relatively similar. Not exactly of course, but new to these mountains was a yes, and she had her own aspirations to find a future. So no, she wasn't a local. She shook her head. “No. I've been travelling south with various companions.” Grayday had seemed to go off his own way, and she still wasn't sure where Brou had scampered off to. It was a blessing and a curse as far as the latter went, but at least it was her sister's own doing, not Arbiter's. She'd tried. Or something. Not really. Whatever. Either way, Terance was still with her. “We've been trying to find more information about the lands and wolves here, but some places have been very sparse in population.” Had he noticed similar?

She added on in her dryly amused way, “I was expecting a bit more.. perhaps competing opportunities?” That was the best way she could phrase it. Where there were direct, obvious choices to pick through other than a few question marks. If she had to go and start her own thing maybe, she wasn't sure she was going to take that step yet.
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06-13-2021, 09:00 PM
Not a local, she spoke with a shake of her crown. So she wouldn't do him much good when it came to finding out information in this new land. He'd like to know of the packs here, where hunting was plentiful, what parts of territory were dangerous or had many other large predators around. He needed to be sure of his settlement before choosing a new home for his pups. Another day, perhaps.

“I find it strange,” He admits, as she mentions the lack of wolves in some areas and not having much luck finding out any information herself. “Any that we've encountered, they were new to these lands too. Just woke up here, out of no where.” A furrowed brow rose as icy eyes looked to her curiously. Maybe she had the same story of her arrival too.

A crooked smirk then, as she speaks of competition to be had. “The land I wish to claim will be a fight in its own. My family and I, we hail from the north and wish to return to it.” He speaks, turning from her to look to the lands around them as he pondered a moment. “I doubt we will have a need for many raids with so much unclaimed land.” Good maybe, but also disappointing. Fighting was one thing he did best.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
06-16-2021, 11:53 PM
Arbiter wouldn't admit to any unexpected change in locale. It didn't make sense, thus it didn't happen. That was kind of how it worked. Things had stayed similar enough that she was going to go on to just keep to her self-made story that she had just gotten disoriented in a storm. It had matched.. Ish. She'd just ignore the change in the horizon. “In the bleakest parts of the north, I saw only one wolf there and he had traveled south with me for a time, so if you go far enough the land is yours for the taking without any challenge as far as I know. There may be more signs here of wolves, but again.. Not what I was expecting so far.”

Raids weren't exactly on Arbiter's priorities -- she wanted a home plentiful enough where it wasn't needed. It was part of the reason why the tundra had little appeal, she had wondered if there was a reason it was pretty much abandoned. Struggling that much wasn't really part of her plan for her place in the world. And honestly, she wasn't big on the drama that would likely result from them. “I'm hoping that when I do find some more wolves who have settled here I'll be able to find out which is most appealing. I hadn't been planning for there not being packs.” She wasn't really planning to start her own. Yet.
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06-20-2021, 09:12 PM
This young woman here, as she explained, had come southward whilst he moved north, the pair ending up meeting in the middle now here in these short rolling green mountains. She spoke that in the time she was northward, she had only run into one wolf which had come along south with her. That the lands were free and open for the taking without challenge. Now, Ragnar did love a challenge and did enjoy having to fight for what he wanted- it made it more worth having, to have gained it. With only his adult self and his pups not even a year old, he figured taking claim to open land would be best suited for his family now.

He nods sharply to the young woman, his icy gaze lingering to her sharp attention. “That is good news.” A smile, happy with the information she had given him. And then she continues on, mentioning the lack of packs. A small chuckle and he nods with an agreement, deciding to offer what little information he had his own. “On the other side of these mountains, you'll go a far stretch north again through forest and plain. There is one pack there a Queen, Ira, leads. This is it I've known.”

Though this was further northward and it seemed this woman had no interest in the hardy lands if she had already sense left it behind. A tilt of his skull, he ponders, “I'd wager more life to the south, where it's much easier living.” Not many could withstand the hardy lifestyle of the north, after all. To Ragnar, the challenge, the thrill, the smell of the sea and heights of the mountains, it was more then just surviving, it was feeling alive.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
07-21-2021, 01:18 AM
So really things were as barren of other wolves up there as she had suspected if one of the few people she did see was also noted by him. “I ran into her briefly. I think she may have been too used to the lands being void of others -- she had cached a kill within easy sight of the borders.” Which seemed utterly foolish to Arbiter, and from her tone, though it was normal and even, she was not impressed by this at all. She had considered coming back later and stealing it, which would have been easy enough to do, but she wasn't desperate enough to do so. She was sure someone else probably was though, and that would be plenty enough education on the matter.

“Perhaps that is so. I didn't see anything particularly difficult of the land beyond the snow, aside from not having enough wolves to make a pack. But we will see how adventures go.” She rolled a shoulder in a shrug. “I am not a desperate wolf. So we'll see what happens. A path will become clear.” It just might not be the one she was expecting.
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08-11-2021, 08:42 PM
The young female before him, with the sharp orange eyes, spoke of Ira. Of the desolate land which she was used to, of a cache stored not far from their borders. He 'hrmmms' aloud, thinking on this. Ragnar was mindful to keep his prizes, whatever they may be, safely stored deep within his homeland away from prying eyes. “Does not seem particularly smart. Maybe she is bolder then she should be.” Ragnar did not know, though wondered. Winters were hard, winters in the north harder. Ragnar however still felt as though when it came to raiding, it would be those of the south which would be easier picked from.

“I have the same feeling. My family and I, we've traveled far- before we appeared here, that is. We've no intention on settling for something just 'pleasant'. This land we choose will be the first founding of our namesake.” His blood, the Archers, had their Empire in Torbine. They had their reign throughout Relic Lore, too, along with the Lyall and Selwyn. Ragnar wanted something all his own, something new and it started with the generation of pups he held now.

After a look around the rolling mountain region they were in, he finally brings himself to introduction. “I am Ragnar Stormborn. And you are?”
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
08-16-2021, 12:55 AM
Arbiter was always keen for those who made bad choices to be punished for them -- even better if she didn't have to get her paws dirty needlessly. She'd spread the word that Ira made the odd bad choice and those who were closer and who had no moral scruples about it could do what they do. Besides, a bit of stolen food was a lesson, not a death sentence. If it was a death sentence, maybe they should have learned the first few times faced with the curriculum of life. She didn't have sympathy for those that fit that category.

But moving on... “I suppose that makes sense.” In a way. Arbiter herself wasn't sure what sort of land she'd search for -- pleasant was not on her list of destinations she looked for, she searched for opportunity, and was a whole list of things that might be found in one place. “I am Arbiter.” She was the one who judged, and Ragnar seemed to be a sort that was perhaps adjacent to the sort that would be at home in her own family. It wasn't exact, but close. And so, she continue don, “Is your family many?” A curious tilt of her head. It wasn't a needling sort of question, but a genuine one. He had spoken of several several times. The question was were they opportunity, or was it too early for her to judge? Then again, it wasn't like it was a perfect match.
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08-22-2021, 08:01 PM
“Arbiter.” Her own named echoed back to her, cooed on his creamy lips as he took it into memory. His icy eyes ever watchful as she questions of his family, a curious tilt to skull to match her youthfulness.

“We are six. My children and their mother.” He answers openly. Some may not have. After all, two adults with four children without an official pack might have seen like opportunity to pick off of or hunt from, if they were the type. Ragnar sought it as another way to be known by others, so that others may come.  “My pups, they are only maybe a few moons younger then you...?” Now, he tilts his skull, awaiting to see if this might spark any further interest in her.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
08-23-2021, 10:11 PM
She was curious how much their group would compare to her own family. But that might not be a good thing -- she was out here after all, not back where she'd started. She was happy with her freedom. Certain places weren't for her, or at least weren't that way for the long haul, at least. It was, however, hard to tell what was best. The question was how many bridges she'd burn trying to find the place she wanted to stay. It was an interesting thing to ponder.

Arbiter was hard to read, but thoughtful. It didn't seem exactly like the thought of others her own age was particularly intriguing as instead asked, “They look forward to aiding you in creating your new home then, but how is it you'd want to be perceived as a pack to the rest of us?” It was all about untangling the many games that people played. Not everyone told the truth. Some did, surely, but others either didn't know what the truth was at their hearts or were outright deceptive. Not that Arbiter herself was innocent of this. She was definitely cagey, but frequently found it easier to not lie as that was less to have to remember. But perhaps he had different ideals to go with his previous honesty.
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08-24-2021, 09:32 PM
He nods, their new home. He could not read her, could not tell if the prospect of having others her age to challenge, to learn from, to test, was something she'd enjoy. She did not seem to particularly care for the north, seeing as she'd left it, but maybe she just wanted to see all things- as himself.

And then, she asks, what view would he have liked from the rest of the world? Now it is his turn for his head to tilt, pondering her thought. “Ahhh...” Ragnar thinks of this, a scarred brow raising and a smirk toying to his expression again. It is a good question and he allows Arbiter to know it by his expression and the way which he began to move, taking a few pacing steps and a forepaw flicks the rocky earth.

“What might any pack want to be known for? Their strength, their vigilance, wisdom, their good will maybe? Maybe for us,” A chuckle,“ those fools living in constant salt and rock in the north. ” He stops his movements then, to stand before the sharp-eyed yearling again and offers a shrug of his shoulders. “Maybe even we will be seen as cruel? Greedy, hungry for more? Whatever manner, it does not matter. What does is that we will be known and that we will be remembered long after our bodies are ash. ” At least, that is Ragnar's greatest hope. That his life will be a fulfilled one. That his family will live as just and the Stormborn name will be worth one to remember.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
08-30-2021, 03:40 AM
I should not be posting at almost 2am rip

Arbiter had her own thoughts about what she wanted her life to be. There were several paths she could imagine taking, but right now the paths traveled together -- she wasn't to the place in life where it might fork quite yet. She definitely had her preferences, but she wouldn't fight too hard for one over the other as long as she stayed on one of the lit paths, they were ones that were all acceptable in their own way.

She gave his reply some thought as well. “Then you have much destiny to create -- not everyone gets that honor, or infamy. And if it's a whole pack as opposed to one person, even more. And no place you've traveled so far has called to you?” Unless he was still investigating his options.
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09-05-2021, 10:55 PM
haha! Maybe not! 2am!!

He agrees with a nod and grumbled grunt on his dark lips. To be remembered, especially by something that would last beyond just your children or your children's children, was something not easily obtained. Ragnar did not know if he would make such a feat but he was determined none the less to try and do so. Be it by his own deeds or if not, be it by the deeds of his loin, for all those whom called themselves 'Stormborns', the bloodline created by his own founding.

“Not just yet.” He answers to the sharp woman, his golden shoulders rolling as he swipped a paw over the rocky earth. “My former home, it was along a mountain chain which stretched from one side of sea to the next.” An odd thought with how big the ocean was but his home had been on a peninsula, a word which escaped him. “I plan to settle somewhere in the north not far from the coast. It's where we best strive.” His family, he meant. While they were travelers, most of them always found a sense of home within the northern coastal regions. For his young and Sindri it was what they were born to and for Ragnar something he had come to learn and love there after upon reaching his 'Mother Land'.

“Do you have any particular idea of place you'd like to settle?”
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
09-08-2021, 01:38 AM
Arbiter was not a wolf from the beach. Mountains she understood, but the coast was just a vague story that she'd yet to explore. Land, as she'd soon state, didn't matter to her. It couldn't be changed, at least not significantly, and it couldn't really aid her in her goals. It just existed. Though she was the sort of wolf who would call those who were living in the desert particularly crazy -- but then again, she wasn't exactly from a bloodline that came from warm lands -- it just didn't mean she was particularly fond of being trapped in perma-snow either.

A slightly thoughtful tip of her head, “Mm. Location doesn't matter as much to me. As long as it has proper resources and not some foolish place where the land itself would be trying to kill those who visit, let alone live there. For those who do live there, I expect to find a stable pack of wolves that aren't prone to making absurd decisions. I have no desire to clean up after leadership that goes out of their way to invite unnecessary trouble, or those that prance about and do nothing while things collapse around them.” A pause, then a dry addition, “And they need to not be particularly annoying.” From the slight flick of her ears and the very slight change of pacing, perhaps he could tell it was sort of a joke, but also serious. She would quite happily walk away from a good pack if everyone there annoyed her. “I don't ask for much, but 'not much' is hard to find when searching through 'not many.'”
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09-12-2021, 07:03 PM
She cared not for the land which she rested her paws and raised her roost, should that ever come into play in her mind. Only of the wolves around her, of the proper leadership there. Not a fool who ran into dangers way nor one to roll over and play dead. She would find happiness in the middle, somewhere. Ragnar knew that some of which he shared his blood with, were more akin to fighting. As from their background, raiding during times of need was not something the group shied away from. They were a bold lot, an arrogant and scrappy group. Foolish, to some. They were Viking.

The Stormborn knew she would not be a good fit, especially if she did not find happiness or respect for the north and sea. He 'hrrmmms' to her words, a raspy baritone given with a nod. A smirk then, a chuckle at her gest. “I wish you luck on your endeavor then, Arbiter.” He spoke then, 'overly chivalrously' dipping his head and lifting a paw to his chest which was given with the same playful smirk whilst doing so.

Their paths would not align, where she had come from the north and he wished to go to it. Maybe, one day, he would meet the sharp-eyed young woman again.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
09-12-2021, 10:30 PM
She had already decided that following along after him probably wasn't high on her list. Perhaps in a desperate situation she could deal with the things she said that didn't please her, but there was enough that she'd rather not. There were other options, at least right now.

“And you. Farewell.” A dip of her head, but not so dramatic. She was subdued, as usual. She'd let him turn and leave first before doing the same. She'd continue on her way then, eventually looping back to Terance and their continued travel. What lay ahead? She didn't know. Hopefully something resembling a future.
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