Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

these wild oceans shake what's left of me loose

Morning Partly Cloudy
08-12-2021, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2021, 09:08 PM by Olive.)
@Meissa or @Buck

The lovely thing about living a life in accordance with the gods was that it was always changing, and Olive got to be a passive participant to many of the happenings in her life that would otherwise stress her out. The sylph was very much a creature of flow, and where she experienced force, Olive usually went in the opposite direction. It was nice, leaving most of her life’s directions and decisions to the universal forces that knew the world far better than she, who would be constantly learning until the day she died.

The fortunate thing was, the Gods were mostly predictable. The sun rose and set every day. If it didn’t rain for weeks, Olive was certain it eventually would. The tide released, and would resume. Fauna migrated. Flora bloomed. It was no more a mystery to her than her own inner impulses of hunger and happiness. She often sat back and watched, trusting, taking part in the universe’s workings as her limited corporeal being could. All the pale shewolf could do was heal with herbs, respect the cycles of the earth, and revere the Gods who controlled it for her. It didn’t seem like it was enough, but it was all that was asked of her, so she did whatever small things were asked of her and she did them fervently.
The faerie rose this day with a singular intention in her mind. She needed grass — long stems, and many of them, from a field and toasted by the sun. For what? That, Olive wasn’t yet certain, but she trusted the reason would come to reveal itself. This was how the gods spoke to her, slight impulses and linger thoughts, so with gusto she put her nose to the earth and set off in a northeasterly direction towards drier climes. And so, began the hunt for grass.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-16-2021, 12:28 PM
Timed during the Flight, prior to Elkshire even noting their absence - so prior to the hunt orders.

 They were so close to the Nightwalkers. She could smell them thick in this land as she avoided the heart of the pasture, her paws taking her hurriedly around its perimeter before they headed eastward, towards the rising sun.

 She'd been here once, a time ago.

 This was where she had met that white man who had terrified her, tried to seduce her or eat her or something. She spotted a shape in the distance and for a moment, her heart stopped. Then, she realized, this was not the man. This was a woman, short and silvery. By the time she realized her mistake, she was close enough to see the woman's eyes - too close to ignore. “Ho, traveler,” she called softly, keeping her voice low and looking across the pasture towards the distant shapes she knew were the woods where the mercenaries lived.

 Something in her wanted to warn the girl, even if she was already aware. She didn't smell the same as the Nightwalkers so she didn't think she was one of them. “A pack land's very near, careful.” It was not accusatory or aggressive - she wanted to help the woman without getting too much involved. With Flynn, the boy on his back, and Florence nearby she had to be careful not to call too much attention to their convoy.

the staff team luvs u
08-16-2021, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2021, 11:45 AM by Grumble.)
@Amata Coming in with a post next
also rolled a 19 on stealth for funsies but react however you want

The morning was starting out like any other lately. Grumble would seek to hunt, her obsession in this life. Usually she would try to dump the pup onto Almight, but she couldn't find him this morning and instead of just leaving the pup to defend herself she decided to take her on the hunting trip. What could go wrong? Said banana pup was resting upon her head as they moved among the Hazy Pasture. A rhythm adapted that benefited them both at this point, allowing Grumble to move somewhat fast while her guest would not fall off. She was kinda excited to show off her developing hunting skills to the kid. She was starting to understand just a little bit about the difference between adults and children. She noted even though it's only been a month, the pup has grown in every way, albeit she was still a small-fry.

Today would not be like other days. A smell entered her nose. Intruders. While earlier in her pack life she had been more hesitant with such wolves like Aerith, Grumble felt she understood the workings of pack-life much better now to hold the aggression that was expected of her. There was also the fact that this was one of her favorite areas to hunt, this was HER FOOD. Trying to get the pup's attention, she went "shhh, quiet time-" to her before proceeding to creep downwind towards the strangers, low to the ground with every step filled with a purpose. A shadow in the waking world. Her dexterous footing allowed her to be smooth and if anything, it could make her unnamed pup sleepy from the smooth transitions of her body.

Eventually the wolves were in sight, Grumble made sure to keep herself woven in the morning shadows of the trees, her one blue eye and other blind eye stared ahead carefully. They were at the borders of the pasture, a pale wolf and a reddish dark brown wolf who was quite strange looking. It was the pale wolf that Grumble was most focused on. She seemed to be looking for something to take. To gather. If the two got closer or even tried to pick up a stick or blade of grass then Grumble would proceed to try and ambush one of them. For now though she restrained herself, trying to see the two more as prey. She was so focus she forgot about her little bundle of joy on her head.
the staff team luvs u
08-17-2021, 12:51 PM
rolled a 6 for stealth so uhm *barges in* lol

The reason the foster disaster couldn't find him, was because he was already out hunting. With his new job as messenger, he rarely told of where he was going and what he'd be doing. He wished to create an air of mystery around him, one only the Warlord could penetrate for details about his journeys and the groups he'd discover. No other Nightwalker needed to know of his job, nor his aspirations to become like a right hand to their leader to secure his spot within their ranks. He had promised to become the best after all.

But he, too, scented those that did not belong within their hunting grounds. He recognized three of the four scents that surrounded him, those being Grumble with the pup they were raising and that of Meissa, the former Bearbuck that was still just a Bearbuck as far as Almight knew.

He approached the two ladies that didn't belong with a thunder in his steps, finally spotting the woman he hadn't recognized; Her figure almost making him mistake her for the sylph he'd met a moon ago. Though he was sure Rumble and the kid were near, or had passed the area not too long ago, he hadn't managed to spot them. “Meissa?” He rumbled at the two-tailed bearbuck with a tip of his head. What was she doing all the way out here; looking for him perhaps?

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Caution! 3-3-3 character
08-17-2021, 06:26 PM
It had been a month with Gru, or rather, with Gruight; she had this very annoying habit of dropping her off with the Pretty One and then coming back for her later. Today, the Pretty One was not to be found, and therefore, Gru found herself stuck with Amata.

Or perhaps they were stuck with each other. They hadn’t quite had the best relationship, though was any Master and Slave relationship perfect? Today, though, it looked like they would go off exploring. Or, they had been, before her slave decided it was better to spy on other wolves who did not smell like them.

There were two of them. A canine of small canine of silvers, and then a more colorful one. She had reds, burgundys, creams, and the perfect touch of white. It was the colorful babe that Amata focused on, though that could be in part because they shared some of the same coloring. She was more blonde than red, though.

Gru said something about it being quiet time, almost as if Amata was chatty-kathy with her or some nonsense. When, in fact, that couldn’t be further than the truth. So, with no further instruction - not that Amata had and/or would ever listen to Gru, her slave, Amata leaned forward, and was about to open her mouth when suddenly, Pretty One arrived, addressing the group.

Oh. They were friends? So what exactly were they - oh! They were clearly playing a game.

Amata understood games. She played them all the time with Gru’s ankles. Excited for new ankles to chew on, she took a deep inhale to gather their scents to memory and… sneezed.
the staff team luvs u
08-17-2021, 09:06 PM

Olive maintained only a slight awareness of the danger at her foothold; looming just on the other side of her trajectory. Was there a pack nearby? Yes, of course, but where wasn’t she almost upon someone’s doorstep? Packlands dotted the earth from here to there and back and honestly had not caused her much trouble prior — it was only the most territorial of wolves who cared about a solitary shewolf, only brute enough to fell a hare and nothing more, traipsing through their adjacent lands.
The first wolf to approach her, was not of the pack she skirted around. She came with warnings, tidings of the pack to the southeast.  As the unfamiliar shewolf approached her, Olive was ultimately receptive, stopping her own advancement to stop and have a chat. “Yes, a golden man also forewarned me,” she called out melodically, referencing the man she had seen in this area just a day or so prior.  “I was actually on my way out—” the shrouded sylph began to divulge her plans to head north and seek out these plains of grass which sway back and forth; a swirling image in her third eye. The she wolf did not manage to get the rest of her sentence out, for a hulking brute of a man approached them and called the colorful women by, what Olive assumed was, her name. Olive did not shrink, but rather stepped back, in case such a reacquaintance did not necessitate her audience. For a moment, her attention was drawn to a sharp noise off in the distance, but she was more concerned with sussing out the two strangers in front of her.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-17-2021, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2021, 09:28 PM by Meissa.)
 The woman seemed kindly enough, answering without so much as a lift of the lip or a flagging. Meissa was unsure if she was glad for that or if it made it worst - the woman did not seem like the foul-smelling mercenary king. Though, with how friendly Almight had seemed, perhaps they were not so aggressive all the time? Either way, she spoke of golden men - who could that be? - and of planning to leave... and then the aforementioned Nightwalker arrived, calling her own name. She took a breath to wonder: if this woman had been warned then why had she stayed?

 Well, it wasn't the worst face to see from the wolves who allied to her previous home... at least, she hoped.

 She swallowed down her anxiety and waved her tails in greeting. “Ho, Almight, apologies if I've treaded onto Nightwalker land! I tried to skirt around it but the fog messes with scent markers.” Truly, she would rather have not been here of all places, but alas - to head northbound to the river and then follow it upstream was their intent.

 Almight knew of her disdain for the religion, of her unwillingness to follow its laws. Would he despise her for fleeing from it - or would he respect her for making her own choice in life? He may not be able to leave the Nightwalkers due to his father being the leader but he did seem to have genuine worry about her safety within Elkshire. It was a pity, had they remained allies, she thought he would have been a good friend to have.

 Perhaps that did not have to change.

 She heard a sneeze, one of such pitch that it had to be a puppy, and her eyes were drawn into the mist. The procurer of such a sound was hidden by the fog still but it was clear there were others out there. How many, and who? “Are you out in a hunting party?” she asked Almight, masking her worry with curiosity. “Your father?” she added to the inquiry, hoping for a negative. The first and last time she met Vengeance, he had called her ugly to Celnes and while she hoped that it would save her rear if he arrived, she didn't want to risk his wrath.

 She almost hoped the pale woman would take this as a moment to escape, though a selfish part of her was glad for the potential distraction if she were to need to flee.

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08-18-2021, 12:52 PM
Grumble felt her breath hitch as Almight's scent and then appearance appeared before the two wolves. Pride swelled within her to see her best friend trying to defend their land. He would teach them a lesson! Or so she thought, but the calm and familiar manner he spoke to the brighter one confused her, utter what seemed to be her name even. Why was he not attacking? Why was he not defending their food. Almight could be friendly with anyone from the pack, be in love and do whatever. But the idea of him being friendly with what she considered to be the bad guys made her fume from a jealousy she had never felt. This emotion, she was not use to it, betrayal.

Then to make matters worse, the pup upon her head sneezed, giving way to their location. Her mind was everywhere now, she was loosing focus on what to do, feeling lost in a sense.“Your father?” Then as Grumble heard the reddish wolf speak those words it was like curtains being lifted inside her brain. Yes, what would father want in this situation? She thought about it, her mind often altering the dark wolf into a friendly persona, but she tried with the little empathy she had to figure out what he would want. She came to a conclusion by trying to figure out the actions that would earn her praise. Kill, these trespassers and serve their hides to him, food was food or something, right? This was a hunt. Her epiphany finishing up, Grumble could feel her lust for blood grow. And the rage for Almight not trying to please father.

Knowing the jig was up, she shook the pup off of her head (making sure to cover her good eye with a paw to avoid an unfortunate repeat of history), before stepping ahead. It was probably better to leave the pup in the bushes anyways.

She stalked out as if the shadows manifested her very form, that one-seeing eye glistening with a dangerous glint. The most eerie thing about this as she made her way over to them was her silence. She stared icily at the two strangers, not paying attention to Almight. The normally vocal wolf moved quietly as if she was still in a hunt, only the slight wrinkling of her muzzle showed the surface of her deep aggression, the air around her like daggers. "Father would not want you here unless you are dead." Was the only thing she uttered, inwardly she was surprised how strong her voice sounded even for herself, the vibrations spreading through the air like hornets.

That was all she would say before she rushed and tackled the smaller wolf.

Grumble was a bully through and through, always aim for the weaker ones first. She had meant to grab her scruff and shake her like she would do to a fawn, but as usual Grumble was not good at controlling her strength, leading her to fully collide into the wolf, she would attempt to pin them to the ground through sheer weight and strength, even if the collision caused the other to be rolled a few feet away. Only now did she let out a gruesome snarl that signaled the severity of the situation. She was going to trust Almight to handle the red one, because they were in the same pack and they were friends right? Right? Maybe he was just being confused and he needed her to show them what they were suppose to do.
the staff team luvs u
08-18-2021, 03:52 PM
His face was pulled in a serious frown then, angular forehead full of wrinkles despite his age. Had her scent faded - he was sure that when he'd met Meissa, the scent of the forest was nearly woven into her very being. Now it was just a hint in the air, one could easily ignore and write off as her very own perfume. He shook his head then, keeping the silvery sylph within the corner of his eye - he doubted he'd have to force her out, she seemed sensible. “These are our hunting grounds. They're not technically ours, but we like to keep strangers out.” Now, why did that sound familiar?

His ear swiveled upon hearing the child, and he carefully circled Meissa so that he could be between her and where he thought the girl was hiding. He shook his head again then, taking a peek behind him, still seeing no one. “Not as far as I know - but Nightwalkers roam this area a lot. You two should be careful-” Which was exactly when the thing happened that they needed to be careful for. Almight's eyes grew wide as he finally spotted Grumble, her usual friendly demeanor a thing of the past. “Grumble, don't - they're just-” But it didn't matter what he said - the she-beast charged for the smaller wolf and Almight was too late to jump in and take the blow himself.

He rushed over with a thunderous growl then, trying to force his way between the two women, focusing his teeth on Grumble. “Is that any way to greet a stranger, hm?” He rumbled lowly between snarls, snapping at the air in the hopes his action to protect the other was enough to make her pause and retreat. Perhaps, if Vengeance had been the one to charge, he would've joined him. The two could've easily killed the pale lady - even now all it took was a bad thought, the believe this was a test or something... It scared him how easily he would've turned on the two women should his father have been present.

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Caution! 3-3-3 character
08-22-2021, 03:29 PM
This game that Beast had started with these two wolves changed immediately, when a fifth joined the opposing side. It had clearly angered Beast, for she shook Amata from her position - who landed with a squeak - and shook her head.

By the time she gathered herself and glanced back up, there was tension in the air, followed by a thunderous growl that Amata had almost mistaken for actual thunder. Beauty was going on about strangers, and Amata realized that she hadn’t moved since being dropped.

So while Beauty and Beast were nagging each other, or whatever was actually happening, Amata wandered over to two strangers and sat down with the tilt of her head. “Hi. What’s a hunting party?”
the staff team luvs u
08-23-2021, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2021, 09:47 PM by Olive.)
If the woman, Meissa, was trying to hide her nervousness — she was doing a poor job. She spoke of the fog, and then a hunting party, over-explaining why she was here on behalf of a complete stranger and glancing around at the noises which surrounded them. Meissa's immediate, deeply-felt concern clearly reflected the feelings of the aforementioned Prince, and Olive realized moments too late that she had committed a grave error by staying in this place only one more night.  She had tread here just a moment too long before making the decision to depart and head north. If she had such foresight, perhaps the woman might have come from this place ultimately unscathed, as usual. What silly jokes were the gods playing, to make her doubt herself and her visions so?
— then a force, far stronger than she, thudded into her and send her slight frame racketing to the earth, a loose pile of bones that yielded easily to external forces; simply because she had no other option. Tossed backwards several feet, and with the breath gone from her lungs, Olive could barely register the snarl of her aggressor over the ringing of her ears. However, perceive the threat she did, and Olive responded by scrambling blindly away from the shape of the thing from the grass, almost falling over in her attempt to scuttle away from danger while mostly incapacitated. In the next moment, should there be another pass made at her, she would try to bolt. Despite her current physical distress, she couldn’t help but spare a thought for her multicolored benefactor, hoping she would have the good sense to follow. They didn’t need to die here.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-23-2021, 10:04 PM
 She was always a woman of many words, even if it wasn't necessary. She just.. opened her mouth and they spilled out. Be that a good thing or not, it was a nervous habit and, as everyone present could tell, she was nervous as hell. She tried to shake it off, reminded herself that while she was on the hunting grounds of an soon-to-be-enemy's ally, the man before her was a friend. At least, he seemed like it.


 Meissa sucked in her teeth, readying herself to leap - until she saw Almight also moving, rushing in and shoving himself between the stranger and one of his own kind, whose name she caught - Grumble. Well, if it didn't fit, she didn't know what would. Her eyes flashed away from the scuffle and into the mist - where she saw a small shape coming. At first her breath caught as she thought it was another small warrior, like Tavra, but then she exhaled slowly. This was a child.

 The Nightwalkers had children? Well, of course, but the child looked nothing like any of the ones she'd seen before. Which, granted, now totaled four, including the child. “Oh, ah, hi,” she said to the child, blinking and trying to release some of the stress she felt splintering through her body in sharp shards. “It's when wolves go hunting together.”

 Her eyes flashed back to where Almight was with this "Grumble" and the strange lady, who was by now trying to scuttle away. She gave a hard swallow, wanting to do the same, though her legs felt like lead. Had Almight not been here, she likely would have run, fleeing into the protection of her beau, Flynn, and hiding from the world in his curly fur. “Sorry about that - I'm a friend,” she said, mostly towards Grumble but also to the child. And well, the apology also went to Almight. “Just passing through from Elkshire on a mission of freedom.”

 Would Almight understand, would he remember?

 She fled from a skinning she could sense was inevitable - be it her own pelt or those of her newly forming family.

the staff team luvs u
08-23-2021, 10:39 PM
Grumble doubted Almight, but to outright go and squabble with her her instead of the other two, it downright baffled her. His fangs grazing her flesh as he snapped at the air, a warning, always a warning with him. She stared at the darker wolf, a challenge in her eyes. She could feel it bubbling, rage. She let out another vicious snarl. "Strangers are bad!" She growled before speaking more. "You know, Father wouldn't want this. It is bad for pack, you like this wolf better than Nightwalkers, huh?!" Her sentences were beginning to break a bit in structure as her mind went numb from the emotions.

Upon hearing the voice of the red one talk to her, Grumble would bellow out a beastly noise and try to head over to Meissa only to be blocked by the male again. Grumble barked more. "She has done nothing to be friend. I am friend, pup is friend. So why...are you not friend..." Her voice cracked from emotion and the anger that covered her being turned into something deeper as the sadness melted in. She wanted to give him another chance, to calm down, because it would be easier to do. And yet her mind, it screamed through the static that they would take her food, their food. Grumble may have had high pain tolerance, but the pain of hunger she would say was the most painful experience of all. What she did next was nothing less from desperation, the situation you expected with a cornered animal, except this was only true mentally. She was being torn about via instincts and via the empathy she had gained the last few months. What Grumble was experiencing now was fear. Not of death, but of loss.

Standing momentarily on her hind-legs like a bear, she open her maw with a blood-curdling snarl, saliva flinging everywhere, as she tried to tower all that upper body weight onto Almight to begin a wrestling match. Their strength via muscle and weight were likely similar, but he was smarter and more experienced, this fight was a losing battle, yet she had to try, to protect her land and resources.
the staff team luvs u
08-25-2021, 08:28 AM
Internally, the behemoth breathed a sigh of relief when the ghostly woman was smart enough to get out of the way. Still, his friend wouldn't stand down. He frowned, not out of anger or frustration, but pity. Vengeance had really gotten to her, hadn't he? “Meissa is an ally - would father want a war, hm? A friend of an ally is a friend of ours.” Oh how these words would bite him in the ass when the announcement rang that he was then supposed to kill her on sight. Hopefully she and Flynn would be long gone by the time he'd hear of it, not that he would actively seek them out... Only if Vengeance asked personally, because he knew how much time he'd spent with their allies.

His ear twisted - a quest for freedom? He smirked then. That would've been good news if he hadn't just told Grumble they were of Elkshire, but he doubted she would understand her reference to her displeasure with Elkshire's laws. He growled at Grumble, mirroring her move to slash with his paws and find stable footing, perhaps even using her as a pole to lean against. His maw opened, but he made no move to bite her, not yet. “Would father want us fighting?” He asked her out of breath, knowing now that he was important to her. Poor boy, always trying to find a way to resolve a conflict peacefully, even if he had to emotionally manipulate his own friend - his responsibility.

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Caution! 3-3-3 character
08-25-2021, 11:07 AM
Strangers are bad. This was true, Amata knew; why else was Grumble missing an eye? Because Grumble had approached a frightened Amata, and paid the price - yet somehow, Amata was labeled as a friend?

Is that how things worked? Upon learning what a hunting party was, Amata frowned. What was a hunt, then? Amata tilted her head, glancing between the wolves, and the only one who seemed to pay any attention to her.

“I take eye, am friend? If red lady take other eye, she be friend, too?” Was this really the lesson Grumble wanted to teach Amata? Her eyes would find themselves on Beauty, with his two eyes, in wonder if she should aim for taking one of those.

“Is quest like.. adventure?”
the staff team luvs u
08-25-2021, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2021, 11:50 AM by Olive.)
No further attempt at harm befell her, so Olive managed to regain her breath and propriety. Wobbly in the knees like a newborn fawn, she watched for a moment with dazzled attention as the attacker lunged for the protector, who was doing his best to maneuver the crazed canid away from the (ultimately innocent) interlopers. For his protection, Olive would always be grateful -- but while the two sparred, Meissa was left talking to a pup. Now, the shaman-woman had practiced midwifery for many lifetimes before this one, and she loved pups and all... but Olive saw this as their opportunity. Without a sound, the shrouded sylph sidled up close to Meissa and did her best to speak into her ear, over the racket. "Listen—" she began, ignoring the pup's inanely timed queries. "—we should go." With a you-were-so-right type of glance, she looked to the side towards the quarreling two, then off into the northern horizon. So eager to leave was she that Olive made a move to exit, stepping away from the situation entirely and turning her back to it, but she looked back to Meissa with concern brimming in her gaze. "Let them fight it out. That one-eyed bitch is crazy."

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-25-2021, 05:18 PM
 The difference between herself and this woman was that she knew one of these wolves. To flee immediately would have seemed strange but at least now, her friend knew what was going on. Still, it took Olive coming to her side and whispering a plea to flee to shake Meissa free of the need to remain, to distract so the other could flee. Why hadn't Olive left already? She inwardly groaned, shaking out her pelt.

 “Sort of - adventure with a purpose!” she said to the pup, quickly, then looked back at Almight and the girl he was squabbling with.

 She didn't know what was going on but as she turned to trot after Olive, she called, “I'm sorry for imposing - I'll go! See you around, Almight, in this life or the next.” She hoped it was this life, but only if they were still friends. “If the Temperate boils, I'm still a friend!” Hoping some of that got through to him, she would move at a trot away from the misty meadows, glancing back forlornly once over her shoulder.

 I'm sorry.

 She regretted that she had to leave. He was her only friend outside the pack and after word reached them... they would surely be enemies. It was with a sigh that she moved on, wondering who this girl was and where she was headed after everything blew over.

Exit unless stopped

the staff team luvs u
08-29-2021, 10:08 AM
Grumble found herself truly conflicted, wired up as a beast and yet...she blamed this broken eye of hers for her hesitance as she glared at Almight, her fangs having yet to try and sank into him. They were a display with lots of snarling as she tried to wrestle with the other. Reality, she has had to face reality more and more since she's been here, not being allowed to use mindless force. He said words, some she didn't understand and she wanted to pause, to be smart like the others and consider meanings. To be normal.

Yet she refused to back down from her ways or to stop until his last sentence. Her ears went flat upon her head. Would...father want them to fight? The question made her stop to consider. No, Almight wasn't like the others. Father really liked Almight. He would want herself to be dead or hurt before Almight was. A truth that was not sad to her, just simple and honest.

With what took great self-control, Grumble pushed away from the male before she proceeded to snarl in anger and buck around as if she were a bull in a rodeo. Trying to get all her pent-up energy out as she displayed her frustration with the situation as if she were a giant kid throwing a tantrum. She hated this, because she was still not capable enough to handle this on her own. Trust. It all comes back to that word. She felt she was not being trusted but then did he feel the same, was he seeing a picture she couldn't? As she started to wreck her surroundings, paws smashing through the earth and environment like a bulldozer, Almight was given free reign to do what he wanted.

Eventually when Grumble proceeded to calm down, panting up a storm as drool fell out of her mouth, she would stalk back to Almight and press her flank into his, glaring at either the two if they were still there as she licked the top of her mouth nervously. "Almight" she would start off, interrupting anything that was or was not happening. "What is an ally? What does it have to do with friends and not taking our stuff?" She said as she made a deep rumbling noise with her throat to try and call the pup back to her, realizing she had 'misplaced' her.
the staff team luvs u
09-07-2021, 05:33 PM
Vengeance didn't much care about either of them, so much was apparent, but it didn't stop the two Nightwalkers from caring for each other. At least, Al cared about Grumble, even when she got on his nerves. He'd accepted her as she was, but he wasn't just going to stand by if she did something he didn't agree with. She needed perhaps even more patience than Amata did - speaking of, where had the little bugger run off to?

His ears swiveled at the rushed departure of Meissa... A friend - heh, it was good to know she felt the same. Still, no matter how much she meant to him, should he need to pick between the Nightwalkers and her, he'd always go for the former. He panted and watched Grumble rage for a bit, sauntering slowly to the kid to protect her from any thrashing limbs or misplaced nips. He wasn't sure what the girl would take away from this day, but given who her caretakers were, she didn't have a fighting chance to become a functional wolf in the first place.

Eventually the whirlpool that was Grumble's emotions at that moment drained the sea, leaving a vast and barren emptiness in its place. “Allies are wolves of another pack that Father wants to stay friends with.” He explained in the simplest terms he knew. “Together, we are stronger - like on a hunt! On your own, you won't catch much, but with a team the dinner's for the picking.” He added, thinking she might quicker understand if he tied it to something she enjoyed. “I'm sorry - I should've told you sooner.”

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Caution! 3-3-3 character
09-21-2021, 06:38 PM
^^Amata watched the pretty one walk away. It seemed like she was on a quest, or simply going home. The other two she knew, Beauty and the Beast, were doing their own thing, and Amata quickly realized that adults were very boring.

All of this was boring, and she wasn’t even sure what was going on anymore. Why had they come here? Amata huffed, watched the pretty red one leave, and decided that she, too, would leave. Back to one of the dens she knew, or perhaps, she’d find her own den somewhere.

Exit Amata
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