Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

We sip the wind through lips of lust,

Morning Partly Cloudy
08-04-2021, 11:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021, 09:47 PM by Aso.)
Vendrussel was not aware of such vibrant colors - of course she knew of flowers and the like, but bounded by the northern seas, not many plants were fruitful by the salty tides. Every step she went there was a lavender ocean, she would look down and paws would be crushing one regardless of where to step. Try as she may, even awkwardly lifting her feet high in the air ; it was of no use, for they were everywhere.

It was pretty at least.

+1 Discovery Points

the staff team luvs u
08-05-2021, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021, 09:58 PM by Aso.)
 It was an odd time for them to be awake. The night was their time to roam, to do their hunting, to do this or that while the day was the time for rest. However, sleep did not come easily for them this morning. The copper-toned wolf would toss and turn, gently as not to wake their companion, but try as they might they could not drift off. Their Soul would attempt to comfort them but even they could provide none... and if The Body was not able to sleep then The Soul, too, would find no comfort. So, carefully they would ease from their den as to not disturb their companion and then they would head out into the open air.

 The purple flowers greeted them, the morning sun did as well as it blanketed their fur and scales in its warmth. The wolf would close their eyes and breathe in deep from the sweet-smelling blooms. It was comforting.

 It was home.

 They would head out, walking away from their den out towards... well... they didn't know quite where. They were just exploring a bit. Watching the trees, ones that twisted towards the heavens and filtered the light through a green canopy. The blue and purple butterflies that were abundant here, fluttered around them and briefly they would stop as one landed on the top of the snake's snoot. The wolf would look up, amused for a moment and with attention shifted as it was... They did not notice the other standing not too far away. The other wolf's delicate dance of trying not to crush the flowers was momentarily undisturbed by the pair.

+1 Discovery Points

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
08-06-2021, 11:10 AM
Though as pretty as it was, the inconvenience of each step caused a rather ruffled sea wolf. She threw an annoying sigh while legs lifted high in the air, precisly stepping onto areas where some flowers were not. At some point though attempts may be, she gave up, and started to walk naturally through the weave blues and purples. As she glided through with a huff, petals clinging to the blues of her pelt, and with the occasional bee buzzing by. Perhaps they thought she was a flower itself.

But she could smell another, a female within the distance. Amongst the colorful world stood the earthy-colored one, strangely enough, a neck clung to their neck. She walked naturally, almost as if a co-existence with them rather then being strangled like the norm. How fascinating, as well as questionable! "Hey there! Is there a spot around here without flowers?"

the staff team luvs u
08-08-2021, 05:55 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021, 10:02 PM by Aso.)
 They did not move, still watching, as still as statues until the other took notice of them. They would look upon them without eyes of malice or judgement. Eyes of the ocean, as blue as their coat. They did not come closer but The Whisperer debated closing the distance to them. Wondering if that would be seen as offensive or aggressive. Things that they would never want to be seen as by anyone.

 Their words were kind enough and the earthen-toned wolf would smile and give a polite nod of greeting. Deciding that a couple of steps closer should not hurt. With this movement they would disturb the butterflies that had gathered. The creature would take flight and scatter to go to the wind or upon the flowers that carpeted the floor beneath them.

 While they closed the distance ever so slightly the snake would speak for them as they always did. "Yesss... but only a couple of spots that we know." There was a clearing nearby, one similar to the pond of water that they'd swam in with Aurora but a different spot altogether. "One is with water and one isss without..." The snake would let their words trail off, the question implied about which they preferred.

+1 Discovery Points

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
08-09-2021, 04:32 PM
[Image: anime-gasp.gif]
Oh, it spoke. There was a clear few moments of but the simple wind rustling through them, a slight dancing of the petals as they loosened from their flowery hold. She had an obvious ocean gaze upon the snake, as the wolf uttered no words, and rather a hissing sound of sorts came from. Vendrussel had heard of animal companions, she had seen them and their uses, but, she did not hear them speak. Language between the two were difficult task, and she thought impossible if so. Yet with a slithery tongue, and the eloquent of a lowered hiss, they so told her what she asked.

"I don't know what to say to this."

She really wasn't sure what to make to the situation.

the staff team luvs u
08-13-2021, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021, 10:02 PM by Aso.)
 The other wolf seemed confused at the words spoken from the Soul. It was of no surprise to The Whisperer. Many wolves not familiar with their culture --namely every single one-- were confused to be spoken to by a snake. The serpent kind usually showed no affinity for conversing with mammals. However, The Soul hardly thought of themselves as a snake and more as an extension to The Body just as the wolf thought the same of The Soul.

 When the other wolf spoke, their words were just registered --to them-- as the blue not knowing what they wanted yet. "Ah... do you like to ssswim?" For that would be a good starting place, no? "If so, we can go there..." The snake said, hoping to help them along in their decision. The wolf would tilt their head westward, indicating the area along the flowered path where the pond that they had swam with Aurora lay. "It liesss in that direction..." The snake said when their companion titled their head to point westerly.

+1 Discovery Points

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
08-15-2021, 06:21 PM
Ocean eyes often switched between the talking snake, and the unspeaking wolf. They held a calm and steady gaze, giving off an otherworldly appearance to them. Not like a God, or the Ancients that her wolves bonded with and iived amongst, but some sort of patron to them instead - a divinity she could not explain, for the look they held was that of earth and mud, something not of the beauty that one would see when it came with worship.. Almost as if it was a hidden meaning to their 'ethereal form.'

Of course Vendrussel started to overthink it, simply since she couldn't particular understand how a snake could speak, with an understanding toward the unspoken canine. Sometimes there were moments were she couldn't help but drift in a thoughtlet, any sort of way to connect on 'making it make sense.'

"..Sure." she would follow the strange wolf.

the staff team luvs u
08-16-2021, 10:17 PM
 After their gentle prompting, the wolf would respond to them. Seeming to finally come to a decision, albeit a seemingly hesitant one. There was some amount of concern that passed between the snake and wolf, a non-verbal thing that was transferred in the way that the snake would shift their coils and in the way that the wolf would twitch their fur and give off the tiniest of hums. Their "chosen language" and the way that they would convey their deepest thoughts to one another without skipping a beat.

 Were they alright? This other wolf. Were they disconcerted by something else then? The way that they had looked between wolf and snake. Hmm... "Thisss way..." The snake would speak as the wolf would turn to head down the carpeted path. "Apologies... the way is littered with flowers." They would say to their companion as they lead them away to the clearing.

 As they walked the wolf would glance towards them, the snake's gaze would remain forward on the path ahead. The wolf's golden eyes would show their concern as the snake would enunciate what they were both thinking. "Isss everything alright? You seem... troubled." Hopefully their question would not be an overreach.

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
08-17-2021, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021, 11:24 PM by Aso.)
At some point, as much as Vendrussel would regret so, she held no choice but to walk upon some flowers. The area was absolutely infested in so, and it felt like a shame to destroy such a beauty, but she could not truly get around without denting some of the flora. With each step she took, and petals being under her toes, the white amongst the blues were slightly being dyed in the purples. She could feel them dampening, and sometimes raised her paw to swipe the excess amount off.

"My apologies," she finally mentioned, "I am not used to other, species speaking wolf," a clear indication of her curiosity among the snake, and the woman that carried it.

+1 Discovery Points

the staff team luvs u
08-22-2021, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021, 11:24 PM by Aso.)
 Poor wolf, from the corner of their eye, The Whisperer could see that the being was trying to avoid stepping on the flowers still. They would attempt to find a path that wasn't so littered with them but such a thing was a tall order until they reached their destination. It was almost impossible not to step across the purple floral mat.

 They would get there soon, though. Then, they wouldn't have to worry as much about said flowers.

 Then, the other wolf would tell them why they'd seemed so confused and concerned. Ah, the thing they should have thought about but didn't. Living with Aurora, they didn't think very much about the fact that they were not quite normal amongst the average populace of wolf. The wolf would give an apologetic smile. "Ah... our apologies... we sssometimes don't think about the fact that we are not normal here..." Up ahead they could see the break in the flowers and scent the smell of water that would indicate the pond beneath the trees. The area where golden sunlight would flow through the branches and light the atmosphere in scenic tones.

 "We have been together since we were pupsss... just the same as those in our previous pack. We are Body and Soul. Connected forever. 'Wolf' isss our only tongue beyond the language we speak together." The snake said, educating them a bit on their ways. Hopefully it would all make sense, if not they were certainly open for questions.

+1 Discovery Points

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
08-26-2021, 04:13 PM
"Connected?" of course, where Vendrussel is from, connection was the upmost importance. It was the belief in life is never alone, but a unite, a family, a group of trust above all else, and a pair bond. To achieve a divinity, a dualism to gain an enlightenment like no other. Where one would cover your weakness, and vice versa, you would save their soft points. As a dragon she was brought up the pinnacle to the path was to gain such a partner, to place a trust within, body and in soul.

She had never heard though, that can be achieved through another. Everyone was with someone they can appropriate communicate with.. At the same time, the northern dragon never heard of another species speak so fluently within the same tongue, and within the English note, "where I am from, we value pairs above all, it is the way to achieve fearless reincarnation, for then you achieve a nirvana of completion. There is no whole without two."

Though despite such speech. Vendrussel believed she was different. The dragons have given her an special privilege, a reincarnation despite having no pair to cross with. For that reason, she felt there was more to her destiny then that of just a bond.

A tone of admiration as she looked at them with a smile, as they followed to the breaking line of water. Beyond the petals of the beauty of the forest, there it was but a pond to dip. A savior in water, a home that was oh so familiar as Vendrussel dipped her purple-stained paws in the mixture. She was satisfied.

the staff team luvs u
08-30-2021, 09:25 PM
 Connected. the blue wolf echoed their words. The Whisperer's Body would nod and give a soft "mmhmm". Although, they weren't expecting the words that came from the other's maw. The words which were echoed by their own pack's beliefs, beliefs that they themselves still held. The wolf would look over at the blue, maw slightly agape in surprise because of the other's understanding of their culture. "Yesss... yes that exactly. We are not complete without our Souls, without the other." The snake mirrored the Body's excitement, the quietly whispered hisses came out in such a way that showed their joy at finding someone of a like mind.

 They would watch then, as the other slipped into the water. Both pairs of golden eyes watching in a similar admiration. Not only for their beliefs but the way that they swam in the pond. "You take to the water like a cloud to the sky..." That is to say, that they looked like they belonged there. As if the water was their true home.

 The Whisperer would dip their head down and slowly the snake would uncoil and slither into the drink. The wolf would watch their Soul for a moment before too slipping into the water with a happy sigh. It felt so lovely, so perfect to dip into the waves. Like they belonged there as well. Their eyes would find the other as the coasted in the water. The snake would come above the water, eyes meeting the Body's briefly before words would escape in that serpentine hiss, "You have similar beliefsss as we... The two that must become one. It isss different from our previous pack's? You bond not to other animals? But other wolvesss..?" They were curious about the other culture that was different yet the same.

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
09-01-2021, 02:10 PM
"And you are like the setting sun, settling upon the earth floor right before settling to the moon." As so compliment, naturally Vendrussel smoothly said so back. The other was coated in but browns and black, the earth itself as they matched together in so colors. The snake's scales occasionally glistening from the sun's shine, but the wolf held unkept and dirty fur, like they truly went into one with the earth. Maybe that was why, they were paired with not of their own kind, but the fauna of this land. She couldn't help but laugh a bit jokingly toward it.

Vendrussel watched with a curious smile, as the 'soul' would momentarily leave the 'body' and take a dip into the water itself. They both seemed relatively peace that there was a similar background, "Where I was from we were of the northern waters, we bonded together as wolves.. Though I couldn't say it was impossible to find in another species, but I personally never seen it in my pack land." She momentarily hummed as eyes shut, her body lowering down a bit so all but her head was entrapped into the water. The thought never came to be, she imagined no one from that land could even think so.. As communication between species were always so limited.

"For us within those lands, we hold the belief we were all once dragons, descendants of them and through bonds we become whole again, then they may guide us to the next life. You are stronger together." They were neither deities or gods, more just guides to the wolves who honor them so. Some may worship and prayer, others just kept them in thought... Even Vendrussel whispered for their guidance every so often.

She normally wouldn't be so, keen to share about that aspect. The dragons of their land and their thought.. Yet, The Whisperer held such familiar beliefs, she wondered if their land was but another divergent from the fallen dragons. There was a sparkle within her eyes, as she opened them and look toward the two.

the staff team luvs u
09-02-2021, 12:31 PM
They were both delighted by the compliment. The wolf would smile sweetly at the blue wolf while the snake gave a pleased hiss. To be complimented on their swimming and prowess in the water, it was a thing that touched to their core. It was a dance that they did well and one they took pride in.

Then, the tale would begin. The Body would stretch out in the water, relaxing as the slight waves lapped at them while they would float. What a wondrous feeling. Flight on land was how they thought of it.

Northern eaters... They imagined something rougher, fiercer. But it did not scare them. It intrigued them. To swim such water... What would it be like?

The wolf would hum thoughtfully, thinking over what was said. Bonding of other wolves like they were your Soul as opppsed to the creatures that were given as pups. Different yet the same.

"Dragons..." The snake would hiss in wonder from where they floated near the Body, for they knew of the great beasts. Like snakes but monstrous. Legendary. "There were tales of those long ago who were bonded to dragonsss... Myths, legends... History." Before they all disappeared they were said to have been Souls for some wolves. Truth or not they couldn't definitively say, but they liked to believe it was real.

It warmed them inside and out to find a wolf like this. One willing to talk and share. "Perhaps our culturesss are different branches of the same tree." The snake mused for the both of them.
the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
09-02-2021, 02:15 PM
"Our own tales said that the world started to reject them, and they could no longer sustain themselves.. To survive, to partnership with the wolves of the land, and blend into their nature." Small paddling, as Vendrussel floating amongst the water itself, eyes closing in a blissful dream. Sometimes she could feel her head drifting underneath, but pushed her foot from the bottom to keep herself from truly drowning.

To be within water itself was but a blissful dream. To lay amongst the snow was a blanket of cold tranquility. Just for a moment, her head then disappeared into the bottom, before splashing upwards, "It truly seems we were one before separation. I wonder if our history is true." She never heard of any other being like her own clan, yet, their tales and history were so similar she truly wondered if the legend had simply disappeared, or was all one big coincidence.. Sadly they'd never know, but simply bond over what they knew.

the staff team luvs u
09-11-2021, 12:38 PM
 The Body would hum thoughtfully as they listened to the tale that the wolf wove. Dragons, no longer being able to sustain themselves and becoming no more in the land of the living. Perhaps that was what happened to them all. How they would love to meet one or meet a wolf bonded to such a magnificent creature. Were they distant ancestors to those of the Soul's kind? "A sssad fate for such amazing creatures..." The snake would hiss.

 And then, there was silence. Not one with awkwardness or weirdness. But a full one, where they would enjoy their new acquaintance's company. They listened to the sounds all around them, the birds and the frogs and the occasional splish of a fish. They could feel the reeds underneath them, touching their legs and their belly as they floated in the water. Their scales would twist and glisten in the waves, cutting effortlessly through the clear liquid as the Soul would swim while the Body would float.

 "There are surely some truths to our history." Truths and some embellishments, as all things would have. "In any case... we are glad we have met you, traveler." And to echo the words given by the snake, the wolf would smile. "May we have your name? We are called The Whisperer."

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
09-12-2021, 05:57 PM
"Some say they still live among us, hiding in a mortal form of a wolf." Some claim to be related to some, as Vendrussel vaguely remembers a time she was told her ancestors were once a dragon, becoming but the wolf today. A blood of so, and yet she could not breath fire, or grew taller then the trees, not even fly beyond and sink far into the ocean ; she was but a regular wolf, and the rumors were all but a fabrication of 'what ifs.' Though of course, she toyed with such blood, the simple idea if part of their noble lineage, maybe then, she could truly be someone.

"I am Vendrussel, it has been a pleasure, The Whisperer." To a body that is but one, the unify under one name.. Simply a fascination to the similarities, yet differences in their culture itself. Surely so, they were once part of the same tree.

the staff team luvs u
09-13-2021, 06:58 PM
 The Body and the Soul would look upon the blue wolf. Wondering if the dragons lived on in this one. They liked to think that one day in the afterlife, they would rise as a blue dragon with wings spread wide and fire spilling from their jaws. Perhaps then too, they would find their Soul to become One as both of their cultures dictated. The Whisperer could not imagine such a thing for themselves... they were no mighty dragon, just their timid selves. Though at least they were connected and that was all that they needed.

 "Likewise, Vendrusssel." The snake would hiss and then, they would disappear from sight to swim for a while beneath the water. They would linger here with their company, enjoying the blue wolf for their kindness and shared backgrounds. It had been quite a fulfilling talk.

Would you like to call it here?

the staff team luvs u
The Whisperer is biologically female and others may see/notice and refer to them as such. The Whisperer does not normally notice gender and only notices others as "they". Whisperer always has the snake coiled about their neck unless otherwise stated; the snake is the only one that speaks.

The Whisperer is travelling with Aurora and she may jump into any of their threads.

[Image: dek2gy7-0dfe12ef-a7a8-499d-b24b-3c92003e...gcGBOZkcqQ]
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