Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Father-Daughter bonding... part 1/???

Sunrise Sunny/Clear
Vanderfell Woods
11-29-2022, 07:54 AM
first thread with just myself lessgo @Droplet

It was a wonderful day to tackle his most difficult of children, so rolling out of the patch of grass near their abandoned den – this "patch of grass" actually being a complex system of dips and bumps and large boulders to help hid his child; a rendezvous site – he piped up, blinking the tired out of his eyes sleepily. Today's plan: wake up, get Droplet up (if she didn't throw a fit), eat something, give her a tour of the run, though he knew Ira had already given her one, and hope that maybe they could achieve some small-game.

“Droplet!” He whisper-called. She was usually awake by this time, and he was quite surprised to not see her hunting bu– no, wait, there she was, hidden out of sight around a boulder where she was prodding at a centipede; hopefully that wasn't one of the dangerous kinds, he thought while dragging himself over. Cupid radiated exhaustion. “Get ready, and grab some breakfast, we're heading out.” He said, tone blunt and not-taking-any-shit. He'd look at her with an expectant look before motioning with his head towards where they'd buried two rabbits a few days earlier. “Well? Get a wriggle on!”

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2022, 08:01 AM

She hid around the boulder that separated their sleep-pile and the stream they drank from, prodding at a new bug with a fascinated gaze and curious eyes. Hmmmm...? She was about to swipe forwards and squeeze it in between her claws before her father's voice rang out, bringing her treading towards him, a frustrated look wiped across her features. She looked up at him; 'well?'

“Get ready, and grab some breakfast, we're heading out.”
She stammered for a few moments, though, luckily for everyone, she was too tired to argue. Instead, she went over to the scent of the rabbits, dug one up, took a few bites, and then headed back to the stream to give herself a quick wash.

“Well? Get a wriggle on!” She turned to her father with a hiss. “I'm moving, I'm moving!” She said with a growl, turning to face him once more as she stepped out of the water, shaking out her pelt and quietly snickering as she watched the water land over her father's pelt. Ah, he wouldn't be too happy about that, she knew, but did she care? No, not at all. As if nothing happened, she resumed her place by his side, looking up to him with curious, round eyes, as if she were but a young, innocent puppy.

“Where are we going today? Are we going to hunt? Are we going to go bug-catching? Or is this one of those patrol things I hear you talk about?” She squinted her eyes for a moment. “Are we doing anything fun?” Because boy, did she hope so.

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2022, 08:13 AM

She gave him a hiss, of which Cupid nearly stepped back, but instead his gaze remained firm on her; “I'm moving, I'm moving!” He rolled his eyes, taking a step towards her with a low, though not truly meaningful, semi-warning growl. Three strikes and she was excluded from the excursion, and this was simply strike one, only a few moments in. “Don't talk to me like that,” He threatened. “Or you can... spend the rest of the day cleaning out the dens, got it? I'll put in an extra bad word for you, missy.” The end of his sentence was a half-joke, but still, he'd definitely give her a proper spanking someday, when she really deserved it. His nostrils flared for a second, though he calmed himself. Good parent, good parent.

“Where are we going today? Are we going to hunt? Are we going to go bug-catching? Or is this one of those patrol things I hear you talk about?” Ah, so many questions. Cupid gave a chuckle, looking down on his child before settling a paw upon her head, a similar smile appearing on his features as he waited for her to finish her sentence. “Are we doing anything fun?” Cupid winked; “Right on target with Option A, babes,” He grinned, ruffling her head fur and taking a stand. It only took a single sniff or two to get a general direction for where the run was. He'd begin walking at this point, though his pace was slow, almost still. “You know the Run?” He'd prompt eagerly. Droplet should know at least a little bit... hopefully... Cupid didn't think he'd be able to teach her from scratch.

Whatever... if she knew nothing about Vanderfell's hunting grounds, he'd at least be able to show her some more of it, right? Even he didn't know much, and he'd been there for – actually, no. He and his children had been in the pack for a similar amount of time, logistically, which either made them both dumb, or made them both smart in their knowledge of the pack workings so far. He hummed. “--And when you went down there with the High Queen and her daughter?” The sire would further try to prompt, quirking a brow at the girl. She had to remember.

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2022, 08:25 AM
will be spreeing this so no longer using coloured dialogue! just plain white <3

“Don't talk to me like that,” Droplet rolled her eyes. 'Uh huh, sure.' “Or you can... spend the rest of the day cleaning out the dens, got it? I'll put in an extra bad word for you, missy.” She huffed, brows furrowing, though she nodded. Anything to get the raggedy man off of her back, ay? She wrinkled her nose for a moment, out of view for a split second, before he continued.

“Right on target with Option A, babes. You know the Run?” She gave a nod. All-Crag? No, Ullcraig, that was right. Yeahhh, she remembered that now, it wasn't too long ago, in reality, though Droplet was happy to be going back down there. Maybe she'd get to sink her claws into somethin proper, if she was lucky! Droplet hummed with excitement, like a street lamp buzzing with electricity. “--And when you went down there with the High Queen and her daughter?” Her father shot her a quirked brow as if she didn't remember, and she chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I remember, dad, I'm not brain-dead,” She smiled.

“So we're going down there?” Because – yeah – she was pretty damn happy. Please, please, please say yes! An irresistible question came to mind, and she quickly faced her father, pausing dead in her tracks as her eyes seemed to beam out of her very skull. “Will I get to hunt something? She begged eagerly. Pllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee...!!

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2022, 08:38 AM

“I remember, dad, I'm not brain-dead,” Cupid snorted, and it was very clear at this point that they shared similar senses of humour. Hm, perhaps Droplet would have a little bit of her better-dad in her, besides being entirely Satan, eh? That would be nice, he thought. Maybe being rambunctious was... just a part that you needed to trust; a mandatory step in the D-I-Y that... didn't come with a proper manual. He'd be the spare bolt that was needed to actually screw this IKEA table together, and hope that nothing... fell apart.

She smiled, the twinkle in her eye becoming infectious as Cupid was also filled with joy; she was happy, something that was nice to see. He liked seeing his children happy, because it made Cupid feel like he'd succeeded as a parent. He'd done what he could, and sometimes he believed that it was enough for his kids. Maybe his efforts would be worth it... maybe he'd be enough for them. “So we're going down there?” She said, breaking into his thoughts. “That's right,” He grinned, trotting down until Droplet quickly stopped him. Cupid looked down at her with a confused look, though listened nonetheless.

“Will I get to hunt something?” Cupid sighed, rolling his eyes jokingly. “I suppose, He said. “Only if you're good, 'kay? You got one strike already, lil' miss!” Two more strikes and she'd be bringing her back home. With a little playful nip, he'd aim for her shoulder, grinning. “Act up again and I'll grab @Mythic or @Mars instead, and they can come hunt with me~!” Was he joking, or not? Who knows!

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2022, 08:52 AM

EEEE! So they were going down there! Yes! Victory! Scoorrrreeeee!! Droplet's smile was blinding at this point, a wide beam that almost brought tears to her eyes. This was wonderful! Oh, wait. “Only if you're good, 'kay? You got one strike already, lil' miss!” She quietly huffed, wanting to protest against this ideal, but not wanting to garner any more strikes. No thank you, she wanted to get out the house and go do things, please! “Act up again and I'll grab Mythic or Mars instead, and they can come hunt with me~!” The girl gasped, mockingly appalled.

“You wouldn't, She exclaimed, though the corners of her mouth flicked up into a devilish smile. She lidded her eyes, looking away as if she was upset, before looking back at her father as he nipped her shoulder. She rolled her eyes. “Y'know, they wouldn't either... they're so lazy! They never wanted to do anything! Or play with her! Well, it was probably because she was both a pain and rose and set with the sun, but-- you know what, Droplet didn't want to think about that, no, she didn't. She looked back to her father, a new idea bursting in her child-like skull as she nudged into him. A competitive expression settled on her face. “I'll race you there...” She begun.

321GO! She was off all too quick, though and swiftly sprinted off, leaving Cupid in the dust.

Exit Droplet

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2022, 08:59 AM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2022, 09:00 AM by Venus Cupid Angello.)

He sighed as he watched his daughter sprint through the mountains, worrying for her health and safety, and for the risk factors of her tripping and breaking a bone... but really, he was worried that she'd grow up and leave him in the dust, like how she had now. Once she was old enough to take care of herself, would she leave him? Would she see no use in being around someone old and frail like he most certainly would be? Cupid sighed, furrowing his brows, though following along.

“I'll catch up with you soon, just wait for me!” He called into the mountains, hoping that his quick-legged whelp would hear him and know to wait, instead of getting there, turning around and trying to find him, and then most definitely getting lost. He'd try to sprint forwards every now and then, but he was just... tired. Now really was not the best time to get up and decide to hunt. Not so early in the morning, anyways... Whatever, he was sure it'd be later by the time they got there, hopefully.

He gave a drowsy sigh as he continued, though he continued nonetheless. “Just wait for me...” He repeated, quieter, as he stepped outside of the Summit, and began the trek to the heart of Ullcraig run, to the point where his daughter would be – no doubt – running to. He smiled at the thought of her taking down her own prey; she was getting... so... big... It scared him, to be honest.


Exit Cupid

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