Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

The ideals and tomorrows that are crumbling away

Sunrise Partly Cloudy
11-14-2022, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2022, 11:49 PM by Taro.)

It was early, too early in fact. He had no desire to be up at this time, but luckily for him sleep evaded him. Which is why he was up at this ungodly hour, awake before even the sun. He ventured away from his current companions, seeking to live out this day on his own. It was nothing against them of course, just everything against the date itself.

He sought out water. It wasn't hard, being in the mountains, but it was still a distracting task in itself. The monochrome wolf quickly found his way to a creek.Which he sat down beside with the full intent on fishing. But that was before his thoughts seized hold of him as he stared into his reflection.

Why was he here? He had no purpose in these lands. The rebuilding of the Fujiwara Clan was a noble task, but how was he supposed to help with that? The man was essentially useless.

Though he tried to convince himself that was the thing terrorizing his mind, he knew there was more to it. The matters of his memory were one he refused to speak of. Something he couldn't even understand himself.

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3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
11-15-2022, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2022, 06:49 PM by Aika.)
i will always snatch ur taro threads >:) | Nomad

She was right behind her brother, bounding through the mountains gleefully before coming up a few ways behind her. Letting out a soft chuff to alert her brother of her presence, Aika's tail wagged happily as she parted her maw, probably about to spill some sort of mischievous statement; she truly was a different person around her trickster-brother, afterall! “何やってんだ太郎?” She asked curiously, tilting her head.

She came up to the creek besides him, watching the glimmering scales shimmer underneath it's surface. Aika hummed, reaching a paw into the water tentatively, before flicking it away to nudge it in to Taro's side, instead; just as an annoying sister would, though she wasn't @Hikari! Oh that was funny, Aika laughed at the thought. “こんにちはんしばです? 私たちは年を取っています!” The lady groaned as she shook her head. She wasn't ready to be old; something about becoming elderly scared her.

Kids, kids, kids, they took up every part of her brain. She was running out of time.

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日本 & Common
11-15-2022, 01:55 AM

He quickly snapped out his thoughts at his sister's greeting. She was a welcome sight, despite his wishes to be alone. Aika could always manage to cheer him up. “何やってんだ太郎?” She asked as she sat down beside him.

“それはどのように見えますか? 私はあなたの朝食をキャッチしています?” He said, before reaching into the creek and flicking water at her in an act of revenge. A devious smirk on his face. “こんにちはんしばです? 私たちは年を取っています!”

“こんにちは! 私たちはそんなに古いものではありません” Taro exclaimed. “私たちはまだ残っていくつかの良い年を持って数える”

His wisteria hued eyes then looked at her with concern. Had something changed about her there? He wasn't quite sure, reading people wasn't something he was good at. He tended to communicate his feelings through sarcasm and childish insults. No harm in asking though right?

“だから、あなたの誕生日の女の子はどうですか? あなたの心に何か”

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3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
Content Warning
11-15-2022, 02:36 AM
This content is not visible to non-members.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
11-15-2022, 03:32 PM

He only listened to her at first, though it was hard. It was just hard seeing her like this. But it was also comforting in a way, he wasn't the only one whose fears haunted his mind, eating at him. Even if his weren't the same as hers.

“私は時間が不足しているような気がします, チャンスを失っているような気がする 私は-私は欲しいです。 . . 泉を誇りにするために。 私は血統を続けたい-私 私は自分の子供たちがすぐに選択肢にならないことを心配しています。 あなたは老齢で合併症が来ることを否定することはできません。”

His eyes burned as he listened, though he hid it well as he moved closer to her. Resting his head on her shoulder in an act of comfort. He worked hard to find words to soothe her, but that was a hard search. This situation didn't exactly fit his character.

“馬鹿にするなアイカ君は古代から遠く離れている” He said kindly, even though the wording was not. “あなた自身が合併症を抱えていることを見つけても、あなたが母親になるための他の方法があります。 私たちの血統は血よりもはるかに多くのものです”

He took a step back to look her in her eyes. His burning as fierce as his words.

“時間があなたの敵であることを聞かせてはいけない、それはあなたがあまりにもそれをしたいかどうかを通過します。 それを受け入れ、私はそれがあなたにいくつかの優しさを貸すと確信してい”

the staff team luvs u

3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
11-15-2022, 04:49 PM

“馬鹿にするなアイカ君は古代から遠く離れている” But was she? Aika felt as if she was already knocking on death's door; the knob was turning, and Aika was always running out of time. She felt like she needed to hurry up, but with what? She had no clue. “あなた自身が合併症を抱えていることを見つけても、あなたが母親になるための他の方法があります。 私たちの血統は血よりもはるかに多くのものです” Yes, she could take in orphans – her mind flashed back to that boy, @Draven – but she wanted to experience all of the so-called "joys." As her mother did. She needed to make her proud.

Proud, proud, proud. She needed to make everyone proud.

Taro continued, somehow managing to comfort her in that weird, brotherly way that didn't make a lot of sense, but was appreciated nonetheless; “時間があなたの敵であることを聞かせてはいけない、それはあなたがあまりにもそれをしたいかどうかを通過します。 それを受け入れ、私はそれがあなたにいくつかの優しさを貸すと確信してい” “俺がやる . . . やってみろ ありがとう兄弟。” She smiled, looking into her brothers eyes for a moment before blinking her tears away. Now was no time to be sad, as much as she wanted to weep. They had to . . . uh, celebrate their birthday, right, yeah!

“とにかく、さあ、私たちは誕生日のオオカミです! 今日は何をしたいですか? 探検? 走り回る? 私はアイデアのためにアップしています!” It was time to par-tay!

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
Misc Skill
11-15-2022, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2022, 11:40 AM by Taro.)

“俺がやる . . . やってみろ ありがとう兄弟。” She told him, meeting his gaze. He simply nodded in reply. Taro was glad to have helped in the little way he could. At the very least an attempt was made. Feelings just sucked.

She moved on quickly, returning back to her usual cheerful self. That brought a smile to his face. Her mood was usually very infectious, but right now it was strongly combated by his own. “とにかく、さあ、私たちは誕生日のオオカミです! 今日は何をしたいですか? 探検? 走り回る? 私はアイデアのためにアップしています!” She exclaimed,and the man couldn't help but sigh.

“実際に私はすでに私のベッドで、その後、魚との計画を立てました. ” He reminisced about that idea for a moment. Spending an hour or so fishing, having plenty left over to bring back to the others. Then curling up and replenishing the sleep he missed. It sounded delightful. “ヒカリはあなたと一緒に一日を過ごしたいと思っています。”

He suggested, laughing internally about siccing the swan on his other sister. Though that would most likely come back to bite him in the ass, it would still make his day.

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3-2-3 rated
“Common” | “日本語”
11-16-2022, 12:22 AM

“実際に私はすでに私のベッドで、その後、魚との計画を立てました. ” Ah, what a lazy-bones. Aika chuckled, rolling her eyes, though sighing with contentment. Quite the funny lad, hm? Aika parted her maw, and a yawn quickly escaped her, before she spoke; “あなたが知っている、私は私がそこに、あなたに同意すると思う、釣りなしで私が意味する–” She yawned once more. “私もかなり疲れています。”

“ヒカリはあなたと一緒に一日を過ごしたいと思っています。” Hah. Really? She doubted so. “そう言えば兄弟 私は昼寝をしてから、私たちの鼻水の妹を見つけるつもりです,” Aika chuckled, taking a single step away from him, before wagging her tail in a good-bye. “またね、誕生日の男の子!”

potential fade >:]

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
11-16-2022, 11:48 AM

“そう言えば兄弟 私は昼寝をしてから、私たちの鼻水の妹を見つけるつもりです,” I can't believe she actually went for that. He simply shook his head. Part of him pitied Hikari at that moment, no wait, actually he didn't, it was still funny. “またね、誕生日の男の子!”

“バイバースデーガール” He echoed similarly . Now it was time to resume his plans. He moved closer to the edge of the water, purple eyes eyeing the fish carefully.

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“Common” | “日本語”
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