Forwarded to.... let's say 3/25/2021 in my mind, cuz massive terrain + distance from where she was at
The soldier had been moving without much rest.
Somehow, her body did it, and somehow, she didn't mind.
Nor did she currently feel any effects from constant movement.
After all...perhaps she was used to it, in the past? A time and place before here.
Eldra looked around with a newfound wariness...After being ambushed, she didn't quite feel like having a repeat quite like that one. Even if it ended in her favor.
The warbeast-to-be sighed softly; These must be the lands Vengeance had described....
The woods he wanted to claim.
Now, it was her job to look around and note any potential problems...or potential allies.
Neighbors, and the like.
Ears perked forward, she prowled through the trees, scanning around with her purple hues for movement large enough to be worth investigating.
+2 Points
the staff team luvs u