Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

have goddamn mercy

04-13-2022, 07:30 AM

In all honesty, Tiberius didn't know for sure where to look for the feline. All he knew was that the Tundra had housed neither Shiroshika nor the feline and his gremlin, so he had to work around it. He wasn't aware of any injuries, if any, upon the cat and his gremlin -- so he wasn't entirely sure of their capable radius. Tiberius wondered how life had once again turned this way, how he could turn it around and save Olive, for her to tell him of her love and he return it... something good finally happening only for this. For grief. Again. Perhaps it wouldn't have gone this way had he never seen her on the goddamn ice.

The titan wished he could go back to Olive and tell her of what had transpired yet he couldn't, he owed it to Kuhn to find him. To see if he was alright, especially after he had likely sustained injuries already from the rescue mission with Boomba. He released a frustrated grunt as he swiped his paw at some loose rocks, sending them flying and away from him. Working under the assumption that Kuhn and the gremlin had sustained injuries from the Walrus, it would go to say that they probably wouldn't get too far. Couple that with potential injuries from whoever the fuck made up the ambush party... but that's the thing, he didn't know their state.

He worked off of assumptions and that pissed him off. The titan let out an irritated breath as he rolled his shoulders, readying himself to get his own hunt started. ^^

the staff team luvs u
04-13-2022, 02:28 PM
And so she wandered — to lands unknown and the forests to back. She didn't have a destination in general to look for, but a simple wanderlust in life as Miriam would prowl between those of the mountainous land and the temperate below ; not yet ready, to face the tundra she thought would be north and desiring to see, nor' the plains within the east she could see beyond the valleys of forests. Her preparation was to explore the forests, and though as she entered a region, it could be noted this was far more mountains then the trees she so desired. Her paws would ache trying to climb, and felt prepared to return back..

But she saw a man in the distance, a scowl upon his face and a storm hanging above ; a poor soul in an anger. A darkness, twisting and talking hold as his paws toyed with the land itself in a frustration, and she could see so within a distance. Do as you will, as long as harm none. So the chantra, repeats within her mind on debating whether such an evil would continue to cloud, and it was within her own judgement, to help such an unfortunate one.

She deemed so, and approached with a kind smile, and eyes of warmth with a hopeful thought, that she could be a travelling listener, "you seem troubled," so she approached, "perhaps my ears can lend a listen to your woes."

the staff team luvs u
04-14-2022, 11:34 AM

He could only do as he thought right in his search for Kuhn but there was little to truly work off of apart from his own assumptions. The land was vast and really he hadn't explored it given how he had thrown his lot in with Shiroshika quite soon after he had appeared here -- though he had patrolled and explored enough of the Tundra, certainly. Tiberius knew that this was certainly a mile stone in his life that told him it was unlikely he could get on in another Pack, not when it became so clear to him that his own moral code was too strong to not butt heads with others. Others that were certainly meant to be his... superior. The Dominion, Shiroshika and all the individuals had taught him lessons he hadn't thought he would be one to learn but here he was, a man in love, in need, in frustration, in the search for someone that wasn't perfect but he had been there for him when he had truly needed it and Tiberius thought that all the events in his past here and the valley had all lead to it.

Tiberius didn't believe in fate and he would never say this was meant to happen but he supposed he needed to learn the hard way, as his life had dictated before, to realise who he wanted to be. Well, he wasn't completely sure but he was on his way to it.

Someone approached, an adolescent girl coloured purple greys, a kind smile and the desire to help on her tongue. Tiberius reeled in his anger -- she hadn't done anything to him. "Aye, luv," he greeted as he rooted his claws to the rough terrain. "Ain't much, sometimes yer jus' gots ta scream ta release yer tension," he rumbled, not one too keen to talk of his problems but also, he wasn't sure how he would even word them if he wanted to. "Sorry fer yer 'avin' ta 'ear tha'," the titan grunted, flicking his tail behind him. ^^

the staff team luvs u
04-14-2022, 03:14 PM
"I don't mind." Though Miriam was young, she held the guidance of many who prayed to the Goddess. Wisdom was their fortitude, and though naive to the world itself and her knowledge was limited — her wisdom did not equal so. She would remember the teachings of them all, the prayers and thoughts as well as the stories they would share so that every maiden, and every growing earl, would not lose touch within their inner self. Rarely, were individuals within the community of the Orchid were angry, and most relatively were peaceful within words. She too, tried to present the same ; even if a stumbling and falling came to be.. She was learning.

To lend a helping paw was taught process as a maiden, to lend an ear and kindness to lost souls that knew not.

She sat down, and her tail covered her paws while smiling at the man. A heavy accent took to him, and her ears flickered. She hadn't heard many languages, and though knew about them — hearing them was quite difference. Yet his voice was stoic and calm, yet earlier indicated otherwise. Miriam wouldn't be fooled by so.

"Yelling may be one way, and yet still locked away behind a voice that cries," she so said, "a stranger that I am, would not judge."

the staff team luvs u
04-16-2022, 01:49 PM

Look, okay, he hadn't any time for this shit. He didn't have time for some teenager who thought she could do some good in the world by trying to listen to a strangers shit. Yet... when his molten gaze looked at her, he didn't have much of a heart to tell her to fuck off. Nah, wasn't the girls fault life had once again decided to say a big fuck you! The titan exhaled as he arched his silvery brows at her, watching how she sat herself all perfectly and even draped her tail over her paws, smiling at him like it was her default expression. He rolled his shoulders and slackened his posture to her, so that she had his attention.

A wise girl, huh? "Ain't so good at tha' talkin' about emotions shit, girl," he grunted, thinking how he had come a long way, really, if one looked at how open he was with Olive and how he was with Kuhn. He was... working on himself, allowing himself to grow in a way his past had not allowed him. "Wha' makes yer so interested in a strangers shi' anyway?" he would try and swerve the conversation but something he was learning with women, no matter the age, they would speak about what they wanted to. Get what they wanted to. He almost huffed at the end result that he knew was likely coming. ^^

the staff team luvs u
04-21-2022, 06:38 PM
Miriam smiled, warmly at him. Even though it seemed like someone who wish not to, she had tried, and if allowed, would continue trying so. Yet at some point she realized it was best not to push it, and would not continue on a topic that seemed the other wished not to. Rather, she would explain, "It is what I have been taught, and feel that is right." She closed her eyes, as that warmth smile widened nostalgically to those who taught her, to her mothers, to her Amma, and the Prietess as well. Even the Earls, at times would give the guiding of wisdom, that males in particular, were not so open to this discussion.

"To help those we see in need, for our souls are tied to those in a misfortune. To be a pride, to the Goddess, for we help those of her creation, even if they do not want it. A paw, will always be there." 

And so she wanted to help, not only to bring but a joy to the Goddess above, but she felt her heart tug at such a look. To offer even a bit of comfort, would bring her own being just more happiness. Perhaps selfish, but with a good cause.

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