Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

You know you're so juiced, you said you kicked the booze,

04-11-2022, 02:12 PM

Venturing to the tundra, her eyes glanced to the storm ahead. It never seemed to leave, a constant grounds within the distance — a nesting, of Ziodruss she so thought. The Ancients were being of a spiritual level now, or assumed to be. Long ago fallen to the land of mortal wolves and blended in, no knew if some were in disguised, or these beings of guidance are around. To Vendrussel's culture, they were the guiding forces to life itself, and brought a peace and culture to her clan. 

Ziodruss was the one of storms itself, and it seemed as if her nest was quacking within the background. The Alpha thought perhaps it would pass ; but as days continued.. It did not. Were the ancients also, arriving to the land? A displeasement? She was never too into the culture but still held a belief within their power, and guidance's. They were not Gods or Dieties, but beings that were once so powerful that it seemed like the lands forged to their will.

It felt like an omen ; something unnatural with how daunting it remained within the backdrop. As much as she got closer, to even wondering into the tundra itself.. It never seemed to get any closer. A futile, attempt, as it seemed whoever was making it happen, was keeping all on edge.

She was staring it, her fur slightly bristled as the feeling of static slowly emerged to the air, and lightning was seen within the distance.

the staff team luvs u
04-12-2022, 10:37 AM

The titan had not yet left the Tundra. It made no sense to go looking elsewhere until he had pulled together all shred of evidence he could find -- but with the Tundra, frequent snow fall tended to cover tracks and scents quite easily. He had thought to go to Vanderfell -- as much as it would pain him -- to see if the High Queen had heard hide or hair of Reiko and the rest of Shiroshika but he was, perhaps, putting that off just a little bit. He would first scour all ends of the Tundra to see if they had simply gone on some ridiculous Pack adventure and then he would take... other means. He had thought, momentarily, to seek out Kuhn early to see if he was doing well after Boomba and if he had seen anyone from Shiroshika since his return but he had yet to put it in motion, his nose covered in snow as it continuously went down to sniff.

He had thought that their disappearance might be to shield themselves from the strange storm that hung in the air, clinging to the distance but it was the statin in the air that had the fur along his spine on edge. Tiberius was not fearful of lightning, not even as it struck in the distance without care of where it went. It would make sense, he thought, for Reiko to seek more protective measures if they had no idea if the storm would creep upon the Tundra more and more.

His lip curled in displeasure as little came to him in the way of Shiroshikan scents but he was not scentless. One that he had not come across in quite some time reached his nose and the titan paused as he drew his head up, molten gaze vibrant as they landed upon her blue-grey form. "Bit strange, innit?" he rumbled from behind her. ^^

the staff team luvs u
04-12-2022, 01:21 PM
"Some could say that its an omen from the heavens." She said with a muse within her voice, yet eyes narrowed with a more serious thought to it. Those who believed in Deities surely thought more how amiss it all seemed compared to herself ; as even someone who was remotely touched to the spiritual level she could feel within her bones it felt something was coming, one way or another. But she couldn't say if it was bad or not ; Ziodruss wasn't known to be an evil dragon, only one who rode the storms itself and called it her nest. 

But then why did it continue hanging like so? She turned her gaze to Tiberius, not someone who was entirely unfamiliar as there had been few moments through the tundra itself they have met ; but that was about it. Acquaintances in a friendly manner. Someone that actually lived within the tundra itself in a pack distances away ; though the name of them slipped their mind. She couldn't remember if he actually told her or not, but at the very least, Vendrussel knew where his claim was.

"What do you think?"

the staff team luvs u
04-18-2022, 05:26 PM

"I's say fuck tha'," he rumbled as he stopped his approach a little ways off to her side, molten gaze observing the same thing she looked so intently at. He had no doubts some wolves thought things were a sign of their gods and briefly he wondered if his @Olive was one of them, given things he had learned but either way, Tiberius was rigid in his belief. He would never try and steer her away from her own, happy to coexist and accept things for what they were. He loved her the way she was, beliefs included.

"Nature is fucken nature, init?" He rumbled as he shrugged his shoulders, tongue coming to sweep across his lips as he wondered what mother nature had in store for them. "Ain't ever been one ta believe in no 'igher power," what was he meant to do, sugar coat it? He didn't see this as any sign, he saw it for what it was. A motherfucken storm. ^^

the staff team luvs u
04-19-2022, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2022, 12:18 PM by Vendrussel.)
"My Clan does not believe in Gods, rather, we believe in beings that are so powerful, they can warp the world itself, so some see them as so." It felt more believable then some being that created everything around. Enough where they can change the world how they saw fit, move the heavens and change the water itself ; so great in power and form that the earth simply bends to their will. Eventually, making it where the world itself started to reject them due to this, and tried to drop them into a lesser form itself. Something not as powerful, nor' dangerous.

Yet the wolves of her Clan kept believing in them, only those of name that truly brought changes around. She felt like some of the stories were exaggerated, such as the ones who formed the moon and sun itself and felt more.. Was those of the more religious side to make so ; but she remembered, and at times in desperation would pray, and when lost, would ask for guidance.

"They believe in one that nests within the storms itself, and some thoughts it may be her."

the staff team luvs u
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