02-24-2022, 05:11 PM
For @Ira and @Hieronymous
It had been a number of moons since Ragnar's last visit to the eastern mountains where he and his family had been more or less 'deposited'. His last time, he had found passage through the large mountain range between them where Cloudrest roost atop and he ended up moving through Vanderfell's hunting grounds. This time Ragnar took a different approach as he moved through the Alpine Moors, over Cloudrest and along the outermost edges of the everfrost- Valmua's resistance, he know knew. This left him to arrive at the western face of Fate's Summit.
The blonde northerner's last visit had not gone so smoothly. He had been met with a rather grumpy guard who wanted little to do with guests. A bad time for visitors, Ragnar could only guess and had a hope for his journey to be more worth will this time around. Maybe he would actually get to see Ira again and likely too the King at her side he had heard of from last visit.
Now, standing along their foothills, he bellows out in song for the Skald of Vanderfell.
the staff team luvs u