Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


08-27-2021, 01:30 AM
And so he'd gone south. This place was familiar to him. Last time he'd stopped here to hunt and met some chick who demanded big prey that they probably couldn't catch on their own. He was pretty sure she probably starved. But he hadn't. Vidocq was still alive and kicking, and yet again he stopped here to hunt whatever the fuzzy creatures were actually called here. 

That was for later, though. Right now he was just gonna relax a bit and do some actual hunting in the evening. Or would, once he found a good place to hang out and rest while overlooking this hunting spot. Vidocq, thus, was casually prowling around a chunk of hillside that had a higher number of shrubs than most, looking for the perfect spot to curl up and take a nap for a few hours. So far, he was being picky and no spots appealed. Maybe around the next bend...
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09-05-2021, 03:22 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2021, 03:23 AM by Sam II.)
 Sam had wandered aimlessly for miles. She didn't know exactly what she was looking for. Ragnar had said the Gods had done this, and she had been chosen. She wasn't so positive of that. Everything she encountered seemed random and endless. Her confusion only grew as she moved on.
 Sam was hungry, and sort of sad.
 Around a strange hill, she ran into a guy, bumping into him slightly. She backed up mere inches from him and made a weird, grimacing face, following with “OHmygod I'm so sorry, are you okay? Are you hurt? I didn't mean to.”
 She came very close to the stranger, inspecting him for any wounds rather invasively.

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09-05-2021, 11:34 PM
He'd been looking uphill, figuring he was alone so not really keeping his attention on where he was walking. He thought he saw movement up there, then came to a sudden complete stop, really trying to focus to see if it was something huntable and a worthy detour from his nap quest, when some chick had apparently flown around the next bend and right into him. He'd apparently been a bit slackjawed while staring up there because his jaws clicked together at the jolt. Not the most pleasant sensation right there. “The hell, lady?!” was all he could initially sputter as he tried to  And she was still up in his face -- like what the heck. He knew she was a woman from her scent but she was so close she was just a sort of agouti-colored mass rather than a wolf with distinct features.

His fur spiked and he started stepping backwards, a bit uncertainly because twisting his leg into a pretzel by stepping on the wrong rock or falling down a hillside for the same reason was not high on his list to do. “Get outta my fur--! You make a habit of getting up in people's faces?” His face crinkled, teeth slightly bared. He just wanted his space back right now, and he could work out the other things in a minute.
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09-06-2021, 11:52 PM
 Apparently she'd run into exactly the wrong person to run into. As she fussed, looking for a wound to clean, she finally got the message and pulled back to give the stranger some space. “Oh! Uh, no, sorry,” she offered, frowning and lowering her ears. She saw teeth and a small spark of anxiety clicked, but she rid herself of it by making a weird face.
 “Haaah!” She laughed, probably to dispel her own tension. “These hills man, people just come out of nowhere, I dunno,” Sam shrugged. Obviously he wasn't too pleased with her, but it was an honest mistake. Right?

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09-07-2021, 02:15 AM
With a paw eventually not finding sturdy enough ground, Vidocq ended up sort of bunching up like a startled cat, but he wasn't quite a bottlebrush Halloween direction yet, which was probably a good thing, because that sort of pose probably wouldn't look so great on a wolf. But she'd backed off, so though he remained tense for a moment longer, he was able to flick a glance back, complete his step, and get a better look at her between glares. And she was making a weird as hell face now too.

Well, she wasn't the crazy laughing chick at least, but there was a common thread: “What's with you chicks actually running in to me? That's supposed to be a phrase not a how-to manual!” Maybe some other guy would find this to be hilarious or awesome or something but he really didn't appreciate the whole invading his space thing at the moment. He was just grumpy like he always seemed to end up being whenever he crossed paths with basically anyone. He couldn't be the common link here, they were all crazy. His fur had started to flatten back out, and he wasn't so snarly but it was still Vidocq so it wasn't like he'd flipped to be a happy dude.
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09-10-2021, 02:04 AM
 “Sorry,” she said, again, “I guess I didn't get the memo?” It was a partial joke, though him lumping her into an array of "chicks" bothered her more than she would care to admit. Sure, boys were generally idiots, but she never assumed they would be based on gender. Clearly, this pup was still just a silly boy.
 “Oh, I'm also okay, by the way,” she frowned, flicking her tail. She had actually bumped her nose when she'd hit him, and it hurt. The fact that he was still trying to chastise her over a minor "offence" after she had apologized was not only ridiculous, it was disgusting.
 “I'm not really sure what you were expecting here other than an honest apology, but just so you know, you've been really mean and nobody will ever date you.” She harrumphed, turning away. Interestingly, she waited for his response before abandoning him, hoping for some kind of validation.

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09-10-2021, 11:23 PM
Her last parting shot he apparently found especially hilarious, uttering a harsh-sounding laugh before continuing on, somewhat pointedly, “Sorry, if you're looking for some dweeb to call your own, hate to break it to you, but he ran face first into a bear on the other mountain and got eaten alive, you should watch out so you don't do the same.” There were too many ways he could have answered about not giving a damn: about her, her thoughts, dating (???), that she as the offender in this situation hadn't been hurt, he could probably think of a few more. Either way, she should have just scuttled back under whatever rock she'd dragged herself out from under instead of trying to be smart, it just didn't work for her.

Had she expected he'd suddenly start to grovel or something? Naahhh. His bad mood was all on her. “So get going or get out of my way, and stay outta my fur. This is stupid.” All of it. Idiots. They must breed for stupidity here, because so far he'd only found one disappointing wolf after another. None of them were worth his time or his effort, he'd just have to continue on. Maybe just take advantage of their little pea brains some way or another if he found some that made him not want to rip his own ears off. It was pretty obvious from her crashing into static objects that he wasn't going to get any sleep around here because she'd probably trip over him again, and the food had all probably left too, thanks, dumb chick number... Five? Something like that. Either way, he was going to give her a moment to vacate the premises before he'd continue along his planned path. Unlike her, he actually tried to stay out of people's personal space -- people could bite if you got that close. He should have just done that to start.
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09-14-2021, 02:12 AM
 Sam made a face, holding back some serious WORDS for him. She had zero desire to date his stupid butthead personality, oh my god. What was this about a bear? Oh. Then, she was just confused, not understanding his point. Whatever had happened in his sad, short life, clearly he didn't know how to interact with people and be whatever he was trying to be. Sam frowned, looking at him.
 Then, he willed her away. It hurt. Kind of. It hurt a little bit. She had weirdly hoped he'd see some kind of reason and say "hey, I'm sorry I was a dickhead, you're really nice, let's hang out" or some other fantasy of people. Evidently, people did not work this way. Thus, Sam frowned, feeling suddenly quite dejected. It was a stark contrast to her previous anger. A tear collected at the corner of her eye, but she hid it with a subtle swipe of her wrist.
 “I was never in your way.” She answered, at the verge of tears. She wandered away from him, feeling quite awful about herself. Everyone hated her. Maybe that was why she'd been sent here instead of heaven. By the Gods, like Ragnar said. Sam started and kept at a run, away from that awful boy.


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09-15-2021, 02:03 AM
He had no qualms about what he did, not even a breath of a second thought. When pushed too far, Vidocq shoved back, and that seemed to have been what happened -- a wrong start meant the whole thing went totally off the rails. He was glad she turned and left, it gave him the freedom to head off on his own way. 

He took off at a trot, eager to put more space between himself and the weird as hell girl. Now... What was he doing again?
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