Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

so heavy i fell through the earth,

Evening Partly Cloudy
03-29-2021, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 07:33 PM by Kyeza.)
She had dragged her way from the foamy tendrils of the ocean for miles and miles. Stalked the great mountain tips - and fell through the rubble back to earth again. Kye had lay her aimless claws to the earth and dug up existence in ruthless exploration. She wanted to taste the blood of each creature that crossed her path. This was no longer the swampy marsh of her birth and death. This was a new land not deflowered. Did the weak and strong exist here? Why had this place yet to be devastated by misfortune? It was still so vast and new, so virtuous by extension. 

Kyeza had sought to taint it with her bloodlust. It had kept leading her south, and south, with whispers of like-minded beast nestled somewhere near a jungle. It was a wake up call, a reminder of a rotten shangri'la. She had lost everything. Everything to the point of falling over an edge. And now she had been gifted this new place to wreak havoc indiscriminately. Where she would not be reminded of her children or play things. Where her heavy past could not dig bones from a shallow grave. 

She does not trespass too long usually, but finds herself tittering the edges of a strong musk. It was a pack that gathered around the ring of forest. They dotted each tree in blatant warning. She was brazen, but not stupid and so kept her distance waiting to be found. But after a day only, patience had evaporated into unjust demanding, and Kye had thrown her head back to howl her arrival at the Nightwalkers borders. 

And when they came, her lips would already be pulled over her teeth in awkward greeting. The way a devil might trill it's hello, disguised with a smile. 

"Are you one who wishes to conquer this world?"

Kyeza was big, queer only in the excess of tail that was missing fur, and her bright blue eyes. Thinning hues of a gray purple brindled across the majority of her coat, with the exception of her head and paws. Her right side was stained with scarring from a bear, shifting from shoulder towards belly at an angle that would have suggested she should have died long ago. 

"Show me."


the staff team luvs u
03-29-2021, 05:01 PM
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the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-29-2021, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 05:31 PM by Kyeza.)
Vengeance shows up a spectre of the land haunting the edges of the inner territory from a respectable distance. Kyeza's eyes follow him upon arrival almost immediately, and they never stray from their eerie stare. Her insatiable blood thirst unmasked in only the right eye, where a past run in with death had left her with mydriasis. It was fitting to her sinister disposition. Off-putting as she was, crouching like a jaguar in the heaving brush of Blackwood, her breath like fog. 


He says, piercing the silence with a confident baritone. Kye sits in response for a long thick moment of silence, where the only thing heard between them was the heavy of her chest - rattling with excitement. She had toppled empires bigger than this. Had clawed her way from the bottom to the top two times over - escaped father death three times over. It would take more than an affirmation for her to be convinced to the side of this power. Kyeza wanted to ensure her time would not be wasted, she wanted to ensure that this would not be a useless conquest in comparison to pursuing her own. She was more than adept at leading when she needed to be, and often gained an accidental following after her vulgar display of indiscriminate violence. It was get out of my way, or you are in my way.

She takes a step closer cheekily, keeps her lips pulled over her teeth. 

"I have earned my place beyond the guttered trenches of peasants once before." Her tail lifts and tail swishes. She does not challenge his place of authority as much as challenge what her's may be. She hopes her stark brashness might err on the side of impression instead - though if a fight was to come her way the ex-matriarch would welcome it gladly. "I will climb my way over bodies, be you wish it, but not as a grunt." Another step forward as she haggles with the beast. 

"Do you understand?"

If she joined here and now. She wanted a promise of some form of power.

Somewhere in the background, the familiar er of power follows the shadow like a ghost. Her presence is familiar but welcome. Be that Vengeance showed a shred of weakness, the both of them could descend as righteous furies driven mad in their search.
the staff team luvs u
03-29-2021, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 06:01 PM by Vengeance.)
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the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-29-2021, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 07:01 PM by Kyeza.)
Leading a group of wolves, she wondered if the esteemed leader understood the implications. There would always be someone waiting to overthrow him. A more witty enemy leering for their place with snapping jaws. Kye would always be one of them. Too seasoned in the acts of war to bow down to any wet-behind-the-ears warlord. Her pride was her biggest catch-all. The most dangerous part of her personality that never quite hid behind a policy of patience. She was almost certain she would die because of it, kicking and screaming the entire way down. 

His words are not heard on deaf ears, although she almost wants to pretend she doesn't hear them. The great beast stood toe to toe bearing their horns like bulls, hooves digging inches into the dirt in vibrant threat. Kyeza opposing Vengeance with a rebellious grin. The nomadic wolf - a stranger to these lands - still stood like she crawled her way out of hell and deserved the option of emulating satan. 

"Have you earned yours?"

As she had not proven her strength to him, he hadn't stepped beyond the shield of his borderland. Kye would not tear him down, but she might seek battle if it meant proving herself. She was truly torn at the edges on rather she might join or make an enemy out of a budding pack. There was opportunity hidden in a rise to rank, but so was there in proclaimed royalty. 

For now, she might test her luck with continued brokering instead and chance the shifting plains of this new world to discover.

"How about a deal then." In an anthropomorphic gesture, the woman sets the outer side of her arm up and across the front of her chest. Parting the plum of fur that sat like a lions mane. "Be it I conquer a piece of land for my own with a ragtag group of mercenary perhaps or a war mongering group of traveling killers, we sit as tentative allies."

A pause as she considers him again. Her crystal blue eyes traveling wherever Vengeance might stray. Wondering if he might take the offer and er on the side of the caution, or if she had already made an enemy out of her travels. There was one thing she knew, she would not be dragged about as a slave to a master - and nor would the ghostly haunt who always followed.
the staff team luvs u
03-29-2021, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 07:11 PM by Eldra.)
Will delete if desired, just smack me lol <3

Back was she from her journey as given by Caligula. 
And after her meet with him, she decided to refresh her own scent within the trees.
And...another scent wafted through as she neared closer to the borders, and dutifully, silently, she trotted with soldierly purpose to investigate. 
Overhearing some of the back and forth, Eldra already didn't like this new woman and her own haunting, purple gaze narrowed slightly at the hellcrawler that tried to barter with her Lord. 
As much as Eldra would love to speak up and voice that the brazen bitch was either insanely bold, or insanely stupid, or maybe both; Eldra kept her mouth shut and instead hung back somewhere by Vengeance's flank, one - to sate her curiosity, two, as support in case the hellcrawler decided to test the already dangerous waters.
She would not move or speak unless given the order or the gesture, by Vengeance and Vengeance alone.
the staff team luvs u
03-29-2021, 08:23 PM
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the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
04-02-2021, 04:14 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2021, 04:15 PM by Kyeza.)
She did not fear the appearance of a suckling follower, who curled around the muddy Vengeance as a scarf with teeth. Kyeza had faced against bear and lions and lived to tell the tale. She had trekked across an ocean continent and washed ashore as a furious siren - singing the death of sailors. Later, later she might call upon Vengeance (she idly thought) and lure him to his demise among the crashing waves of the sea. Her wrath was an all encompassing one that possessed even captains to leap to their death if she bid it. 

But that was later.

She does not fear Eldra, but is not embarrassed at the concept of retreat. A prideful creature she could be, but not entirely a daft one. Kyeza cannot help but feel a growing rise of resentment for the other haughty monarch, but she has suffered rejection before. It does not sting nearly as much when you could return with a warranted consequence. Be it Vengeance called himself brave - but the stranger had seen the way he only took a step forward when he had the aided appearance of a bond-mate. 

Another weakling.

Noire, she thinks, would have attacked them both just then and Kyeza would have perhaps let her. At least until the backup of the rest of his makeshift group showed up to tangle in the battle. 

"Very well." White eyes flicker to Eldra and it is the only acknowledgement she gives the white shadow. Her lips still pulled tightly over her teeth to bare red gums and fang. The hefty wolf would turn to make her leave thereafter, carefully listening to the footsteps that may follow or attempt an attack. And be it nothing came of their last words of decision --

she would be laughing the entire way.
the staff team luvs u
04-02-2021, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2021, 05:53 PM by Eldra. Edit Reason: typo )
Eldra was unsure how to feel about the stranger showing up like she did.
She wasn't sure how to feel about Kyeza at all.

But whether the Siren feared them or not, Eldra didn't much care for it. The white titaness hadn't seen the things Kyeza had, but even not knowing the brazen one's thoughts, she did not approve of someone being that ballsy without something to show for it. 

And as the black one bared teeth, Eldra growled and fully bared her own as the arrogant bitch turned to walk away laughing. 

The soldier would only attack if ordered to. She didn't desire another oppression and/or beating. Yet even still, the white beast was and had been watching Kyeza since she arrived. Like a hawk on a mouse, closely. 

Inquisitively, Eldra looked to Vengeance to see what he wanted her to do.
the staff team luvs u
04-03-2021, 02:53 PM
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the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
04-03-2021, 04:18 PM
Eldra's attention didn't waver. As she listened to Vengeance, she took her orders seriously and gave a curt nod.

"I'll set out in a few days, if that's alright. Gives us time to make sure she's not still in the immediate area and waiting to ambush one of us." She responded, voice hesitant in case Vengeance had other ideas
the staff team luvs u
04-03-2021, 09:01 PM
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the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
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